Posted by Tommy (San Jose, California) on 02/08/2009

Hi, I was learned that I have Hepatitis B. I have been reading much on possible cures, but there is just too much information! My normal doctor says that I can't do much about it now since it is not serious case now, but I am not the type of person to just sit back to see what happens next! I need to rid myself of this virus. As such, I'd like to try the "Zhan Zhou Pien Tze Huang", but I have no idea how much I am supposed to take. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks, Tommy

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear Tommy:

The chinese remedy is taken at about two to three times per day. It's taken for at least 2-3 months before the conditions go away.

I constantly update the remedy looking for cheaper and less expensive route. One other one that is effective against both Hep C and Hep B is large amounts of lysine, which is about 1-2 grams taken at about 3 times a day for a week or so.

The third remedy is very effective against the Hep C and Hep B and I have recently added this to my emergency medicine kit because of it's ability in dealing with a lot of parasites, Morgellon's, cancer polyps and even tumor.

Because of it's wide ranging capabilities, the remedy I used is a bloodroot tincture. However, for this to work properly without having other problems, a vitamin B complex and baking soda is required otherwise the body will be in a weakened state.

A simple basic remedy is 3 drops of bloodroot tincture taken 3 or 4 times a day. The drops has to be dissolved in 1/2 glass or 1 glass of water. The pain and liver problems mostly should go away within a day or so. However taking this may deplete the body of both magnesium and vitamin B complex as well as some baking soda. Hence, 500 mg of magnesium citrate is taken, and vitamin B complex, in form of B50 as well as 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda is taken twice a day dissolved in a glass of water. These addition are needed to be taken much longer then the bloodroot remedy, which does most of the killing, but the after effects of weakness and other things are mostly dealt with through magnesium, baking soda and vitamin B complex.

I believe the bloodroot remedy along with magnesium, lysine, baking soda and b complex are important addtions for the body to have an overall healing. Lysine can be taken at lower amounts such as 1000 mg x 3 in case the condition isn't that bad or that budgets are tight. So 1000 mg is the minimum that can deal with the virus fairly quickly.

The Chinese remedy I believe is too expensive and hence I have decided to switchover to the third remedy as it is both more effective, cost much less and easily available. If bloodroot tincture is not found a simple lysine should take care most of the problem, although this requires some people to purchase lysine in bulk.


Replied by Tomaz
West Seneca, Ny, Usa

I have had hepatitis since 1979. It was diagnosed as B but now they say i always had only C. I went through interferon in 1996 and then was on the 1st trial with ribaviron in 1999. It was unsuccessful. I caught the disease from an unhealthy lifestyle that I no longer adhere to. What I found helped me was milk thistle (since 1986), leicthin (choline, eating artichokes, less fat, no alcohol or drugs, no tylenol. I have taken all the cures and potions that I can-simple is best. If your enzymes are under 100 you are okay-unless you are cirrhotic. Cirrhosis can give normal ALT and AST readings but not GGT. Eat vegetables that need to be steamed for 20 minutes (I call them hard vegetables-juice if you have the time and energy "cleaning up". I have held my hep at stage 1 for 30 years. I believe you can reverse it with a healthy lifestyle and positive attitude.

