Staph Infection All Over Back of Legs
Posted by Ethyn (Chico, California) on 07/24/2008
hi there. its my first time having staph.. It's all over the back of my calves.. ( back of the legs) and maybe half of the boils have puss boils..
im am upset and i need some help. Please help me
Assuming it's a staph, the common remedies I may try is a 10% ammonium chloride solution applied on the skin every hour until it goes away, lemon juice (seems to work in some cases), turmeric, vinegar, tea tree oil, and garlic oil, that is used for external application. The ammonium chloride I have used it, but it might be a different variety of MRSA. For me it seems to respond well in killing it, at least for me. Boils may take more time as they are often difficult to penetrate, but tea tree oil might have some temporary relief. I have not yet tried the lugol's or iodine solution, however, but I think a weak solution of potassium permanganate at 1: 10000 dilution won't cause much irritation to the skin if they are still non-responsive.