Ted's Remedies

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/03/2006 392 posts

There is a ancient Chinese herbal Medicine in Thailand (but terribly expensive) that is shown to be effective against HCV (Hepatitis C Virus). So there is a cure.

The name is piengsaehung. That's just the best I can spell it. A three month's supply (it actually takes about 6 -12 months of treatment) will cost about U.S. $1,000. It is very popular here in Thailand against hepatitis C and hepatitis B as well as cancer (cancer of a viral origin). There have been many cases documented of people cured. There is an extra charge (I think) of packaging them in capsule because the taste of the herbal medicine is so bitter.

I prefer to go through the sodium perborate/colloidal silver/apple cider vinegar/hydrogen peroxide/cesium chloride/fulvic acid/selenium/zinc acetate/lavender/tree tea/N-Acetyl-Cysteine, etc. route against hepatitis C virus however, but everything all comes down how well it works. For me, it worked quite well without the Chinese medicine because it is cheaper, and to me they seem to be active against virus. I however, never get a chance to compare side by side against the Chinese Medicine due to the variability of my own formulation. However, it has at least been effective against colds, allergies, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

As for Humic Acid/ Fulvic Acid, there is evidence to suggest that this is shown to be effective against virus due to its antiviral property. One strange thing about Fulvic acid is its ability to increase the potency of other antiviral herbal medicine by about 10-1000 fold increase and it is the main suspect why homeopathic medicines work since fulvic acid is not needed in large quantities.

To be on the safe side, I suggest you combine other herbal remedies that is already shown to be effective against HCV, such as Neem oil (important), artemesia (VERY important!), eucalyptus oil, oregano oil (versatile - but HOT!), and tea tree oil (versatile and o.k.). Top of this with lavender oil. I used them and take them internally whenever I am sick, although I never add lavender oil, unless these oils don't work. But, of course, they seem to work all the time for me so I do not have to resort to lavender oil added. If you are still having problems, try a couple of drops of wintergreen oil. You do not have to follow all the ingredients I listed above, for example you can just add tea tree and eucalyptus together, or tea tree oil and artemesia, or artemisia tea tree neem oil, for example. (P.S. neem oil is not aromatherapy, but it is been shown to be effective against many viruses.)

Fulvic acid is mixed in case the above remedies are STILL not working. Remember one secret when treating viral HCV, is that they spread quickly. To stop them the medicine must be given every 2-4 hours and continue taking them EVEN AFTER they are gone for at least a month as virus tend to do a good job of hiding in the body.

And remember, always rely on apple cider vinegar. Apparently Earth Clinic found out that this is perhaps one of the most effective medicines yet, they seem to work well against HCV, so take them as part of a dietary supplement whether you are sick or well as apple cider vinegar contains malic acid and acetic acid and it is effective against most viral disease including HCV. For those who want an added potency, add 10-20 of drops of 3% food grade H2O2 to the dose. Most apple cider vinegar is taken between 1 tablespoon to up to 1/4 glass of water. Therefore, you need to find the proper dosage which works the best for you.

May I also add that natural therapies against hepatitis C are not exhaustive; there are others that I have found that seem to work due to their antiviral properties, such as clove oil and cumin. A real surprise is olive leaf which when eaten fresh as a salad (without the sugar of course). Another possible treatment against Hepatitis C in Thailand is a Yaka, which is some kind of grass which is effective against malaria and widely suspected that it may also work well with hepatitis C also. So the possibilities are endless, most importantly of course, you must give them a try and see how it works out for you. Dosage, frequency and mix (whether you use artemisia, combined them with apple cider vinegar, etc.) is also something that must be figured out by yourself since, I have limited time in testing such formulation. However, my experience has been that 2% clove oil and 8% artemisia and 45% apple cider vinegar plus 45% H2O2( at 3% concentration), then with added N-acetyl-cysteine (about 200 mg./dose) taken at least 3-4 times a day seems to be helpful. Again this is a small trial, and may likely not work for you."

07/01/2008 Update from Ted: "...Interestingly, it was Sandhya who took me to Yaowaraj (Bangkok's Chinatown) to visit some local Chinese traditional medicine and I have finally found the proper spelling for the herbal medicine to for the hepatitis B cure, which is as follows:

Zhan Zhou Pien Tze Huang, produced by Zhanzhou Pientzehuang, Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Shang St. Zhanzhou, Fujian, China.

Replied by Jim F.
Bangkok, Thailand

Dear Ted (from Bangkok),

I also live in Bangkok and I have Hep C. Can you get all these things you mention below in Thailand? Also do you order the hydrogen peroxide in Thailand?

sodium perborate/colloidal silver/apple cider vinegar/hydrogen peroxide/cesium chloride/fulvic acid/selenium/zinc acetate/lavender/tree tea/N-Acetyl-Cysteine, etc.

Replied by Anna
Houston, Texas

Do you mean to ingest H2O2 at 3%? Is this really safe?
