Which Regimen Is Best?

Posted by L on 12/18/2006

I'm a little overwhelmed with all the different regimens. I would like to use the baking soda, ACV, lemon, honey, supplements etc. but are not sure what's best. Can I drink the baking soda with just the water and no ACV or should I add that as well? Any help on a regimen to treat halitosis, dry up mild a.m. post nasal drip, keeping regular, ridding self of yeast and getting the body alkalinized would be greatly appreciated.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

The best is ACV plus baking soda and lemon plus baking soda. And yes hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to use as a toothpaste will help your halitosis. I had the same problems and always doing this also. Recently I have been experimenting with a pinch of borax plus baking soda and hydrogen peroxide too. They seem to work the best. Zinc chloride 1% mouthwash helps, but if you can't find zinc chloride to mix yourself, some mouthwash such as Lavoris do have some zinc chloride. Still the chief cause of halitosis, fungus, interstitial cystitis is still the pH acid in your body. And avoiding bread, white flour, pastries, sugar is your best bet. Used xylitol and stevia as a sugar substitute especially xylitol can also help halitosis too. It works better than fluoride, which are often used in rat poison and prison behavioral control, and population control during the Hitler regime. Therefore avoid fluoride products and replace them with xylitol and take some molybdenum supplements - they control the pH.

Can I drink the baking soda with just the water and no ACV or should I add that as well?

Works quite well also. The dose is 1/4 teaspoon baking soda with 1/2 glass of water twice a day on empty stomach. Ideally the dose is more like three times a day with a halitosis problems.

Any help on a regimen to treat halitosis, dry up mild a.m. post nasal drip, keeping regular, ridding self of yeast and getting the body alkalined

One of the best kept secrets is that yeast and fungus are easily destroyed whenever your body is alkaline enough. It takes about a week to build up sufficient bicarbonate reserves.
