How to Make Negative Hydrogen Water Using Sodium Borohydride?

Posted by Anonymous on 06/26/2011

Hi Ted,

I hope you do not mind me contacting you directly as i was very interested to learn how to make negative hydrogen water using your methods discussed on EarthClinic. I have a sintered food grade Calcium powder that is extreme high heat treated that when i place 1 or 2 emptied capsules in a glass of water it generates negative hydrogen for about 14 days outside the body and in the body abouth 8 hours woth -250 millivolts/ORP PH about 9 but it is very expensive.

Can you please elaborate how to make the negative hydrogen solution using "sodium borohydride" (which degrades to negative hydrogen).

Also, where is the best place to purchase or make food grade Metal Hydrides (other than Mega H or Microhydrin) I have everything for this recommendation however i am not clear on the creation or procurement of Hydrides...your assistance would be very much appreciated.

If you would like me to send you some of the 1 kilo of food grade Calcium Hydride for your personal testing I would be very happy to forward some as a token of my appreciation for your time to my request.

Best regards

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Any metal hydride will work. Calcium hydride a pinch per gallon is fine. The neg hydrogen will last for an hour. You can make it last longer if you make it alkaline. Sodium borohydride the same, it goes to -600 mV in small container if it is alkaline water.

I don't know why you bother when there is a more stable source, and it's easy to find: gluthatione has negative millivolts, so do N Acetyl Cysteine, the same rule applies, in alkaline water. The cheapest is sodium ascorbate vitamin C.


"If I may confirm with you, How much do you recommend to be added of the Sodium Borohydride in Alkaline glass of water and is it preferred to procure Sodium Borohydride is in liquid or powder form. Would a diluted Sodium Hydroxide or Magnesium Hydroxide serve well as an Alkaline water medium or do you recommend a safer approach? Should Citrates be added to maintain longer activity in the user once it is consumed? I was hoping to make a concentate batch that I can give to friends and family in need...does the relative hydrogen stay stable for later use or is it just in time type application.

Which metal hydride compounds(Magnesium Hydride, Silica Hydride, or possibly others) do you deem safe to add to Alkaline solution to create low ORP water for long term use and maintenance?

Minus Hydrogen Ion generating powder- Coral Calcium Hydride
The Calcium Hydride powder I was sent from Asia according to Specifications sheet is calcified seaweed has been clinically tested to emit relative hydrogen for 8 days in liquid solution and 8 hours once consumed in the human body...your various Alkaline/low ORP designs have been validated with this patented variance called Coral Calcium Hydride only problem they sell it for $300-$400 a kilogram. You are still welcome to experiment with the material if you wish.
Here are some studies and links to the material:

Thanking you once again for your time and for sharing."

"You need to get an ORP meter. The negative or positive ORP is really like electrostatic charge in a liquid. It has limited useful life. Check a commercial Sterilox, used as antiseptic solution. The machines that produces alkaline water are not really alkaline, they are stored electrical charged in a water medium, and it's alkalinity effect lasts 24 hours. The basis of Kangen water is the same. The problem about these is THEY ARE NOT ALKALINE, the are briefly ALKALINE. The give off electrical charges, these negative electrical charges are the basis how plant grow. The sodium borohydride give off hydrogen gas, which is negative and you can lengthen the storage of this charges by magnesium hydroxide solution, or other alkaline medium. My favorite is sodium silicate. This is not taught in chemistry but is significant if we want to disinfect something that is non toxic, such as ulcerative colitis with it, but must add a little salt and a little bleach (see Sterilox). It is the basis of Nascent Iodine. My impression is you are interested in commercializing it.

Well it is not practical. You may consider a practical avenue, which is using Hydrogen gas stored in water, where they are preferably in plastic aluminum or plastic contained where you can sell it. They are already doing it that way in Japan. Just get a tank of hydrogen gas and water. That's the simplest way.


"Hi Ted and thanks for your follow-up. Unfortunately here in Canada it is very difficult to sell any natural supplements without a Health Canada license to be allowed to stay on shelf and to make a claim. The problem I see is folks like myself are hesitant to use unfamiliar ingredients and the procedures have many questions attached to them while conducting the actual process. I was able to find a link with photos on the Sodium Borohydride method you suggested that can make it less dainting to attempt yourself as for my family and friends and most folks we may need to perform the recipes on their behalf because they are used to opening a bottle and take a pill and that's it. is the link below I was referring ... do you recommend the addition of Magnesium/Potassium Citrates or Magnesium Hydroxide to retain the relative Hydrogen to their procedure or will Sodium Carbonate and Baking Soda suffice?

Negative 800 ORP Water for less than a Penny

I am assuming that Sterilox was offered as an example of the ionizer as it seems to be an oxidizing machine used to there a way to infuse hydrogen gas in water ourselves or is the only avenue purchasing a single serving for $4-$5 a pouch...and the issue is storage stability hrough transit even when triple alluminum bonded pouch is used for 2ppm infusion.

Also you mentioned in lieu of Magnesium Hydroxide one can use Sodium Silicate how much is needed to serve it's pupose...I have Hanna ORP meter and needed to know are there certain markers to be looking for when adding ingredients...this is where I am getting stuck everytime...