Dmps Removes Fluoride?

Posted by Carol on 09/25/2007

I know DMPS leaches out heavy metals but does it leach out fluoride? Carol

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

No, DPMS does not remove the fluoride out of the body. Only alkalization using baking soda with citric acid and especially the borax remedy (boron) will help chelate or remove the fluoride out.

Replied by Carol

Thank you for this particular answer. I had some doubt, which defused my case against fluoride. You have enabled strength and conviction, which I needed most. Another question if I may... According to the Toxicological Profile for Fluorides, Hydrogen Fluoride and Fluorine by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, fluoride is mostly excreted in the urine and the remaining fluoride is registered in the bone ( Will substantial fluoride exposure be indicated in the hair sample test?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Not all fluorides are excreted that easily. For example, a contaminant high in aluminum may cause the fluoride to penetrate the blood brain barrier as an aluminum-fluoride attachment occurs. This happened the most during the 1960s-2000s when fluoride toothpaste in aluminum tubes were used. It can also occur if the food contaminant is high in alumimum too, but I suspect other heavy metals may encourage to prevent fluoride from full excretion, one obvious example is high calcium in the body which can attach itself to the body's tissues, such as pineal gland, where calcium fluoride (with other metals) accumulate throughout life so much that scientist use this accumulation to measure this as a biomarker to aging.

Hence long term exposure at least a year or more to flouride contamination, will result in fluoride accumulation which may show itself in hair mineral analysis. Too much fluoride that can result in a common bone conditions of fluorosis obviously could kill you so that could indicate that it is not excreted as much as most people wish. If you have white spots on the front teeth, this indicates already some fluoride exposure, as other areas of the teeth already become mottled while more severe leads to brown teeth and the teeth never gets white when drinking water high in fluoride. This is again from excess fluoride use, and in most cases this becomes more common then in the past, hence fluoride such as this, may show up in other analysis. Even a physical examination is even easy to see.

Replied by Carol

Hi Ted, Lets say I may be able to find an independent lab to do a fluoride test from a hair sample and lets say that this lab normally does non-biological screenings and would not be able to indicate what levels are safe or toxic. Would you happen to know the levels within a safe rage and outside of a safe rang? Thank you Carol

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

An independent lab will have a normal range levels, usually through hair mineral analysis which might be helpful there. Although even with the hair mineral analysis we tend to accumulate calcium and fluoride in our tissues, and sometimes this is not shown, but can be felt from their effects, such as frequent muscle pains (calcification of tissues) or sleeplessness (fluoride and calcium accumulates in the pineal gland).
