Ted's Remedy Feedback

Posted by Joe (Wpb, Fl) on 11/03/2009

Ted I switched to the use fluoride free water and toothpaste recently. How long do we need to take the borax mix 1/4 tsp in 1 ltr water, 5 days on / 2 days off, to rid body of fluoride exposure? How often do we use for prevention ? How well Does Borax help with systemic fungal issues? Does it chelate other metals or toxins?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

A hair mineral analysis should tell you if you still have fluoride, which ideally should be below normal levels (of toxicity). None at all is best. If hair mineral analysis is not available, then some people would likely monitor their sleep cycles or their libido when deciding to take it again. Borax (boron) normalizes sleep cycles by removing fluoride from the pineal gland and it regulates sleep, but calcium is the other one that is a biomarker of aging that accumulates in the pineal gland also. Hence some magnesium may reduce that, avoiding calcium in the supplements (which are found in most of the supplements sold). Borax reduces fungal issues, as it is also used in treatment of wood to prevent fungal growth, along with the use of chromium. Hence chromium supplements maybe useful in such reduction. Another often overlooked supplements to chelate out the fluoride is the use of humic acid powder, at 1/16 to 1/8 teaspoon in a cup of water a day.The reason why I mentioned this is you asked me does it chelate other metals, hence if we are talking about the other metals, namely, Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, then a good candidate is not borax, but the addition of humic acid. The humic acid has the addition of ability to chelate fluoride as well, but does not have the anti fungal properties as does borax, or the use of potassium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate remedies. The dose for that is 1/4 teaspoon of each taken between 2-3 times a day, preferably afternoon or after work and before sleep. As this tends to help people be more relaxed. Alkaline makes people relax, acid makes them active. The alkaline is anti-inflammatory the acid is pro-inflammatory. As to the other toxins, namely endotoxins, or chemical toxins, then ozone therapy and hydrogen peroxide generally neutralize most of that. If a person wants to know the schedule for ridding of fluoride that I used, it's between 1-3 months for the borax remedy. Thereafter, I might consider maintance dose perhaps just once to three times a week if the energy levels are low or fungal issues is presence, I will continue with the remedy, along with chromium and alkalization. Iodine is often an overlook antifungal remedy too, hence 2 drops of lugol's at least once a day with vitamin C between 500-1000 mg in form of sodium ascorbate. The vitamin C also has some antifungal properties as well. The souce of these sometimes called mycobaterium, comes from vaccinations. However they also come from peanuts, potato peels and black mold exposure from bad ventrilation system and use of carpets and rugs.

Replied by Joe
Wpb, Florida

- Is the potassium bicarb and humic acid available for consumers to purchase?

- For the fungal maintance you mentioned chromium. Is chromium picolinate ok and how much?

I do have Lugol's Iodine from Walgreen's. Is this ok to use or do i have to dilute it ? Do you suggest taking the vit C 500 or 1000mg in powdered form mixed with the water or capsule and swallow with the Iodine water mix ?

Would Fulvic acid get the same results as humic acid powder mix to chelate metals?

I could take the EDTA for high cadmium and lead exposure that was confirmed but at what dosage and for how long ?

You mentioned before that fungals can be stubborn and can use metals for refuge. Would it be easier to rid the body of either one first ?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

- Is the potassium bicarb and humic acid available for consumers to purchase?

I haven't been to the U.S. for a long time, but it seems some people were able to get it. I purchased both humic acid
and potassium bicarbonate from a chemical supplier. Humic acid is sometimes available
plant nursery shops. The potassium bicarbonate is pharmaceutical grade.

- For the fungal maintance you mentioned chromium. Is chromium picolinate ok and how much?

Some people have side effects (nerviousness) or shaking hands from chromium picolinate. I prefer
chromium chloride, chromium polynicotinate. However, if there's no problem regarding picolinate
on those issues, is fine.

