Ted's Remedies

Posted by Anonymous on 06/23/2011

Hi, Ted, I have Read on earthclinic some amazing wonderful advise for treatment for various disease. I Like to ask if you can Help suggesting My Newly Diagnosed brain Tumor/cyst and Anuresim.

Though My all symptoms has not been address.. I have enclosed Neurologist Diagnosis letter.. But i feel it is much more than this. 6 weeks ago I had suddenly started pain On My Upper Head in middle and has My both hand Became Numb and frozen.. perticularly No sensation in fingers in right hand.. my Neck and shoulder had pain also-after 2 days waiting I went to Emergency (as i did not had Medical Insurance) and they kept me in hospital 2 days and tested for stroke, BP etc which was fine.. than after 2 days stabilising I came home and went again in 2 days for MRI for brain..

Initially they could not confirm and finally Neurologist Send me diagnosis stating:

(1) that i have Cyst In right Sinus and thereis focus of abnormality in the right scalp in the frontal area
(2)MRA shows tiny 2mm prominent blood vessel which she think could represent abnormality and suggested
CT Angiogramm..

Even though I had lots more pain, Now after reading earthclinic, I have been taking Molasses and baking soda, which has reduced my pain- but still there-and some time i also take ACV and BS .. But Molasses seems to be better. BUT WHEN I REDUCED FROM 3 TIMES TO 1 TIME AFTER 15 DAYS IT STATRTED PAINING MORE..

I have stopped sugar and some juces. but when i ate one day slice of watermelon it started paining in my head more and became more sensational. I do not have Insurance and I do like to get something cure with Alternative Method. I am in USA. A few days I did drink bitter tea made from Indian Plant called Kalita, (kaliatu) is this OK ?

I hope You will have chance to review my issue and guide me in alternative methods..
I will appreciate your kind prompt attention as i donot want it to get worse.

Replied by Timh
Louisville, Ky, Usa
2042 posts

Try to find Essiac Tea. Give Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate 1 spoonful 2 times daily). Give Vitamin C 1 gram every two hrs through the day. Coconut Oil will help.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Tumors/cysts can be caused by nanobacteria. Nanobacteria accumulates or becomes a magnet for calcium. As calcium builds up, in between the blood vessels, it causes aneurysms. Further damage to the area to any kind allows the cancer to spread. Certain heavy metals may play a role in certain nanobacteria, there is equipment out there that knows exactly that, but there's no money in that, but certain immune system maybe suppressed or dietary preference for calcium which brings to cysts may play a role.

There was a 18 year study where they reported cancer 1 in 59 patients treated with calcium EDTA had cancer after 18 years, and 30 of the 172 controls not treated with calcium EDTA had cancer. While calcium was not reduced with calcium EDTA, it is suspected that the therapy reduced at least two things, heavy metals (since it is chelation agents) and blood clots (EDTA tend to improve clogged arteries) thus reducing calcium buildup through improvement of circulation. Oral calcium EDTA or will work just fine in improvement of circulation and heavy metals about the same as intravenous EDTA, according to most research out there, although slower, it's still good. At the very least I think, calcium EDTA, would be more fitting in case bleeding is a factor with aneursym but only if aneursym problems are first resolved.

The aneurysms and the tumor cyst is probably what is causing your headache, but more likely aneurysms from the feedback of blackstrap molasses and baking soda was a factor in reduction of headaches, since tumor cysts you get a steady headaches but aneurysms increase with blood pressure and acid blood. Watermelons are high in sugar, so you have to reduce all sugar, especially artificial sugar and fructose. Check your blood pressure since it is related to aneurysms. No sugar or carbohydrate of all kind in the dinner time, supper and late night snacks. Fried foods and vegetable oil is another major source of aneurysms. Studies of cholesterol origin in blood vessels does not come from cholesterol of animal origin, but of plant sources. If you watch Lorenzo's oil, the body process oils by breaking down the chains, and then make new ones by reconstruction of those, so a diet high in certain chains of oil is not necessary the same oils that is being utilized. Once we know to source, which is of plant origin, another point is polyunsaturated fatty acids are subjected to free radicals much more in the unsaturated chains then they are saturated chain, and hence become unstable. This unstable oils becomes free radicals and the body immune system is down, causing cancer is one of the many factors to free radicals. So avoid polyunsaturated oils especially. This will solve one factor of aneurysms.

