Sea Salt Health Benefits - Bladder Infections, Sore Throats, Sinuses - Ted's Q&A

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Ted's Remedies

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 08/05/2005 392 posts

I am surprised you are not aware of the amazing sea salt! In Thailand I use Thai sea salt. So any local sea salt would do. But based on the Thai sea salt I used here, it is a very effective antibiotic!

Sea salt is the world's oldest antibiotic known to man. Somewhere along the way, history books have forgotten this great medicine that bacteria and viruses offered absolutely no resistance to it whatsoever. It is the simplest medicine I have ever known. For those people who want an even more powerful medicine, just add one whole lemon juice to sea salt and its antibiotic and antiviral capabilities is extended many times. For me in practice, just sea salt works wonders. No you don't need Himalyan sea salt, or Dead sea salt, for me local Thai sea salt works amazingly well anyway. Of course, I did not get a chance to try other sea salt, but I am certain thai sea salt works better than any antibiotics I am aware of, well at least for common ailments we experience everyday.

Sea salt does not raise blood pressure that much. What raises your blood pressure is usually the common salt you buy from supermarket. Cooked hot dogs with additives raises your blood pressure. Eating salted potato chips raises your blood pressure. Eating sugar PLUS salt raises your blood pressure. In fact I read a research which tested the effect of blood pressure on just sea salt alone - negligible increases. Apparently sodium gets the blame but in fact other additives were responsible for the sodium retention and absorption. For example, salt and monosodium glutamate taken together, and wow my blood pressure went skyrocketing. Eating french fries especially salted one skyrockets too, apparently it might be the cancer causing acrylamide when vegetable oils is heated at high temperatures and interferes with liver function.

Let me tell you briefly how well sea salt has worked. Benjamin Franklin mentioned in his bibliography that when he has a cold, he went to the sea and drank the water. The water was full of salt, so he was cured the next day. Yes, sea salt has antiviral properties.

Not convincing enough? Well some time ago, I KNOW colloidal silver works against urinary tract infections. Of course they are mild and takes weeks or days to cure using colloidal silver. But wow, last month I HAD a terrible urinary tract infection that lasted weeks. It was done on purpose as I was aware of sea salt effect. So I saved the best for the last and through using the process of elimination after trying antibiotics from A-Z, nothing worked, even the well-known erythromycin, ciproflaxin, and related antibiotics. Then I finally tested 2 teaspoons of sea salt and the pain subsided within minutes. Just one dose, seems to have a long term killing effect and it was completely gone without even the slightest pain within 7 days. Coincidence? My sister on 4 August 2005 had a stomach disorder AND urinary tract infection and she was on her second day. Again we tried all the usual antibiotics, and even some thai herbal medicine nothing worked. So I told my sister, if you want to go to work today you take sea salt or you do what mother tells you and go to the hospital, it is getting serious. So she decided to take 2 teaspoon of sea salt. Within 30 minutes the pain subsided greatly. Within 1.5 hours, my sister went to work.

Now colloidal silver has a competitor that works better: sea salt. In practice, synergism is the day. Mixing sea salt and colloidal silver works better too. Many people with lyme disease, lupus, stomach disorders, fibromyalgia, ec. told me their conditions were relieved just by taking sea salt. Of course there are variations, that worked better, such as sea salt + a couple of drops hydrogen peroxide, sea salt + vitamin C and lemon, sea salt plus apple cider vinegar, etc.

I am getting rave reviews and these variations works. Writing this single issue on sea salt could take me days, but the gist of the information, this is enough for you to begin trying them."

Replied by Anonymous

Ted, does this have to be unrefined sea salt or can it be sea salt? My health food store sells both, I guess the unrefined is handpicked and dried in piles in the dun, the regular sea salt is boiled. There is a significant cost difference, so does it matter? I get the impression any sea salt will do? Thanx!

Replied by Watercure
London, United Kingdom


I have started the watercure with Sea Salt, ACV, LEMON JUICE and Sparkling Water. Is it ok to use SPARKLING WATER or apple juice etc INSTEAD of plain water?

I have high BP and need to lose weight fast.


Replied by Malia
Honolulu, Hi, United States

This "thread" has been highly informative. I plan to begin the sea salt remedy as soon as possible. What is the best combination for a fibromyalgia patient? Specific measurements and ingredients would be highly appreciated.

Replied by Carolle
London, Ontario Canada

This is about sea salt. I was told sea salt helps bronchitis and was trying to get info. How much sea salt do you take in water or juice to help this? Thank You.

Replied by Dave
Greenville, Sc

My brother in law uses sea salt solution he makes by diluting a tablespoon of salt into a half pint of water and filling a nasal "squirt" plastic container. Then he squirts a bit of that in his sinus passages each morning in the shower.Swears by it.

Now for that bronchial problem consider Ted's suggestion of combining colloidal silver with a teaspoon of sea salt. Then use a nebulizer and deeply inhale the vapors. The combo will knock out the infection in lungs. I've just used the silver solution for years when an infection gets to the lungs and if I use the vapor method twice daily for about three or four days the infection is frozen and then goes away by day five. (Ted suggested combining the two. ) My suggestion is to use a vapor.