Want to Know the Best Treatment for Hep C

Posted by Bill on 07/18/2007

Hello, I have just been diagnosed with hep c and would like to know the best treatment that I can undergo. Could you please direct me to any specific treatment regimen or # where I could speak to someone.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Bill: The ones that I have recently found to be fairly effective supplements against Hep C, is the BHT supplements, which is used as an antioxidant, but it has ability to dissolve the viral coating quite efficiently. Dr. Ward Dean actually recommends about 250-500 mg as antioxidant and 2000 a day in divided dose for a herpes. For some reason when taking this, and this is not final yet, the body seems to be more acid, so therefore taking alkalizing formula (baking soda and ACV, or baking soda and lemon) is required.

I think 250 mg -500 mg in divided dose 4 times a day which amounts to only 1000 mg-1500 mg is sufficient to see some improvement within a day or so, but those are often taken along with foods, to prevent possible upset stomach.

The other I think that maybe helpful are the zinc gluconate, which is about 50 mg, taken everyday for about 1 week thereafter the dose is only once a week.

Alkalizing is seen as important to discourage viral growth such as 2 tablespoon ACV with 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, in 1/2 glass of water taken 2 times a day. Another remedy which is more alkalizing but not as energizing as the first is the 8 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lime (or lemon) plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, in 1/2 glass of water, taken twice a day also. Those are the main ones. Granulated powdered lecithin is a fat emulsifier and may also dissolve the fat lipids that the virus is being protected and reduce the Hep C virus. Those are taken at about 1 tablespoon of granulated powdered lecithin at least once a day.

Milk thistle seems to be popular for people with liver problems, but I do not get much feed back on this one.

The other issue is people who have hep C is more likely to have iodine deficiency, which natural sources such as kelp maybe be helpful, taken either once or twice a day. However, vitamin A 25,000 i.u. (they are actually quite small, but the numbers are big) should be taken about 3 times a week for proper thyroid function, which seems to be implicated in immunity issues.

Sometimes iodine foot painting, the kind you iodine they use for cuts, can be applied externally so the body can absorb slowly by transdermal absorption may also help. Vitamin C sodium ascorbate 1000 - 2000 mg/day and magnesium citrate (or magnesium chloride) of about 250 mg/day are also antiviral for Hep C too. Selenium helps in liver being protective against cirrhosis and often taken at 200 mcg/day.

Sometimes people with Hep C were reported with high heavy metals so chinese parsley taken twice a week will reduce that, along with chlorella perhaps 4 days out of the week, will reduce heavy metal load, and raise the body's immune system. Vitamin B complex can be taken 100 mg of each, for most of them, except 100 mcg for the folic acid, B12, for example. Brewer's yeast will supply the other missing B's not found commercially such as B13. Often those are taken usually once every other day. Those, I think are the main remedies for Hep C.
