Natural Remedies for Endometriosis: Herbs, Supplements & Home Tips - Ted's Q&A

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Remedies Needed to Treat the Formation of Cysts in Ovaries

Posted by Lori on 10/21/2008


Is there any natural method to treat endometriosis and/or the forming of cysts in a woman's ovaries. I have friend (age 28) who has already had surgery that removed one of her ovaries back about 4 years go. Just recently she had an ultra sound done or a cat scan done of her abdomen area. They found something (maybe another cyst). She has regular periods but cannot get pregnant. Is there something she could take that would help her get pregnant? Thanks in advance.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

For cysts of ovaries, the cause is high blood calcium from blood sugar spikes that occur from consuming artificial sugar, fruit juices, acid forming foods, for example, which leads to cyst. Common remedy is magnesium citrate (or magnesium chloride) 500 mg, a tiny amount of disodium EDTA, such as 10-25 mg (as opposed to much larger oral dosage used commercially in the health food market) which reduces blood calcium. However, the primary method of controlling blood sugar, which increases calcium solubility by 20 times, is the prime cause. Therefore, alkalization, such as 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water, twice a day, magnesium supplements, chromium supplements, usually chewed taken at 1000 mcg a day, are the most important ones in reducing the cysts. There is a link to cyst and past exposure to fungus in the house. A long term exposure, even long after it is gone will continue to have an effect so these are long term conditions. They also can spring up CFS and hypothyroid, once the fungus invades the system too. Their major weakness is the alkaline remedy, which mostly are killed or destroyed.

