Ted's Remedies

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/16/2009 392 posts

Hepatitis C updated cure.

This is just my experience of a Hepatitis C that was cured. It happened about 23 years ago during a war in Angola, when one of young soldier got a tick bite which caused him to get the hepatitis C. Because the soldier didn't take baths during war, the tick made it's way to his armpits and spread the hepatitis C that way. Upon checking with his doctor, the doctor said that if you got black or dark urine, you got Hepatitis C. So the soldier went on to check his urine, and it turns out he got it when his pee became black. The doctor said nothing can be done about to cure it.

23 years later the same soldier, who is now a businessman that had more than 1/2 of his life with a Hep C, came to see me. Apparently the attacks became more severe and more frequent. For example, last year it was an attack every 3 or 4 months, then just this year the attack was almost every month and the severity was worse. Eyes were yellow, energy level low, painful areas in liver, lymph node congestion causing pain. The most important remedy that was used was a 55 minute 4 dose, for 4 days, using both the lysine and aspirin taken together, but before taking that vitamin C ascorbic acid was used (not perfect, I prefer sodium ascorbate).

The dose were continued for 4 days 4 dose each, and the attacks and symptoms disappeared. The HEP C viruses have two major weaknesses: mainly lysine and aspirin. However, zinc was given but since most people have low tolerance of zinc if taken extended period of time. I just limit the zinc acetate to just 50 mg a day for 2 days.

To date he has not has any episode of Hep C at all after this remedy and his symptons are completely gone, including hallucinations, shaking hands, lack of energy, pain in the right abdominal area, fever and chills. Just to make sure, it's possible to take lysine 1200 mg twice a day as a maintenance dose, however, the person I talked to didn't take any maintenance dose at all. The reason why he talked to me about his condition was I cured maybe 80% his mother of stroke, which left half of her body paralyzed, after no improvement for 6 months with conventional hospital treatment. More on that later.

There are other small details in the remedy, but for Hep C, this is the most important remedy I have mentioned is just the vitamin C, lysine, aspirin and zinc.

A lesson to be learn is we can get a virus from a tick bites. The fact that viruses dies in ticks or mosquitoes may not entirely be true. Mosquitoes spreads the Chikungunya viruses too.

Insects are considered vectors in spread of many viruses.

Replied by Terry
West Chester, Pa

Hello Ted, Do you have any blood work on this person? It would be interesting to see liver enzymes and viral load levels now. Thank you. Terry

Replied by Deb
Chicago, Il, Usa

I was on interferon/ribovarin for almost 5 yrs.--a study. It ruined my nervous system, brain is foggy now. I am wondering if the ACV and 3% hydrogen peroxide has killed the hep c virus. I do have cirrosis (sp?) of the liver from drinking. I am very tired of being sick. Any ideas? Been taking Milk Thistle, 1000mgs for a year and before that 500mgs for about 2 yrs. This year I added ALA once a day along w other vitamins.

Replied by Joe
Millville, Nj

I have Hep c I used the herb Chanca Piedra it flushes the blood & kidneys of toxins. Also I went on ___'s 4 step protocol. Haven't had a problem with the dis-ease since. Let me note it took alot of praying and following a srict adherence to eating only Veggies fish and chicken no refined sugar

Replied by Marisa
New York, NY

Dear Ted, I wish to implement your latest advice got my husband. I was not completely clear on the treatment. You wrote "The most important remedy that was used was a 55 minute 4 dose, for 4 days, using both the lysine and aspirin taken together, but before taking that vitamin C ascorbic acid was used (not perfect, I prefer sodium ascorbate). " what does 55 minute 4 dose mean? I so wish to try this, but want to get it right! Forever grateful, Marisa

Replied by Teru
Paris, France

I think Ted means that you take every 55 minutes a dose of aspirin and lysine. But ONLY 4 doses a day. And repite for the next 3 days.

Replied by Janice
Sherman Oaks, California Usa

Hi, I have been diagnosed with hep c; also have psoriasis of late. Very comforting to see these potential natural remedies. I seriously do not want to take the conventional treatment. I'm wondering if there is any substitute for the aspirin on 55 lysine, c, zinc regimen?

Thanks much.

Replied by Paula
East Patchogue, Ny, Usa

I have Hep C with no symptoms at all, all liver levels normal, liver healthy. My doctor still recommended I take the 48 weekly injections of interferon treatment with oral meds. I chose not to go that route. I am now seeing a homeopathic MD who has recommended phyllanthus, 2 caps 3x/day, zinc 30mg, milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid 600 mg/daily. Meditation and lots of spring water.