I do have Lugol's Iodine from Walgreen's. Is this ok to use or do i have to dilute it ? Do you suggest taking the vit C 500 or 1000mg in powdered form mixed with the water or capsule and swallow with the Iodine water mix ?

Most lugol's solution is fine, but the labels should say potassium iodide, and iodine as their ingredients. Lugol's solution is put into a cup of warm water 1-2 drops. Then vitamin C 1000 mg capsule, but I much prefer powdered as it goes to the bloodstream faster.

Would Fulvic acid get the same results as humic acid powder mix to chelate metals?

Most research of chelation is centered around humic acid more so the fulvic acid. As to which one
are the best, I just take both.

I could take the EDTA for high cadmium and lead exposure that was confirmed but at what dosage and for how long ?

The dose I take if 1/10 of the ones they sell commercially, and the type I used is either disodium edta, buffered with baking soda, or tetrasodium EDTA. They seem to chelate better, but other forms of EDTA is fine, if the dose is between 25-100 mg. dissovled in a liter of drinking water.

You mentioned before that fungals can be stubborn and can use metals for refuge. Would it be easier to rid the body of either one first ?

Fungus are lodged in calcium and heavy metals, but also exists in acid pH. Hence, metal chelation, reduction of calcium (from disodium EDTA), and the use of alkaline remedy, such as 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/2 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate in a cup of warm water taken twice a day is also needed. It's very toxic for the fungus, especially the alkaline, and specifically the potassium, but to maintain normal sodium/potassium balance, both is taken. Hence, a multiple approach (chromium, alkaline, boron, chelation, etc.) is best to discourage their growth. Most important in practice is the alkalinity, which has an effect of removal of heavy metals and alkalinity that kills the fungus. The reason is simple: alkaline solution are soapy and metals are hygroscopic, which makes them soluble in metal, allowing their removal faster. It also reduces excess calcium buildup in tissues owing in fact to the alkaline remedy's ability to act as a surfactant, much like a detergent, so the calcium as well as other heavy metals do not lodge themselves in the tissues.

Replied by Joe
Wpb, Florida

TED Thank You for explaining things

Is ok to use combination of Antifungals at same time (alkalize mix twice a day , borax 1/4 tsp in 1 Ltr water, Lugol's iodine 1 or 2 drops with Vit C powder in water once per day ? Do these antifungal / bacterias eliminate the good bacteria flora in the GI too ? Just wondering if probiotics would be needed afterward.

Note: I have a Walgreen's Brand Iodine listed as : active ingredients iodine 2 %, Ingreients: Alcohol 47% by volume, deonized water, and sodium iodine 2.4%. Is this OK to use ?

I do have sodium bicarb, sodium carb, potassium bicarb. Is it safe to use all 3 together in glass of water for alkalizing daily ? Would this be the best overall alkalizing powder mix ? Is it safe to use long-term for our bodies and organs with-out checking ph ? I'm guilty of an acidic meals at times and thought maybe alkalizing soon after having this type of meal to buffer it's affect on body's ph. On the other hand do you suggest to drink lots of sea salt water instead and just take the other alkalizing mix twice a day for general alkalizing ?

Note the potassium bicarbonate I purchased online where it's made in USA by a garden supplier. They sell it to be me mixed with gallons of water and sprayed on plants. Do I have to be concerned about this substances purity or is potassium bicarbonate not know to carry traces of other material that can be harmful?

Next sodium carbonate . Do I have to be concerned about this substances purity or is sodium carbonate not know to carry traces of other material that can be harmful? The sodium carbonate was purchased online made USA for Soda Ash Dye usage.

Thanks Again Ted.

Replied by Timh
Louisville, Ky, Usa
2042 posts

Shelly: There are many online vendors for hair analysis. Here's a Y link:

http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oG7t9RG21R8Q4AsalXNyoA?ei=UTF-8&fr=fp-swat02-s&p=hair mineral analysis test kit&rs=0&fr2=rs-top

For blood analysis you would ask your Primary Care MD, and be prepared for any reply.
