Achieving Thyroid Balance with Natural Remedies and Nutrition - Ted's Q&A

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Thyroid Removal Med Alternatives

Posted by B (Los Angeles, CA) on 03/09/2008

What recommendations do you have for someone who has had Thyroid Removal Surgery and is having to take the medication for life? Are there any "natural" alternatives to the medication. I realize this would be your opinion because you are not providing any medical advice

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Dear Brenda: The simplest natural thyroid I can think of is iodine supplements and tyrosine. People with thyroid remove find it helpful to take about less than 1-2 grams of dessicated thyroid, as it is natural which is unlike more synthetic versions and experience less side effects. Certain cases of regeneration is possible of people with Graves Disease, but not Hashiimoto and adenoma, which causes atrophy of the thyroid. In my personal observations a lot of these disease relates to viral, metabolic acidosis and mycoplasma which lead to a simple thyroid conditions. Since Hashimoto is a viral origins as an example, than certain antiviral remedies should be needed such as zinc, magnesium, and olive extract. Even if people do have the thyroid remove some iodine uptake (common iodine dose lugol's solution is 5-15 drops per day) were noted within a year indicating regeneration in a small group of people. Although, I have noted that cat recover faster in surgery and that sound therapy can resulted in regeneration of certain organs remove I think I should try to play a cat's purr sound everyday to help regeneration. In sound therapy, a voice recording is done, and the sound spectrum breakdown between 1 Hz to 5000 Hz is analyzed versus the amplitude. The missing frequencies can be played based on the analysis of the sound breakdown which should help the body restore normal functions better too. Cats purr does too although differently. It should be noted that most massage machines the frequencies are also near the cat's purr, which are about between 20-50 Hz, usually and can be applied on the stomach and or the back at low settiings which are usually about 40 Hz can help the body's eventual recover of the thyroid. Therefore, the natural supplement that I might considered are natural thyroid extract, some zinc gluconate supplements, some magnesium supplements, cat's purr, using the hand massage in area of stomach to stimulate the throat area directly and the use of cat's purr played on a computer's speaker are the likely things I would do. In addition, I think 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water twice a day, or 2 tablespoons of lemon and 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water, plus some daily colloidal silver and aloe vera juice should help some regeneration of thyroid or perhaps some iodine supplements with tyrosine may induce the body to produce some hormone to make up for the losses too. I am sure I will do many other things, but the biggest attention I would pay attention to is the virus and mycoplasma, which I think is what is causing all the glandular diseases. I do' know that vegetable oils causes glandular inflammation and atrophy, but I also found aspartame to be now hidden and unlabeled in many consumer foods that creates even more problem as they breakdown into formaldehyde and kill off the body's glandular system. It's nothing like tomatoes, that may have methanol since they are bound in pectin as well as traces of ethanol and is usually have no effect, while it is the free methanol from the aspartame in presence of human enzymes that does the most damages. Many fragrance products is a real problem when people have their glands removed and immunization causes glandular death since I remember finding fungus, mycoplasma, mercury, and other toxins that seem to attack the glandular system and causes eventual death and removal. These things don't seem to happen in natural wildlife, but does happen when taking yearly flu vaccinations, and other vaccinations. In animal studies I read their life span to shorten in almost every cases whenever immunization is used and the same numbers, atrophy and glandular damage is noted. Hence these free radical may somehow be protected with some vitamin C sodium ascorbate and vitamin E on a regular basis, but it appears more reasonable that the reason why Asians die awfully well in controlling SARS, bird flu despite the constant chemtrails received with these deadly virus, I must give due credit to the health authorities on their actions in quarantine and stopping such outbreak to be far more effective in containing the problem. Because of this idea, this can be applied to us by killing off moldy houses using borax and hydrogen peroxide to prevent their spread to us, by disinfection too, the same things that health authorities did in stopping the outbreak the same. This is important since if the glands were remove, the body is much more sensitive to bacteria infection viruses molds and fungus, which would further more health problems and prevention is best so that the body doesn't get any more worse than it is already is.

Replied by Ted
391 posts

P.S. One other minor point is the iodine supplements (usually 5 drops of lugol's solution a day mixed in a glass of water) I have found to reduce certain fainting spells too by increasing the body's immunity and metabolism