I have not been tested again but plan on waiting a few more months before the testing. Since I had no symptoms it is difficult to gage any progress. My Gynocologist discovered it after doing a series of tests since I was a new client.

Replied by Tucsondee
Tucson, Az, Us

Paula are you sure spring water? I have been told that spring water has too many minerals in it. I have been told to use distilled water. Have done all 3 treatments the last one of infergen had taken all my energy away. Have been off treatment since 2007. Any suggestions for getting energy back? There is the new treatment out there. They make it sound real good but when you read toward the end it says people with geno type 1A only have a 32% chance of clearing virus. Not good enough for me. I will wait for something without interferon. The treatments have too much of my life away. Grapefruit juice was working really well for me. A 14oz glass a day had kept my enzymes normal range. There is a study at the Boston MA hospital online. Just type in grapefruit juice and Hepatitis C and you will find it. Then, I found out that I am pre diabetic. No more juice for me and now the enzymes are elevated and the viral load went from 1.5 mil to 8mil in 3 months. Lovely!!

Replied by V
Hep C Land, Usa

I saw that you were unable to take grapefruit for your Hep C. I looked into it and found that naringin is the bioflavinoid in grapefruit with the properties against the virus. You may want to look into taking a naringin supplement since you said the juice was not an option due to sugar content. I found the best deal for the capsules on Swanson's.

Replied by Jc
Smithtown, Ny / Usa

Hi hoping Paula from East Patchogue reads this, I live in Long Island too. Looking for a homeopathic MD. I have had Hep C for a couple of years. Hope you can help thanks.


Replied by Richard
Volo, Illinois, Usa

In 1993 after giving blood I was informed that I had Hep C. Naturally, I was shocked upon hearing this news so I went into the doctor for testing. The results were confirmed. I decided to quit drinking alcohol and lived in denial for the next 16 years. I read sporatically about any possible cures for my condition and discovered that interferon was basically my only chance for clearing myself of the virus.

I began taking milk thistle tablets about 10 years ago and didn't completely quit drinking alcohol but drank very infrequently. I read somewhere about 5 years ago that the compound in grapefruit killed the virus. I hated grapefruit but found a way to start liking it. I ate a grapefruit everyday and many times I would drink pure grapefruit juice (the one that is in the refrigerated section of the grocery). I also discovered that in Japan they found that people who consumed at least two cups of coffee daily had a significantly lower risk of liver cancer. I love coffee so no problem there!! And, green tea. Green tea is also very good for you. I love tea!!

Two years ago I went in for full blood work and was told that I DO NOT HAVE HCV. Stay positive and do the right things for yourself and I pray that you will be blessed too.

Replied by Jd
Okc, Oklahoma

Here's support for the grapefruit extract remedy:

But a new study just released shows that nature seems to be able to do what Big Pharma can't -- kill thevirus without damaging cells in the body. Scientists at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) have discovered that two plant-derived bioflavonoids, catechin and naringenin, display powerful antiviral activity on tissue culture infected with hepatitis C.

Dr. Samuel Wheeler French Jr. , MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at UCLA and researcher at UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, presented the findings in an American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP) symposium on "Pathobiology of Liver Injury and Fibrosis" at the national Experimental Biology 2011 conference, which is currently underway in Washington, D. C.

A liver pathologist, Dr. Wheeler previously found that another plant-derived bioflavonoid, quercetin used by many people as a nutritional supplement, can help stop production of the hepatitis C virus without any cell toxicity.

Dr. French and his research team's next step is to test catechin and naringenin on patients with a Phase I clinical trial.

"We now have several new compounds we can test to see if they reduce virus infection, " Dr. French said in a press statement. "The positive thing about this family of compounds is that they are non-toxic, and can be taken at high doses. Bioflavonoids represent a very promising therapy with very few side effects that could help millions of people."

For more information:

Replied by R
Boca Raton, Florida

Hi, I need to know more about this HEPS C CURED UPDATED that was posted.... Lysine, aspirin, vit C dosage? what was that 55 minutes? Thank you so much. God Bless you all. Angel

....Eyes were yellow, energy level low, painful areas in liver, lymph node congestion causing pain. The most important remedy that was used was a 55 minute 4 dose, for 4 days, using both the lysine and aspirin taken together, but before taking that vitamin C ascorbic acid was used (not perfect, I prefer sodium ascorbate). The dose were continued for 4 days 4 dose each, and the attacks and symptoms disappeared. The HEP C viruses have two major weaknesses: mainly lysine and aspirin.

Replied by Karen
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

Hi, I was wondering where I could get a complete guide line for taking the hepatitis C treatment.

My understanding is that I take the lysine & aspirin every 55 minutes for four doses 4 days in a row. Do I do this on a monthly basis?