Another factor is collagen matrix, you need to get non calcium Lysine, calcium is common additives in most supplements and we don't want to add more of that, except possibly calcium EDTA, which removes heavy metals, allowing the immune system to operate. If you can get lysine powdered is better, proline, and vitamin C being most common in treatment of aneurysms to give strength to blood vessels. If copper status is low or cannot afford medical bills, at least I would take 25 mg of zinc chelate and 2 mg of copper chelate, only briefly such as 2 weeks to 4 weeks, to prevent a deficiency that leads to collagen problems, in your cause low collagen can lead to aneurysms.

Lysine, proline, glycine and vitamin C is needed for collagen synthesis to help reduce deficiency that leads to aneurysms. I prefer to take twice or more than WHO (World Health Organization) recommend for lysine, so it's taken 1/2 teaspoon twice a day to 1 teaspoon twice a day. Glycine is taken about the same amount and proline perhaps only 1/2 will do. Vitamin C, ascorbic acid is fine. You need to control pH of the drinks you drink so as to control your blood pressure also and prevent capillary restrictions that occur with high blood pressure. Of course, if you have normal blood pressure is still important because you don't want the spikes in blood pressure either,

As far as why molasses and baking soda are working better, it might be that it is more alkaline then my mix with ACV and baking soda. In that case, I will add 1/3 teaspoon for baking soda to ACV. It should work equally well or better that way.

As far as getting rid of tumors, first primary order is to reduce injuries because that's how tumor spread, by reduction of bruises through supplementing with the lysine, proline, glycine and vitamin C. The formula you can add baking soda to this also to make it again more alkaline, try 1/8 to 1/4. Additionally, you can help cellular recovery with centella asiatica and Aloe vera oil is my preferred ones. Centella asiatica powdered is giving at 1/4 teaspoon twice a day and aloe vera oil at 5 - 10 drops a day. The prime things to get rid of tumors is iodine Lugol's solution. Start with low dose 1 drop in 1 glass of water now it won't get rid of tumors at these levels, it needs at least 30 drops per day of Lugol's 2% iodine with 2.5% potassium iodine, spread over the day. If you can attain that level, it is given at 5 drops x 6 times a day. But you have to consider how well you can tolerate that, but it is almost no problem with one drop a day with the starting dose. You can convert cancer cells to normal cells with DMSO, but the level requires higher level to reach the area, and few people can tolerate more and also the smell, however there is no problems about dosage requirement for MSM, at larger doses such as 1000 mg x 10 times a day for that, but it also coverts fewer cancer cells to normal cells too.

If you can reduce salt table intake it helps because the requirement of cancer requires sugar and salt, if you manage to avoid this while staying safely within allowable sodium levels and potassium levels it would be fine. Also cancer don't like potassium, the potassium preferred is potassium gluconate, potassium acetate, and potassium citrate, I prefer the latter because it relieves headaches for most cases I have seen.

These are the basic remedies, more like first aid.


Anonymous replies, "Hi, Ted Thank You Very Much. I do Appreciate Your reply me I will cretainly try also i have
question to you, is DMSO is faster,better ? if so I dont mind trying that-

I also read in your past post on the site which you quoted that BHT is the fastest and also Baking Soda and Ascorbic acid does bring fast result..
What would you recommend if i want safest and fastest way to stop and recover Brain CYST or Tumor ?

I am about to order BHT, DMSO and Ascorbic acid.. b4 that i thought will check with you.
If any of this How Often and How much should i use??


I had been using 2 to 3 teaspoons with 4 -5 molasses and about 2-3 times a day


I eat sometime yogurt and cottage cheese ,MILK ( Not often but some times) is that not add calcium ??? if excess sodium/salt in body is too high what is best way to reduced ??

In terms of Oil I sometime I take GHEE( melted butter) is it OK ?? or shouldnt take >? what about OLIVE OIL ??? HOW MUCH ? i HAD STOPPED ALL KIND OF OIL EXCEPT GHEE AND OLIVE OIL.

Last 10 days I started taking 1/4 spoon Borax in 1 liter, to help my Arthritis pain..BUT SOME WHERE THERE WAS DESCRIPTION THAT IT RETAIN MORE CALCIUM ..IF SO SHOULD I STOP NOW ??

