Hep C and Colitis Have Anything to Do with Each Other

Posted by Antonio on 01/10/2008

Hi Ted, I recently found the forum on earthclinic.com once I did a google search for natural cures for hep c. I have had the virus for about 19 years and have had only 1 liver biopsy about 10 years ago. I have been seeing a doctor on this recently and started the interferon and the pills but only lasted for about 3 months. This was about 2 years ago when I stopped with the medication due to the terrible side effects. At one point close to the 3 months my doctor mentioned that virus was gone due to the help of the medication interferon, etc. Recently I am awaiting my latest blood work and ultra sound results of the liver. I really need some help of I have read a bunch of different remedies that can help. I live in New Jersey and I noticed you mentioned simple things like baking soda and lemon juice with glass of water. I know that your time is busy but hope this email gets to you and point me in the right direction that where I can follow a daily routine of natural treatments. Also just a few weeks ago I was hospitalized for COLITTIS which just came out of nowhere. My doctor mentioned that after the colonoscopy the biopsy showed just an infection of the large intenstines which I had to take a bunch of antibiotics for 10 days. Do you also feel that the hep c and colitis have anything to do with each other? My doctor feels like it does. Thank you so very much for taking the time to read this and hope to hear back from you very soon.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

A colitis is often bacteria, rather than a virus, but it can be a virus. A hep c is a virus. It is related whenever the body's immune system is low being totally dependent on antibiotics. It is also related in that if the body's magnesium and zinc levels are low, infections get into the body rather easily. In event that the colitis were caused by a virus rather than a staph bacteria the addition of l-lysine 2000 mg and l-arginine 1000 mg is taken along with the zinc gluconate and magesium citrate.

Antibiotics causes some metabolic acidosis and heavy metal retention. For some reason or another the antibiotics in some instances promote fungus growth (usually candida) but in your instances it seems to promote staphyloccoccus growth, which leads to ulcerative colitis. Metal retention is a good likelihood as there is some long term antibiotic treatments. It should be noted that in your case of colitis, because of long term antibiotics (in my books, more than 3 days is long-term - since normal antibiotics should not be taken more than 3 or 4 days). As a result, antibiotics destroys the body's thiamine, which causes problems in glucose metabolism, causing somewhat higher blood sugar, and result in a metabolic acidosis this way. Hence a thiamine B1 100 mg plus vitamin B complex B50 is something I will take for a least every day for a week, with gradually paring down of dose later on, as the condition improves. Vanadium is another one of my favorite in controlling acidosis which leads to some colitis condition and for me seems more effective in controlling blood sugar than the chromium form.

As to colitis remedy, is magnesium citrate 500 mg/day taken 5 days out of a week, plus zinc gluconate 50 mg for about a week. Some milk of magnesia may kill on contact the colitis, but the amount should be sufficiently low that it won't cause diarrhea. A good low dose might be 1/8 teaspoon of milk of magnesia added into a one liter drinking water. A lemon 2 tablespoon plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda is taken usually twice, but preferably three times a day should generally be sufficient to reduce the colitis problem.

Certain toxins produced by the bacteria may be helped by adding a sodium thiosulfate dechlorinator, whose concentration is between 5-20%, preferably 10% added to a glass of drinking water between 3-6 drops. While the remedy is a mild one, it should help reduce some of those toxins. Generally, constipation and certain dietary preferances are what causes ulcerative colitis, which is often low in magnesium and zinc, as well as some metabolic acidosis. Both the lemon and baking soda and the sodium thiosulfate should help reduce most of the metabolic acidosis.

B1 thiamine mononitrate 100 mg plus B6 pyridoxine hydrochloride 100 mg, and B50 vitamin B complex taken for everyday for at least the first week will help stabilize the pH and the blood sugar.

Recently there's some concern about sodium bicarbonate reducing the uptake of iodine, but generally speaking most of the problems appears to be the white bread and white flour that tends to drive out iodine from bromine process, as well as trace alloxan, and thiocyanate rich fruits and casava that displaces the iodine. Therefore some iodine supplements is seen as helpful, usually a good source is kelp. If there is any other supplements that helps indirectly against the colitis, then it has to be the flaxseed oil, taken perhaps twice a week. It should be noted that colonoscopy is rather risky in some cases because certain bacteria and viruses can be introduced because of hospital infections. The most frequent complain I got was H. pylori or acid reflux after the colonoscopy examination.