I would also like more info on the BHT treatment. Can I combine?


Replied by Oscar
Syracuse, New York, Usa

Dear Karen form Quebec, I have NO opinion on the other treatements you mention as a treatment for hepatitis C. I have discussed BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene many times now as such a treatment ]. I beleive it to be a very effective treatment. And other forum members have stated dramatic positive results with this treatment for hepatitis C.

Based on the feedback available: One 350mg dosage taken with a gulp of water TWICE a day has been very effective for who have tried the BHT.

BUT, this may very well be too much for thin or lean people. From the feedback available: The less fat tissue your body is made up of, the less BHT is required or desired.

This treatment works very well but this dosage issue is still an important issue. For everyone trying this treatment: Start out with very low dosages and find out what dosage you are comfortable with. I see no reason for even fairly large people to be taking any more than that 350mg of BHT taken TWICE a day. I weighed about 180 pounds when I first discovered this treatment for hepatitis C and never took more than two 200mg, capsules a day to successfully treat my infection of hepatitis C.

This dosage issue is still a big question that has not been clearly defined at this time.

Also: I see no reason why the BHT treatment can not be used with other treatments as long as the BHT is taken seperately, at a different time and NOT mixed together with other compounds. Simply wait at least one hour after taking the BHT before taking any other treatment to allow for the BHT and it`s metabolites to be absorbed....Oscar

Replied by Timh
Louisville, Usa
2042 posts

Karen, as an opportunity to correct a mistake while offering an alternative to E. C. Member recommendations for Hep-C, here is a link to a site of *(not)Dr. ) Lloyd Wright who cured himself of this disease with natural treatments. Here is a link http://alternativemedicinesolution.com/Alternative_Medicine_Books

Good luck.

Replied by Timh
Louisville, Ky, Usa
2042 posts

Ted or anyone knows if the natural form of Aspirin ---White Willow Bark is also effective antiviral. I have a likely undiagnosed case of Hep-C or any other viral hep as I respond to natural antiviral treatments. Day before yesterday I drank Colloidal Silver, took Lysine and St. John'sWort throughout the day and felt much better that night and following day. Last night and this morning I took 3 cps White Willow Bark with noticeable improvements today, especially muscle tone (now feel like I'm hulking). Licorice Root NAC DMG also yeilds improvement but raises blood pressure to dangerous levels, so have discontinued.

My first symptoms were an orange colored substance covering my lower legs and feet (this was first seen during an episode of acute leukemia in the hospital with the nurse removing large amounts on washcloth regularly). For yrs I complained to doctors of the possibility of Liver problems, but never any diagnosis. Liver got much better after gallbladder cleanse and Milk Thistle; but the orange colored film still remains yrs later but not nearly as bad as the few mo. of critical episode. For the last several yrs the orange film only appears in between my toes in small amounts, I mention this because I never really got obviously jaundiced and this seems likely similar side effect. I suppose the Milk Thistle as well as other nutritional & herbal supplements could create a false negative liver panel blood results.

Am going to try (trial) the BHT soon and report any changes.

Any comments welcome and I will post results.

Replied by Maria
Gippsland, Australia

Hi Timh, I've never seen or heard of this so won't be of much help. As Ted and others have found that fungus is a cause of cancer I wonder if it is a form of it, especially as it is in between your toes. Interesting that the colour is orange as I have seen iridescent orange pus come out of a skin cancer.

Replied by Islahuddin
Hyderabad, Pakistan

Dear Sir/ I have read your discussion, I am a carrier of hepatitis B and doctors completely make me helpless as they have no cure for this, but I am hopeful from that BHT which you mentioned, and I want to know that if I didn't get the BHT, did it have any alternative? I'm from pakistan and it is not available here in pakistan.. Please help me.

Replied by Oscar
Syracuse, New York, Usa

Dear Islahuddin from Hyderabad, BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ] is a specific compound that has proven special properties that NO other compound has been proven to possess. There are other similar compounds that exist such as BHA [ butylated hydroxyanisole ] that have shown similar, but less effective properties.

So, BHT is the product to go with if you can get it. Also BHT is much more available than BHA is. There are other compounds discussed in this forum that others have discussed that THEY say have been shown to be effective as a treatment for the different hepatitis viruses.

You can click onto that AILMENTS tab to read about these other treatments for viral hepatitis. I have NO experience with these other treatments and can NOT give an opinion on how good they work for that reason....Oscar

Replied by Oscar
Syracuse, New York, Usa

Follow up posting to Islahuddin from Hyderabad, Well my previous posting to you is NO help because you are saying you can NOT purchase BHT. I have read some of the other postings regarding the treatment of viral hepatitis in this forum.