CAN YOU COMMENT ON BITTER INDIAN HERB ? LIKE bitter gourd, fenugreek(Methi), Neem ?




I thank you verymuch for your time and insight..

God bless You.."

Ted responds, "I am about to order BHT,DMSO and Ascorbic acid.. b4 that i thought will check with you.
If any of this How Offten and How much should i use??

BHT 1/4 teaspoon. DMSO the more the better if you can tolerate it, but I must be taken with some aloe vera oil. The ones in Bangkok I prepared 50% DMSO with 50% Aloe vera oil for applying and taken internally. The starting dose for DMSO is at least 10 drops 5 times a day in THE MINIMUM starting dose.

Ascorbic acid you can start with 1000 mg every 2 hours. Sleeping time, you can take 2000 or 3000 mg all at once, since you need your sleep.


Yes molasses has sugar and should be discontinued.


Well yes you give too much sodium but is alkaline. The best form is potassium carbonate, potassium bicarbonate or potassium citrate, but sodium bicarbonate is quick fix because they are easier to find. Longer term I look at potassium. There is one critical aspect to keep potassium and magnesium in the cells and it is taurine. You can take it 1000 mg taken 4 or 5 times a day. What is amazing about taurine is it keeps normal electrolytes in balance.


The chemical name for Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, I don't like these forms because they cause vomiting and also kidney problems. I prefer magnesium chloride or trimagnesium citrate.

i eat sometime yogurt and cottage cheese,MILK ( Not often but some times) is that not add calcium ??? if excess sodium/salt in body is too high what is best way to reduced ??

First, milk is generally not helpful. So why cottage cheese? It is also not generally helpful. For certain rare cancers, yes Budwig diet works, but in general it doesn't work that well. Flaxseed in Budwig does work because cancer cells needs a lot of oils, but the problem about flaxseed is that it oxidizes too easily once it is taken up by the cancer cells. It's much like a trojan horse, we just use cottage cheese as nutrients to help cancer cells too, in hopes that flaxseed gets oxidized and kill from the inside out. But to use cottage cheese alone is not good, or calcium alone I would not do.

In terms of Oil I sometime I take GHEE( melted butter) is it OK ?? or shouldnt take >? what about OLIVE OIL ??? HOW MUCH ? i HAD STOPPED ALL KIND OF OIL EXCEPT GHEE AND OLIVE OIL.

No. All kinds of oil helps cancer cells proliferate, with the possible exception of flaxseed because it gets oxidized so quickly killing cancer cells that way before it has any use.

Last 10 days I started taking 1/4 spoon Borax in 1 liter ,, to help my Arthritis pain..BUT SOME WHERE THERE WAS DESCRIPTION THAT IT RETAIN MORE CALCIUM ..IF SO SHOULD I STOP NOW ??

Borax helps normalized calcium metabolism, in other words calcium in the bones and not anywhere else. It's good. Borax also kills cancer cells, especially bone cancer.

CAN YOU COMMENT ON BITTER INDIAN HERB ? LIKE bitter gourd, fenugreek(Methi), Neem ?

Keeps your blood sugar normal. A primary remedy to control cancer cells if your blood sugar are normal. I have one patients after he eats one hour is blood sugar is 160. If that happens its of prime importance to get blood sugar normal. If you don't to do anything else you do this: keep it below 110 after meals is very important, and before meals below 90.


No cayenne peppers. Sure it works against prostate cancer in vitro and sure it works for skin cancer. But it promotes cancer as it promotes inflammation, especially liver cancer and other cancers.


Black pepper works briefly then within a week the cancer learns and adapts then it stops working. Ginger is fine for general cancer. Curry powder and tumeric or curcumin especially is good.


Yes it works by stimulating the immune system and sluggish system.

You can never forget Lugol's iodine. Try to get 30 drops per day. It works out like this: 6 drops x 5 times a day, if you can. It kills cancer cells. There are some MMS lover killing cancer cells but I think they are halogens, only difference is chlorine is toxic to healthy cells but iodine isn't. There one more story about MMS, they claim it cures malaria. Yes, but 20 drops 5 times a day for iodine Lugol's can do the same, only without heart attacks, since chlorine is known to do that (it raises blood pressure in some cases). My friend sells MMS, he likes it because of the popularity spread by Jim Humble, but he doesn't like my Lugol's iodine because it produces less profit. Of course he cannot say because he makes money from MMS.


