Borax Internally to Combat Rosacea

Posted by Carl (Watsontown, PA) on 02/11/2007

Can you give Ted's exact directions for taking borax internally to combat rosacea?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear Carl: There are actually several ways to combat rosacea and I am continually improving upon the treatment first published on Earth Clinic. My latest formulation to cure rosacea will be described here. It is no longer just the borax. The protocol requires the following:

1. Baking soda first. Alkalize and get urinary pH between 6.5 to 7.3. Basically getting the target pH of 7.0 is best. This involves taking baking soda, starting at 1/2 teaspoon with 1/2 glass of water twice a day on an empty stomach, once in the morning and once in the evening. I have seen cases that rosacea to have gotten worse if the issue of pH is not considered first. Raise or reduce baking soda needed to get the targeted Ph of 7. If reaching this is a problem consider adding some vitamin C, lemon and ACV to the formula. This will raise it easier.

2. Take the vitamin D3. I have found rosacea gets worse during the winter months. The issue of both lupus, rosacea, lupic cells, and other similar diseases are linked to this issue too. While there may be many reasons why that does so, including cold weather, lack of sunshine, lowered immunity, etc. The one major reason that is hard to ignore is the body's vitamin D levels is below normal. The a reasonable quality of vitamin D is the vitamin D3, ideally between 10,000 i.u. to 20,000 i.u. is taken for about a month at least. But if those are not available an alternate form with lesser dose might be helpful too such as cod liver oil for example. Basically vitamin D3 (a better one is D4) is related to body's immune system. The reason why I narrowed down to vitamin D3 instead of warmer summer weathers is because I have done some hyperthermia experiments.' This had reduced some rosacea, but have not completely eliminated the issue. Summer has two things not available during winter months: vitamin D and nice hot weather. The hot weather issue is ruled out, but not the vitamin D3. The organism causing rosacea is often several one of them is the mycoplasma and fungus like bacteria causing the problem. This is why people reported that light therapy, such as intense pulsed light therapy to work. However this is an expensive way, vitamin D3 or UV exposure from the sunlight might be a better way. The easiest way is to allow sunshine in your bedroom, if possible.

3. Consider taking borax. Some people believed the demodex mites are responsible for rosacea. They may be right. But, there are others too that are not yet identified. I prefer to lump all these insect issues to just one category: nanoinsects. These insects have several weakness that you can kill them, or at least weaken them. One obvious ones is borax. The treatment can be broken down to two things;

1. Taken internally: Try 1/8 teaspoon to 1/4 teaspoon of borax in one liter of water/day. You just drink this water throughout the day. If it runs out then drink just normal water, with some magnesium added if possible. Magnesium is found in certain seeds such as sunflower. They seem to be synergistic with the vitamin D as vitamin D promotes calcium and the body needs to balance both magnesium and calcium to an ideal amount.

2. Used externally: Dog mange is confirmed demodex mites and the only treatment that effectively cured of dog mange is 1% hydrogen peroxide and borax saturated solution applied topically. Many people believe the demodex mites is the cause of rosacea. What I am sure about is it is an insect issue. The method of killing them is external application of 1% hydrogen peroxide with borax saturated solution to the face, unrinsed. It tends to cause drying. So you can apply appropriate lotions to prevent drying, such as jojoba oil, aloe vera or lavender oil.

4. I found you can also add plenty orange oils, and clove oils to the drinking water. Between 4-8 drops per glass of orange oil my help too. Orange oil is basically a broad insecticide, but a flavoring agent for human use. A good organic orange peel half of the orange can be eaten or put into a blender with other fruit juices may also help.

I will try to continue updating this rosacea treatment.

Replied by Judi
Wilmington, Delaware, USA

How long does it take for the dryness and peeling of skin on the face to clear up after taking the borax solution internally?

Replied by Lou
Tyler, Tx

Ted, Would it work to rub your face with an organic orange wedge? Just curious! I used a shampoo that contained orange oil and they just migrated to my face.

Replied by Jillery
North America
84 posts

It seems borax is the way to go from all my reading. I will start with the cleanse PH drink of baking soda for a few weeks and check back in to let you know how it goes. My rosacea is some break outs on my nose with redness, above my lip light redness and some breakout and mild/mod redness on my cheeks. I barely had pimples growing up so at 58 it is odd to have skin issues now.

Replied by Om
Hope, Bc, Canada

Jillery from North America - I have had Roseacea with two outbreaks only in the last ten years or so, each time due to extreme stress. I immediately bathed my face with colloidal silver only once, after which it disappeared, leaving my skin glowing, fine pored as before. When it appeared again, due to extreme stress, I perceived that it was caused mainly by mites.

I use MMS with great results by spraying and letting it dry. Afterwards, when dry, without washing it off, I apply moisturizer and my skin is none the worse. I have no more redness which only appears due to stress, but I noticed that exposure to the sun triggered it as well.

