Sister Suffering From Ms Since 1989
My sister has had MS since 1989. She cannot walk and at times cannot do things for herself. I know she had a lot of dental work done before she was diagnosed. Her doctor told her that it had nothing to do with her condition. I have always believed it has. She is on muscle relaxants and so much other medicine. Can any of these suggestions possibly help her since it has been such a long time. I just want her quality of life to improve so badly. My other sister has been diagnosed with MS for about 3 years now. She can function and works, but is tired. Her life has some limitations in that she cannot sew because her hands are stiff and she has lost some control and stumbles when she walks. Could she possibly be helped with these suggestions? Thanks.. I appreciate any suggestions.
Have the mercury carefully remove the amalgrams with a non mercury ones. In the meantime eat plenty of chinese parsley on alternate weeks. Take 1 tablespoon of cod liver oil three times a day. This should help remove a lot of heavy metals. Take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid plus 1/2 glass of water taken twice a day, one in morning and one in evening on empty stomach. If you can get a dechlorinator, such as sodium thiosulfate, then 6 drops per glass of water should also further help remove it. Magnesium will reduce the toxicity of the heavy metals.
She can function and works, but is tired. Her life has some limitations in that she cannot sew because her hands are stiff.
Tiredness can be restored with vitamin B and E. Yes, take plenty of vitamin B complex 3 times a day where B1, B3, B5, B6, are about 100 mg. each and B12 at 100 mcg. Her energy level should improve and so is her stiffness. However she also need to take 2000 IU of vitamin E and 2 tablespoon per day of fish oil or cod liver oil to remove the heavy metals.
Take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid plus 1/2 glass of water. Taken twice a day once in morning and once before bed time on an empty stomach. You should see improvement within about 3 weeks. It is necessary to take 250 mg of magnesium citrte, or magnesium gluconate so restore muscle problems.