Could Aspirin Poisoning As a Child Cause Esrd?

Posted by A. on 11/06/2010

Hi Ted,

My husband a 36 y.o. white male was diagnosed with ESRD about 2 years ago. He has been advised lately that dialysis may be needed soon, while he waits on a kidney for transplant. I am writing you because, when he was a baby, about 6 mos old someone overdosed him with baby aspirin. He was rushed to the hospital but he had turned almost completely black. All those years went by, and when he became a teenager and went in for physicals the doctors would always say he had too much protein in his urine, but they never told him he had any kind of disease. I was wondering if maybe this poisioning caused his, what we know today's ESRD. If, this did cause the disease process in his body, is there any way we can reverse the disease and possibly restore his kidney's functionablity to normal range. Please advise me on this subject.


Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear A.

For a person to have End Stage Renal Disease, the kidney has to be damaged over the long term due to bad diets, stress and long term deficiencies of certain vitamins, and excessive levels of calcium. High blood pressure and high blood sugar and seriously worsen the condition to dialysis also.

The kidney is an organ not likely to be damaged with a single overdose of aspirin, excessive protein supplements, calcium, pain killers, Cerebrex, sugar, aspartame, etc. However, when taken over the long term these can damage them severely and lead to ESRD. My personal favorite of getting a kidney failure quickly is the aspartame, oxalic acid (Colonel Joe's dangerous cancer cure using oxalic acid - this is pure disinformation and a recipe to renal failure). I find that oxalic rich food and supplements to be most dangerous this is followed by aspartame.

I was a teenager once, and also observed high proteins in my urine, but most of the people I believed found a cure without even talking to their friends, like me. The cloudy urine was a clue that something was wrong and it has always been associated with strenuous activities and stress. I found that taking supplements such as vitamin B complex, was helpful in reduction of cloudy urine and weakness or lack of strength disappeared overnight. That was sometime in 1973, so you can imagine how difficult it was to get vitamin b complex back then. The other supplement I found helpful was the magnesium, which I knew instinctively to reduce urine calcium. Magnesium is required for calcium utilization, and hence reduce calcium in the urine.

A cloudy urine can be excessive calcium or proteins. When there is high protein, it means the kidney is getting destroyed. An imbalance of amino acid can lead to catabolism instead of anabolism. There is always this delicate balance of amino acid that determines this. A catabolism can occur when certain amino acid is lacking, and hence taking some very amino acid can stop excessive protein leaks in the kidney in a matter of seven days, but that's for people with high protein in the urine BEFORE they have ESRD. The supplements helpful is arginine and citrulline. Taking too much lysine can cause this, but it is not possible in a human diets since most lysine are destroyed, it does happen if a person happens to be having Morgellon's disease AND taking too much lysine AND without taking any Arginine OR citrulline. The dose can be modest for taking citrulline or arginine, such as 100 to 500 mg a day for either, but if both then 100 to 250 mg would do fine, then it is stopped once the protein in the urine is normal. The catabolism is stopped. Most of the protein in the urine is usually glutamine, alanine, orotic acid and creatinine. So it is very likely you have to avoid those amino acids. Obviously a low protein diet is helpful with the addition of arginine and citrulline taken as a temporary supplements.

There is cofactors that helps in reducing these protein that I found as a teenager, which was the vitamin B complex, or more specifically, it was the B1, B6, B12 and B9 (folic acid). The ones to reduce protein catabolism, which leads to kidney protein breakdown is the B6 (pyridoxine), B12 and folic acid. The dose I prefer for folic acid and what we used in Thailand is generally the 5 mg dose, in general may require taken for a brief period of time 20 mg for about a week or two for most people with this problem.

A kidney can have excessive protein because kidney is broken down or digested because there is not enough of certain supplements that promote collagen, such as vitamin C, a little of lysine but must be taken together with arginine, proline and glycine. The collagen is actually made up of just lysine, proline, and glycine. However, in the collagen matrix, it is actually hydroxyline and hydroxylproline. To convert them to their hydroxyl lysine and hydroxyl proline, require plenty of vitamin C, WITHOUT calcium. The vitamin C that is needed DEPENDS on your urine pH.

If urine pH is acid, which means (in my definition) is pH below 6.0. I consider a serious potential kidney failure if urine pH is BELOW 5.5. Most people with a history of kidney failure has a pH on the average 5.2 or below. The acid digests and break down the kidneys. It's a long term metabolic acidosis, from diets high in artificial sugar such as aspartame as one issue, there are other diets, that lead to this, such as exposure to foods high in formaldehyde which is found in sea food. Its quite common for me to find sea food laced with formaldehyde to reduce spoilage of food here and to reduce cost.

If the urine pH is alkaline, and I mean over pH of 7.5, and has a bad smell, such as ammonia, then this is referred to as hyperammonemia, or excessive ammonia in urine. The ammonia alone can actually break down or destroy the kidney. Breathing fumes with ammonia can be toxic, so imagine how much it is for the kidney to handle that kind of insult. When ammonia is excessive, it kills kidney cells and leads to protein breakdown this way. Most autistics, ADD, ADHD, and cerebral palsy has this alkaline urine. Ammonia in urine and therefore the blood, is a neurotoxin. The ammonia in urine is often ammonium hydroxide. To neutralize them, requires that the urine pH is acid. This requires taking vitamin C ascorbic acid WITHOUT the calcium. We monitor the urine pH so that they can be in ideal range of 7.0, which is neutral. An acceptable range is 6.5 to 7.3. If a person with acid urine, then there are two supplements helpful, one is sodium citrate, the correct name is trisodium citrate. When taking that, the dosage varies until we raise the urine pH to 6.5 to 7.3. Usually my dose is about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of sodium citrate twice a day taken after meals 30 minutes.

As for the other vitamin B as in B1, the dose is 50 to 100 mg, B6 about 50 mg, and folic acid for maintenance, is roughly 5 mg, and B12 is 50 to 1000 mcg.

As far as amino acid is concerned, certain processes that lead to excessive protein in the urine is excess gluconeogenesis (amino acid that becomes fuel for glucose), ketogenesis (excessive protein as in Atkin's diet), taking too much BCAA such as Branched Chain amino acid) and the body DOES NOT break down the branch chain amino acid due to excessive protein intake or lack of digestive enzyme, usually the protease.

The the issue comes down to reducing the cloudiness of urine, avoiding oxalic rich foods, aspartame, eating too much protein, avoiding calcium, taking certain vitamin Bs or B complex, taking arginine and citrulline. It also helps to drink more water DURING meals. This will dilute the concentration of urine that is increased after meal. It is also important to monitor the urine pH, keeping in normal acceptable range, at least MY ACCEPTABLE range, which is usually between 6.5 to 7.3, preferably as close to 7 is fine. Unacceptable range is below 6 and over 7.5. The supplements to control urine pH, if acid, then it is sodium citrate and if alkaline then ascorbic acid vitamin C. But if urine pH is acid and vitamin C is desired, then I used sodium ascorbate. If I can't get sodium citrate, then I will use baking soda, or sodium ascorbate. Most of all, monitor the blood sugar and high blood pressure and keep them in normal range. Excessive blood sugar prevents kidneys from healing. My favorite magnesium supplements is usually the magnesium chloride, but the dose is generally low, such as 100 mg to 200 mg. I prepare them in drops of magnesium chloride solution usually 60 to 70%, and the drops I used is generally 5 to 15 drops, and averages 10 drops before meals, twice a day. Too much of this leads to laxative effect, but it also detoxes your system. Avoiding aspartame and pain killers, is important.

I am sure I missed a couple of things, however, this will usually cover most of the problem.