Now my face is clear but the mites have to be dealt with. Since MMS is beneficial for the eyes, I spray eyes, nose and ears. MMS also removes earmites in my pets. In addition I use Borax which enhances skin and hair nicely. Every time, after shower I let it all dry and use moisturizer after each treatment without washing it off. Dr. Bronner's Lavendar kastile liquid soap is very good for this , mixed in with Borax.

At night it is useful to keep the MMS spray handy for a quick treatment if necessary. I am now looking for Astragalus to improve my immune system. Perhaps because I am vegan my situation is not too serious as with other posters on EC. I wish you good luck and, yes, I can now face the sun again. By the way, I know when I got those buggers, it was by sleeping on someone else's pillow. They are not visible.

Namaste, Om

Replied by James

Does the borax actually do anything, or is it the fact that one is drinking a litre of water a day? Most people these days are somewhat dehydrated. If Rosacea in general, or a form of it, were a case of severe dehydration, then it kind of makes sense that water would be a benefit. Water has a high specific heat capacity. If you are dehydrated your specific heat capacity will be reduced, but your body still has heat to get rid of from its metabolic activity. The most important area to get rid of heat is the head. The brain is a biological computer, to use a crude analogy, and it creates large amounts of heat and so a number of factors including ambient heat, food ingested, water consumption may lead to heat spikes in the head that may lead to localised flushing, general facial redness, burning sensations and blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. All to do with getting rid of heat, rather than dealing with an infection, or an irritation of some biological organism. This is not to suggest that these are not a factor, but they may be a result of a more primary problem. These organisms may thrive on the conditions caused by the primary problem.

Of course, I think it is more complicated than this. The ability to retain water is also a factor. And that means Rosacea may also be a mineral deficiency. So, why do substances like Sodium Bicarbonate actually work? Is it alkalisation of the digestive system or is it remineralisation of sodium? The sodium may also help an improvement in perspiration which of course helps with the dissipation of heat from the body. The amount we perspire is very difficult to quantify, but it is worth consideration that low levels of perspiration may be mineral deficiency perhaps caused by stress or poor eating habits, or simply taking foods that are naturally dehydrating and perhaps even demineralising.

It is worth noting here that there is the theory of the aquatic ape which in essence is the notion that our ancestors spent a period of their evolutionary existence in water. Given the proximity of world population to sea water I would suggest that the theory at least has some merit. So, were we getting mouthfuls of sea water on a regular basis whilst swimming which helped to keep us mineralised, and somewhat ironically, kept us hydrated when we drank fresh water later? Also worth noting here is the search of our more inland dwelling ancestors for salt, like it was a prize above all things.

Although regarding mites and other insectoids, it surely would not do any harm to be swimming in sea water regularly. Will some of them drown? Or will some of them be washed away? Or will the cooler body temperature make them up and leave?

So, if it were a mineral deficiency and dehydration what to do? Lots of soups and casseroles in your diet which make for mineral rich stocks. Eat some saturated fat in your diet because that will be mineral rich, meat and eggs and cheese are good. Mineral rich greens like Kale also. You can eat salted peanuts and occasional salty snacks. And of course, drink plenty of water.

Go to the local swimming pool at least a few times a week as the sodium and chlorinated water may do the trick against those evil critters living on your skin. Or if your local sea water is clean and not too cold, just go to the beach and swim in the sea. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Monitor or be aware of your perspiration, even take notes as to when you notice it and where on your body you perspire. Also do not eat things which have quick and easy calories because they will be burned by the body quickly and provide sudden bursts of heat to deal with. So avoid overly processed foods, or foods which can be utilised quickly by the body. So, forget the smoothies, sugary drinks, and drinks containing caffeine. Also avoid dehydrating foods and drinks which in some cases are the same kinds of foods and drinks.

The aim is to have a body that is not mineral deficient, which should then allow the body to retain enough water to give you a specific heat capacity that will cope with the internal heat you produce. Your body will then no longer have to resort to abnormal reactions which may have provided a very nice environment for undesirable quantities of harmful organisms. In order not to produce too much internal heat in a given time frame, avoid foods and drinks with easy calories, or with dehydrating properties.

Try a regime that keeps all this in mind for 6 months. Give your body time to adjust, and you time to see the results for yourself.

My rosacea is gone. I do not flush anymore, except in circumstances in which it would be normal, such as high exertion or embarrassment. But I am unfortunately left with telangiectasia so I still have some redness from these damaged blood vessels. This I suspect is permanent damage from 30 years of Rosacea and my desperate attempts for all those years treating it as a skin condition, which I now believe it is not. It is a matter of whether my skin will lose these damaged blood vessels beneath the surface as they become unnecessary. Or whether I may attempt to get rid of them through laser induced bruising. I am somewhat impatient so the latter is certainly tempting, but I know there are hazards. Still bruising that way is better than taking up boxing and getting brain damage whilst punching the life out of these little vascular menaces.
