Black Walnut Remedy?

Posted by Tony (Toronto) on 11/16/2006

My wife has type 2 diabetes a gentleman told me that he heard "BlackWalnut" actually cures diabetes. I know there are natural cures for a lot of things but this seems to good to be true, Is this a fallacy or is there real evidence to back it up? I love this site, I'm learning and saving money!

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Dear Tony: Black walnuts contain a powerful antimicrobial chemical called juglone. They often extract green, unripe walnuts by alcohol and use only a couple of drops.

It so powerful it can be used against internal antibiotic resistant parasites. There are a lot of potentials for this in the use against helicobacter pylori, acid reflux (where cause are microbials), yeast infection, and a host of other ailments.

The powerful chemical tend to suppress such growth can be proven by its durability of the wood against microbial decay of the wood itself and even suppresses the nightshade family of plants, including tomatoes.

Diabetes has many causes, but usually this is due very much to our processed foods are of highly oxidation in nature as opposed to antioxidation. Even ordinary bottled water's ORP readings are something like +100 to +200 millivolts, while our body's fluids are in the region of -100 millivolts.

Therefore, this tends to cause glandular problems as they are most sensitive to free radical oxidation. In some cases where the cause of diabetes are due microbials in the pancreas, the thyroid, adrenals and even the thymus, for example, it causes suppression of glandular functions and in other cases causes inflammation of glandular function, causing you to go hyper.

Under this scenario, black walnut has some potential in restoring insulin. However, if we are to discuss anti-microbial natural oils, then I think clove oil, rosemary oil, bark of witch hazel to have some advantages too.

Therefore, black walnut does not directly cure diabetes, it merely kills of microbials, parasites that suppresses glandular functions and the killing of it allows normalization of glandular functions due to microbials. This can be quite interesting in the treatment of both hypothyroidism, or even hyperthyroidism where the cause is unknown or possibility exists from microbials invasion of glandular functions by yeast after along course with antibiotics.
