Question About Magnesium Salts
Magnesium salts may be good at inducing breakup of calculi. But as for alkali, I've been drinking electrolyzed alkaline water for about 1 year and recently got a whole load of gallstones. As a matter of fact, ingestion of alkaline water with food may not be a good idea after all, because it will tend to neutralize stomach acid and the small amount of acid secreted by the wall of the gallbladder which keeps bile in solution, and stops it forming crystalline deposits (gallstones). I hope this helps.
"I once lived briefly Japan. At the time, I remember that Japan is one of the very few countries that had the highest level of magnesium in the world (Calcium to Magnesium is 1:1, totally unheard of. It is the only country that had the highest per consumption per person of alkaline water (generated by electricity commonly called ionized water). Because of that, I have recently posted the necessity of measuring your urinary/salivary pH. The ideal pH balance is 6.4. (EC: Please read the pH page on this site if you want to know more about balancing your pH.)
In your case, I think your pH may be alkaline pH (which is rare for most parts of the world), however for most dietary consumption throughout the world due to the influence of fast food, etc., the pH averages below 6.0. It is not a perfect diet, it is one of those "one size fits all". Therefore, a preferred method, I would suggest you measure your urinary/salivary pH. Drinking electrolyzed alkaline water may have contributed to the problem also. As in your special case (Japan), I am aware of this gallstone problem, assuming you are taking too much alkali food, is that gallstone is caused by mineral imbalances of calcium/phosphate. When it is imbalanced, you will get them. An imbalance of calcium:magnesium, or calcium:phosphate will get them either way. In your case I suspect your dietary phosphate might be too low, I could be wrong.
Phosphate is low for people who are too alkali. If my urinary/saliva is alkali, I take high phosphate diet. Besides that your pH is not optimum, another possibility exists is you might not drink enough water. So you need to get urine conductivity meter and test that. Third concerns low consumption of Vitamin C (in form of ascorbic acid). Fourth might concern consumption of too much milk and/or coral calcium. Coral calcium causes blood to be alkaline. Fifth, bicarbonate diet, which stabilizes your urinary/saliva in a safe range might be lacking. Sixth, in adequate lecithin diet (eggs have lots of it.) They will dissolve the fat portion of the stones. In fact most people based on my observations are "bicarbonate deficient". "Officially" bicarbonate deficiency does not exists. However, I take them all the time. Sixth, is the necessity of balancing potassium / magnesium balance.
All this might sound complicated, but it is not! I always try to determine intuitively if my body is too alkali or acidic. At which case I will take magnesium/potassium bicarbonate. Rarely if my blood is alkali I go for vitamin C, or phosphates. I have always take them in balance.
While "officially" there is no cure for gallstone, a lemon and water diet on fasting, will usually help. At which case lemon/water diet will help clear most imbalances. Usually 2-4 lemon squeezed on one glass of water.
Magnesium chloride will increase stomach acid. Other forms might not. Apple cider vinegar will lower alkalinity, however, simple vinegar might do a better job.
Tyler, Tx
Yesterday my gallbladder felt very full (could have been cholesterol stones). I drank 2 16 oz. Glasses of unsweetened apple juice from concentrate and it flushed many of them out. I drank two more glasses today and took some Stone Free. We'll see what happens. I used to drink dandelion tea with honey and that helped also.