Ulcerative Colitis/proctitus Question

Posted by Anonymous on 07/01/2011

Dear Ted,

I've had UC/UP (it changed from UC to UP) for almost 4 years off an on with being in remission (caused by taking too much Advil on an empty stomach over a period of time). I tend to lose weight when I try dietary changes and I tend to do well with natruopathic remedies as opposed to regular medicine. Currently I'm taking Intestinew and that has put me in remission for a few months, but then I go back into a flare as soon as my period starts or if I drink a lot of alcohol (which I will no longer be drinking). I just read the post on 'Humic Acid' and how it has helped some people. Do you think you can help me with a remedy that will put me back into remission even when my period starts? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

BTW, I'm naturally a thin person, weighing in at 104 and I lose weight rapidly, as I have a very high metabolism.

Thanks and have a great day/night.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Humic acid is the major remedy I used to treat ulcerative colitis, and aloe vera oil or aloe vera extract. The other is cinnamon oil. I don't know how naturopath do it since I am isolated from other healers, or they are quiet about their remedies, as it is their trade secrets. The other is chlorine dioxide, but not pure sodium chlorite, but this has side effects that are include nausea and vomiting, usually from doing too much, by too much I mean over 5 drops.


Replied by Anonymous


Are any of this safe to take if you're are pregnant? Also, thank you so much for your response, I really appreciate it.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Humic acid is generally safe, as it lowers some risk regarding intestinal issues from infection, such as mycobacterium, which is currently a current health crisis we are having now, it is found at least 50% of the products we consumed and in infected cows, leads to wasting disease (Johne's disease) as same as humans.

