Seeking Ted's Help for 60 Year Old Mother with IPF
Dear Ted,
While going on search for best Clinics regarding Idiopathic Pulmonary fibrosis diseases I got ur contact in Earth Clinic. I request for ur support. Please have a look on attachments(Medical Reporst) with this mail which would tell present condition of my mother when she recently got discharged from hospital.
My mother, she is 60 years old now. Her health condition has gone down completely. First she got chikungunya, suffered 8 months.After that she is now suffering from IPF disease since 4 years.She is on continuous 24 hrs oxygen supply through concentrator with 4-5 Ltr/min and on medicines suggested by her Doctor.She also uses Nebulizer twice a day.Day by Day her condition is going worse.
Her present situation is,lungs are getting hard and started forming holes in it.She lost her weight totally, became very lean. No strength,No energy,Completely Bed ridden. Her hands and legs fingers changed to black color and they are getting wide in shape.She Can't even do her daily routine activities.
Recently she got admitted in ICU, was on ventilator for about 10days as her condition was very serious.She don't have any other problems apart from this breathing problem(IPF).
Doctors (pulmonologist)told there is no cure for this IPF diseases, she has to follow medicines prescribed through out her life till she lives.But I still have hope that there is some medicine or proper medical care through which she can be back to normal condition.I still didn't give up my hope bec i believe there is medicine for any disease in this world.
Felt happy after seeing some posts in Earth Clinic, come to know that there are some Natural remedies for IPF. Can we proceed with below mentioned 4 remedies for at lest controlling IPF disease.
1.Aloevera Oil; Kindly indicate dosage, method and if available in India
2.Apple Cidar Vinegar;
Dosage and method:
Apple Cider Vinegar is a good thing to try. Safe and inexpensive. Try to find raw and unpastuerized. Start him on 1 teapsoon per day in a glass of water. The next week, try 2 teaspoons per day. The next week, try 3 teaspoons per day. Times of day aren't critical--one glass in the morning and one in the evening.
3.Brahmi leaves ;Kindly indicate dosage, method and if available in India
4.Hydrogen Peroxide Food grade
Ideal dosage and method:
Food grade is 35% hydrogen peroxide, which must diluted down to (at least) 3% or 4% with distilled water. Read more about it: tml
Day # -Number of Drops/ Times Per Day
1 - 3 / 3
2 - 4 / 3
3 - 5 / 3
4 - 6 / 3
5 - 7 / 3
6 - 8 / 3
7 - 9 / 3
8 - 10 / 3
9 - 12 / 3
10 - 14 / 3
11 - 16 / 3
12 - 18 / 3
13 - 20 / 3
14 - 22 / 3
15 - 24 / 3
16 - 25 / 3
Maintenance Dosage
In most situations after the above 21 day program, the amount of H202 can be tapered off gradually as follows:
25 drops once every other day for 1 week
25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks
25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks
In dilemma whether we can or can't do any experiment with her health, as it is going worse.Would there be any side effects from using these Natural remedies?
Please suggest any good medicine for her condition.
Last but not least, Is there any new updates or posts from Jimmy vou (DALLAS, Texas),as he had IPF disease but he posted that he was able to cure his disease.
Awaiting for ur valuable reply,thanks in advance
Thanks & Regards
Actually, pulmonary issues have to do with edema. Edema means excess fluid retention as a result congestion of lymph system caused by blockages made up of mostly undigested proteins and fats. In some people it is cellulose buildup caused by fungus. As a result of buildup and insufficiency of kidneys in releasing fluid buildup as a small part of the problem it becomes a pulmonary issue, like a water pump in a high floor building instead of low floor building. So we resolved this simple problem with one teaspoon of pancreatin for times a day.
Too much carbohydrates caused a pancreatin insufficiency so pancreatin consists of lipase, amylase, trypsin, protease, etc. Which digests these undigested protein, fats and carbohydrates. But should it be a rare fungus causing the congestion then get cellulase. Now pancreatin is taken at least 1/2 to 1 teaspoon which is equivalent to 4000 mg to 8000 mg. It should be relieved within one day and the congestion and constipation all resolved.
Baking soda and apple cider vinegar as per my pH alkalizing book recipe should help the liver fats and congested lymph gland somewhat. Since there is a sodium deficiency in your electrolytes there is nothing to worry about sodium.
Solve this first, before the others.