3-yr-old Son with Good Cognition

Posted by RN (Pakistan) on 07/05/2012

dear ted! I have read a lot about u and have a ray of hope in form of your alkalizing and acv cures. but i do not know what to do i mean i want your guidance in the case of my son. I have a son 3 years old. he faced delayed cry at the time of his birth and was born at the 36th week after c section. he was kept in incubator for 12 days. now the situation is that he can't sit properly, can't walk and stand independently. his right side is very spastic and left side is mildly spastic. heel cords, adducters and hamstrings are very tight. otherwise he is very very active and bright child. speech is perfect and cognitive skills are fantastic. doctors say he has mild cp and his milestones are delayed. he is getting physiotherapy session but i don't think it ll work. the IQ level of my child is above 80. kindly give me a guideline or the formula u think will work in his case and will be safe and after effects free also.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

There are a couple of ways that we can measure the pH urine, for urine pH to be normal it is between 6.5 to 7.5, to determine if it is acidic or alkaline. If too acidic, he needs alkaline remedy 30 minutes after meals, such as baking soda. If he is too alkaline say 8.0 then it is from excess protein caused by dead cells as they break up, they form ammonia compound that is responsible for his spastic condition. In that case, get the acid supplements such as ascorbic acid, 500 mg every 3 hours, to get the alkalinity down. Most people will have some from of liver problems, in which there are toxicity issues, and N Acetyl Cysteine, non-effervescent kind is needed to help with that. If he has smelly stools are come out too fast, he has intestinal absorption issues, in which case wheat has to be avoided, I generally avoid wheat products anyway as it has insoluble gluten and sticks to the surface of intestine and prevents the absorption of all nutrients. As far as his spastic condition the common remedy is glycine, threonine, and acetyl L carnitine.


Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

His high blood pressure means that a cytomegalovirus is in the system, which is known to produce that. But it may have been improper blood flow. We can give proper supplements for antiviral effects to see if he is helped by lysine hourly for four hours, such as 1/8 teaspoon every hour to see if his high blood pressure will reduce.

Test for his blood sugar if it is below 90 mg/dL 1 or 2 hours after meals.