Anonymous replies, "Thank You very Much, Ted. I do appriciate your help- I have ordered and decided to try- BHT, DMSO AND Baking soda-acv-Molasses-- and will try Vita-C -Lugols Iodine--

however I have Concern About My BLood Pressure will Go High As I am Using Baking Soda - So is it good Idea to Try Pottasum Bicarbonate ?/
If so What Is Size I should Use ?/ and will it work Better--



does taking heat therapy as in shower and bath and hot botteled can spread this to other place?



what about including flaxoil in my daily Diet ??



Ted responds, "High blood pressure from baking soda I rarely encounter. Mostly it comes from eating salt and sugar, such as potato chips, snacks. From high fat products such as fried foods. But if your potassium is way out of balance it might happen.

The best blood pressure to prevent unstable high blood pressure comes from garlic, it doesn't exactly lower it per se, but it stabilizes your pressure. Anything that contains hydrogen sulfide, or produces that tend to mostly stabilize blood pressure with some reduction, such as cysteine, N acetyl cysteine, and cystein rich food as in garlic. Blood pressures is raised by eating sugar, carbohydrate, and high fats. If you go vegetarian, it may get your blood pressure controlled within 2 weeks. You can try potassium bicarbonate a 50/50 mix with sodium bicarbonate, 1/8 teaspoon each. If your blood status show low potassium and high sodium you can take 1/4 teaspoon potassium bicarbonates two times a day.

You shouldn't take sugar of any kinds, especially fructose. It will grow the tumor quickly. It is important that you include 1/2 teaspoon of Lysine with 1/2 teaspoon of threonine, which it will stop cancer from spreading. It helps that you add green tea extract too.

You can try Budwig Diet, it doesn't work on all cancer, but very few it does. The one that works across all cancers is bromelain, digestive enzyme, threonine, lysine, proline, tannic acid, lugol's, crocodile blood, snakes blood, andrographis paniculata, acanthacea, etc. in varying degrees. It's easy to do broccolli, but you will do the opposite if take with every meal before, and Lugol's are easy to find, tannic acid for example. My remedy for cancer is always Lugol's, lysine, bromelain, vitamin C, vitamin B3, threonine, and possibly taurine.

EDTA, is to take it at a level that won't cause diarrhea and bleeding. Since dosages varies I can't say but I can say that EDTA if I prepare in a dropper 70% tetrasodium EDTA I would give at least 10-20 drops 3 times a day is the level I don't see any side effects.


Replied by Oscar
Syracuse, New York, Usa

I wish to make this forum aware of some research by Canadian researchers regarding the treatment of brain cancer and also breast and lung cancer. They have shown VERY POSITIVE results in their animal studies for those specific cancers using DICHLORO-ACETATE. There are also testimonials from many people using this rather simple compound to treat those cancers and some others. You can read all about it here: http://wemustknow.net/2011/05/scientists-cure-cancer-but-no-one-takes-notice/

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

1) Try potassium bicarbonate or potassium citrate. The body should get rid of water.

2) You should take lysine, threonine to help tired feeling. every hour four hours in morning and every hour for four hours. It should increase energy on the third day.

3) Lysine, threonine, iodine, and green tea at least is needed to stop cancer's advancement.

07/01/2011: Anonymous replies: "Dear Ted, Thankssssssssssss So Muchhhhhhhh!

Finally I got following ingredients since i want to do right and dont want to end up creating problem.. may i ask to let me know if i am doing or how to take it.. since i got so many items and between food, work, sleep when, how many times, which one first, with food or drinks, after how many hours and howmany weeks should i take it ??

CAN YOU ALSO TELL ME SIDE EFFECT TO WATCHOUT ???(IMP) SO I DONT PANIC IF THINGS HAPPEN. SO MANY ITEMS TOGETHER? HOW MUCH DISTANCE ? i read some ingredients will nutralise another, is that true ?? help

I GOT DMSO= 1GALLON=99.85% PURE-- ( you advised 50-50 aloe oil- 10 drops? How many times ?? with/out food??)

