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Fibroids Preventing Conception

Posted by J (Anonymous) on 04/29/2012

Dear Ted, I have read up on what you say about alkalizing the body with ACV and soda. I sincerely hope you will be able to help me. I am 43 years and have recently been informed through sonography that I have multiple intramural fibroids, a large intramural fibroid (6cm x 5cm) and a submucosal fibroid (2cm x 2cm).

The doctor has suggested surgery; wait a minimum of three months before trying to conceive naturally. I want to have children. What should I do to dissolve the fibroids in 2-3 months? Thanks and Regards.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Fibroids is a common occurrence especially if you take high calcium diets found in potatoes, milk, etc. There is a deficiency in selenium and iodine deficiency. To breakdown the fibroids, it requires bromelain and digestive enzymes. The selenium may be taken at a dose of 600 mcg. per day, iodine you can try Lugol's doing the foot painting, or oral nascent iodine, or potassium iodide too. The dose for potassium iodide in the form of SSKI might require 1 to 2 drops, nascent iodine is well tolerated also, but maybe higher dose at 5 to 10 drops [EC: Start with half a drop and then build up slowly to avoid side effects]. Lugol's would help without side effects if the person has sleeping problems and maybe taken at 2 drops before sleep.

Alkalizing the body with lime and baking soda, or ACV and baking soda, will help prevent future fibroids, or may decrease cysts, but breaking them down may require addition of the bromelain, digestive enzymes, as well as addressing deficiencies, such as selenium and iodine, being the most well known. It may also help that a person is supplemented with 500 mg x 2 per day of N acetyl cysteine. I may take some time, say 3 months before checking up whether the fibroids reduces upon doing the complete regimen. Surgery entails risk of infection of the kinds that resists conventional antiseptic, such as mycobacterium paratuberculosis (ulcerative colitis), MRSA, and a few others.