In my opinion: GRAPEFRUIT SEED extract seems very promising. Now if you can not buy the extract you can surely buy grapefruits. I would recommend taking the seeds of the grapefruit and grind them up. You need to grind these seeds up or you simply poop them out and do NOT get the desired effect.

There IS scientific evidence that the compounds that occur in grapefruit seeds that can be used as a food preservative ALSO have proven anti-microbial properties. That is why they work as a food preservative. Here is but one of many links about all that: http://naturalingredient.org/GSE_Interview.html

A number of people in this forum have reported very good results with the use of grapefruit seed extacts for the treatment of viral hepatitis. And like I said: If you cannot purchase the extracts you can surely purchase grapefruits. Grind the seeds up before eating them. The extracts WILL be there. Just squish them up to break up the vacuales to release the extracts.

I have NO idea as to how much to take per day. Can any of you other forum members help Islahuddin with some specifics as to dosages ? I do think 3 or 4 seeds per day would at least be safe and perhaps very effective. I really do NOT know. Any help out there ? ...Oscar

Replied by Gavin
Manganui, Northland, New Zealand

I think that you are onto something with regards grapefruit.. It's a cross between a lemon and an orange. In "reeves herbal" It states that of all fruits, the lemon is number one in maintaining the nations health. I've been drinking orange juice with a lemon cut up and immersed in it for a few hours.. For a couple of weeks. Added to it is a capfull of ACV.. which you can't taste, plus eating half a grapefruit a day, I'm sure apart from any other benefits it improves eyesight.

Replied by Timh
Louisville, Ky, Usa
2042 posts

Another benefit of the Grapefruit worth mentioning is the seed. On my quest for herbs that can kill fungal infection I am currently finding Grapefruitseed Extract to be superior to any or all other including: Pau D' Arco (although haven't tried extracts but a strong tea is very good), Olive Leaf, Neem, Cats Claw (this one seems promising especially w/ possible Mycoplasma infection), Uva Ursi (has provided substantial relief but cannot sustain therapeutic dose because of venous insufficiency, otherwise UU is very potent antimicrobial), Oregeno (oil) (is potent but somewhat abrasive but otherwise have tolerated very well but no substantial improvement). Am currently experimenting w/ Grapefruitseed Extract Concentrated Oil diluted in Canola Oil as an enema w/ very good results so far (3'd day).

I use Orange Oil or D Limonene (also present in Lemon) softgels occasionally for P-14 agonism w/ good results.

Against the recommended protocol, have been experimenting w/ 1 can frozen Lemon Juice Kool Aid® natural Lemon flavor as a refrigerated daily beverage; one cup 5 drops Sodium Chlorite for MMS synthesis w/ good results (despite the small amount of Vit-C present in the beverage). Is certainly more tolerable than the recommended pure lemon juice S.C. but probably cannot exceed 5 or so drops for one cup as maximum MMS which is a 15 drops.

Replied by Maria
Gippsland, Australia

Hi Islahuddin (from Hyderabad), As you cannot buy BHT where you live can you buy it over the internet? There are sellers on ebay that sell it and post it to you.

There is always Ted's remedy of Lysine and Aspirin plus Vit C and Zinc that worked for someone. Plus Richard from Volo had success with milk thistle tabs and eating grapefruit and drinking it. These are posts that apear above yours. https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/hep_c.html#TED_36221
All the best.

Replied by Timh
Louisville, Ky, Usa
2042 posts


NO: I use Orange Oil or D Limonene (also present in Lemon) softgels occasionally for P-14 agonism w/ good results.

Yes: I use Orange Oil or D Limonene (also present in Lemon) softgels occasionally for P-450 agonism w/ good results.

Replied by Brokenhearted
Kansas City, Mo, USA

Ted, thank you for all your useful posts. I am interested in your BLOOD ROOT TINCTURE tip to treat hcv, but I wish to know if what I have is the correct recommendation.


Blood root tincture...... 3 drops in 1 glass of water, 3-4 times a day (for how long?),
L-lysine........... 1000-2000mg three times a day,
Magnesium citrate....... 500mg ( how many times a day and for how long?),
Vitamin B. Co............ 100mg (how many times a day?),
Zinc............( what is the dosage?),
Clove oil....... (what is the dosage?),
Baking soda......1/2 teaspoon in a glass of water two times a day(for how long).



Ibuprofen........200mg every hour for 6 hours for one week for the first month(and after that?),
Lysine ........... 1000mg every hour for 5 hours for 30 days( and after that?),

And you wrote, " Remember I use supplements like Magnesium, Zinc, Blood root tincture". What are the doses of these supplements and for how long?

Thanks and God bless. Brokenhearted.