MSM = ( 10 times ? 1/4 spoon ?? with food/ diluted in 1 cup water ? though i started 1/8 spoon in 1/2 cup water dissolve, is this ok ?)


L-LYSINE- ( 2TIMES (1/2 TO 1 TSPN 2 TIMES?? with half cup water?? after food-B4 food ?? )


Ascorbic Acid ( I started 1g 3 to 5 times but with or without food?/ can this be taken with another items here?? some where i read some ingredients will nutralise another, if what when,how ?)

green tree extract= drink as tea 2 times a day ?? or more(this already started helping-little)

Lecithin= ( how much ? )




I HAVE STOP USING ALL OILS FOR NOW ! BUT QUESTION IS CAN YOU USE NUTS ?? Almonds,Pumpkin seeds,Cashew nuts, Peanuts,walnut,peakan,pistachio ??))

Thank You for early reply so that i can start taking sooner and sooner get feel ok ??"

07/02/2011: Anonymous adds: "Dear ted, this is another items to add...

should i continue Baking soda and ACV or BSM and BS? how long ?/ how about Borax water ??

I am also have Hydrogen Peroxide-35% foodgrade. should i use with dmso ?? as i read it nuetralise DMSO ??

another thing I bought SPIRULINA POWDER--- do you know how it is ?/ will it help to gain energy ??

Out of all which will you Advise to be most important to use first ??

Is any of them can be taken with food and can be combined ??

thanks lots for your help-- i hope with your help i will get cure."

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

should i continue Baking soda and ACV or BSM and BS? how long ?/ how about Borax water ??

If you feel better you should continue, if not lower dose until you feel no side effect

I am also have Hydrogen Peroxide-35% foodgrade. should i use with dmso ?? as i read it nuetralise DMSO ??

It probably will. Hydrogen peroxide 35% is probably 1-5 drops per liter of water used as drinking water.

another thing I bought SPIRULINA POWDER--- do you know how it is ?/ will it help to gain energy ??

It may gain some energy.

Out of all which will you Advise to be most important to use first ??

Lysine and threonine.
iodine and DMSO.
for now. It's not the best but it is what you got.
Too much lugol's make you dizzy so

Is any of them can be taken with food and can be combined ??

Taken separately is better.

Replied by Anonymous

Dear Dr, TEd,

Just Good news a sort,

within 2 days (so quick) of taking as per advice Lysine,Glycien,MSM, and Green Tea,
My Neck,Shoulder and Head Pain has been gone 60%, All while I reduced Blackstrap Molasses(not take today) and only took 2 times ACV with BS at night & in morning..

So far so good..

Just question on your last recomendation of taking Bromelain..
Isnt that Natural Form found By drinking Pineapple or it Juice may be good ?/ or since it has more sugar may not be good ??

For my energy should i use B12 diluted with MSM ???

Thanks , I will keep you inform my progress ..GOD BLESS TED AND EARTHCLINIC.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

It takes 2 days on the average to arrest the growth of cancer and most of the pain with the suggested protocol, the bromelain will digest the cancer, that will take a lot longer. It is most important to keep your blood sugar below 110 mg/dL after 1 hour of eating food. The fastest record I can stop cancer metastasis is within the first intake is 1 day, using the beta glucan 1/2 teaspoon twice in addition to my old protocol.

Just question on your last recomendation of taking Bromelain..
Isnt that Natural Form found By drinking Pineapple or it Juice may be good ?/ or since it has more sugar may not be good ??

In natural form it contains sugar. All research on benefits of fruits don't include sugar, they prepare a fruit extract. You do the same, extract of Pineapple comes from the stems not the fruits. NO SUGAR. I have one rule that I can never break: No Sugar. Those protocols that use sugar DO NOT WORK, I don't care if its maple sugar with baking soda, fructose to convert into acetic acid, or whatever. It's disinformation. I know because people on those protocol complain to me that their cancer suddenly went metastatic (about 2 hours after consuming on the average), and then I switch to no sugar it always works, but to stop metastatic, it always the lysine. Dr. Rath a protege of Linus Pauling has a more elaborate protocol of lysine but the main thing is the lysine. As far as alkalization is concerned yes you do that, but very small amounts an the best one is potassium citrate.

For my energy should i use B12 diluted with MSM ???

No. For energy you use 400 mg of CoQ10, this is most important. MSM is fine and B12 is but not the main ones. There is disinformation regarding CoQ10 that cured cancer I have to correct. The University of Austin CoQ10 they use was NOT ubiquinol it was the ubiquinone. The internet tries to pushes ubiquinol. In that study ubiquinone lead to a disappearance of tumors up to 6 months, however they also used B3, B2, niacin (I prefer B3). Methylene blue 0.1% is my preferred remedy as it also solved sepsis (something of a form of blood poisoning and it also increase energy). The chemistry of ubiquinone vs ubiquinol is not as easy as it is more bioavailable, the ubiquinone neutralizes free radicals directly while ubiquinol neutralizes lipid peroxidation. Another reason is research is based on ubiquinone not ubiquinol in ridding of tumors, unless other research points in the other direction, that will be fine but so far there isn't any.

From here on, to have continuous improvements beta glucan, selenium, weekly or twice weekly zinc ( if it's too much you get nauseated then you quit), lugol's, etc. There are others I used, but it is to addressed the cancer for their symptoms. For example some cancer patient such as esophagus cancer, it lead to a lot of coughing due to suppressed immune system, and more bleeding after cough, that was counteracted with Lugol's 4.5% 30 drop for a couple of days and the cancer pain is also gone. Then, there was a time I have two cancer patients with blocked bile duct that lead to jaundice, so I used DMSO and Lugol's was used in the stomach area to address that issue, and so on and so fourth.


Replied by Anonymous

Dear ted, I wanted to Give you update on my Progress since I started taking Most of the items you advised and also some other diets. So far It looks like i have been able to Stop More Pain in my head and also little better than last time consistently overall.

But I do have Problem of Diet- as I became more (anemic? (weak?) many times i cant get energy to do things. get tired more easily, I tried Lysine and other recommendation, But Since I am not Consuming and also NOT COMPLETELY KNOW WHAT FOOD TO EAT, other than Avoiding Sugar, sweets, Carbohydrates, fruits, All types of Oil, and less salt (sea salt) I dont know where do i get Protein? I am Vegetarian so Please advise which food should i eat and or Avoid?

Presently I eat all Fresh vegetables, Some Beans (started few days ago) and that is it. In vegetables I heard Radishes (red, white, Horse etc) can Help in cancer? I am taking red radishes in salad.

So just last weak I added Budwig Diet, NOT TO REPLACE WHAT I AM DOING. BUT IN ADDITION DURING EMPTY STOMACH AS COTTAGE CHEESE HAS PROTEIN. AND IT DOES HELPS. BUT I DONT KNOW LONG TERM CONSEQUENCES. ADVISE. also some time i add in that Yogurt with Flaxseed oil and Flaxseed. just for safe side i am not eating alone but combined with Flaxoil and Ground Seeds. I have also Read that Her diet she says if you break protocol with others diet then it will going to get again and die? I am not so sure about that. any input?

So Question to ask you is, can i eat Dairy, particularly Cottage cheese, Yogurt alone? without Flax oil-seed added? to get protein? How about Hard Cheese? Milk? How about Nuts?? which nuts are Not good? or all are not good? have not been eating them? (Almond, Pistachio, Pumpkin Seeds, Cashew, Brazil Nut,) I know Peanut will be NO, NO??

Without Oil I cannot cook anything which tastes good except some salad and greens. No Fruits? How about Grape? i read on internet some diet they suggest Grape juice is OK?/ If so, isnt that has lots of sugars? Is Pickles and Hot Peppers (for taste), Tomatoes, Carrot, Beet OK?/ as some of them have Sugars. I also eat some time popcorn Hot air popped (no oil) I do add Salt and Citric Acid for test.

I also Wanted to let you know One time I cheated with Pineapple Juice But than Immediately I stop and followed with Bitter Teas--and bitter gourd powder to neutralize. I am not sure it is OK or not. I know Brain Tumor/cyst is Very Different Animal so It may require some strict Diet and Guideline and vigilance, Am i Right?

Though Since First day on diet (MSM, LYSINE,VITAMIN-C, ACV-BS (night), Recently started Lugols Iodine (very Powerful- 5 drops 3 times-Avg--going up slowly. I will be adding CoQ-10 as i just received and Other item I am waiting.) and Now It is Lots difference. way much better.

Just also wanted to ask you regarding Clove and its oil Recommended by Hilda Clark Book. How this one is? what kind of results? she claims it stops and cure in less than 10 days? dont know. have you read?"

07/18/2011: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "You take CoQ10 ubiquinone for your energy. If not enough, Alpha lipoic acid + Acetyl Carnintine I usually add. Is also helpful for cancers.

Anemia is a problem with cancer patients, but I used crocodile blood pills usually helps or cooked blood (Blood soups are common). But for vegetarians, maybe ferrous gluconate. I haven't completely solved this problem, but these supplements reduce anemia. Although it would be nice if I found a vegetarian or amino acid solution for this one, without the ferrous gluconate. Crocodile blood also is anti cancer and we pick up their immunity by consuming them, same thing as snakes blood and there is a woman who was reported cured of cervical cancer with just eating them, there are scientific literature to support it. Long story!

Presently I eat all Fresh vegetables, Some Beans (started few days ago) and that is it. In vegetables I heard Radishes (red, white, Horse etc) can Help in cancer?

Is fine. Horseradish reduces blood sugar.

Budwig Diet will be fine for now, but some cancer patients gets worse. You just have to test that, for people on my side, I see no benefit, perhaps they are viral since most are liver cancer (from Hepatitis B).

So Question to ask you is, can i eat Dairy, particularly Cottage cheese, Yogurt alone? without Flax oil-seed added? to get protein? How about Hard Cheese? Milk?

Cottage cheese might be ok, and whey protein and colostrum.

How about Nuts?? which nuts are Not good? or all are not good? have not been eating them? (Almond, Pistachio, Pumpkin Seeds, Cashew, Brazil Nut) I know Peanut will be NO, NO??

Nuts and most seeds are fine, but not peanuts. My rule is simple: No sugar and no oils. Exception is coconut oil, I am not certain about flax, I get mixed results, perhaps it is the quality of oil.

also Wanted to let you know One time I cheated with Pineapple Juice But than Immediately I stop and followed with Bitter Teas--and bitter gourd powder. to Neutralize. I am not sure it is OK or not.

Yes bitter gourd, freshly squeeze carrot juice is ok, as are phyllantus amarus, which is anti cancer, and a few others. It is necessary that coriander (chinese parsley) be added to lower blood sugar. Phyllantus amarus also does this too.

I know Brain Tumor/cyst is Very Different Animal so It may require some strict Diet and Guideline. and vigilance, Am i Right?

Yes, but there is one rule that applies to all cancer - No sugar and no carbs. Just this one variable and the other is to get your fasting blood sugar down to ideally below 90 mg/dL or 100 after meals will get your survival rate (or success) to 95% is good enough. I think the other missing element that helps blood sugar down is no oils, or you can have it, after you control blood sugar, then it taken as a dietary supplement, such as once a week or twice a week.

Though Since First day on diet (MSM ,LYSINE, VITAMIN-C, ACV-BS (night), Recently started Lugols Iodine (very Powerful- 5 drops 3 times-Avg--going up slowly. I will be adding CoQ 10 as i just received and Other item I am waiting.) and Now It is Lots difference. way much better.

It helps if you find some green tea extract or some mangosteen tannin. CoQ10 and alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L carnitine will get you energy. But there is one more where energy is derived, short chain fatty acid. It is found in oat bran, not oat meals, there is less of it. The oatmeal will ferment into short chain fatty acid, and will produce butyric acid. You can take butyric acid, by leaving out in closed bag of cheddar cheese, and take the liquid portion after being in room temperature for 2 days. The stinking oil is butyric acid or you can buy it.

Just also wanted to ask you regarding Clove and its oil Recommended by Hilda Clark Book. How this one is?/ what kind of results? she claims it stops and cure in less than 10 days? dont know. have you read?

I have always used clove oil in my anti cancer remedy, but it doesn't work in getting cure in 10 days, or 30 days, or 300 days. But it does help cancer pain and reduce the tumor. The remedy I used is for localized pain management or isolated tumor in the leg for example, where I mixed 50% DMSO, 25% clove oil, and 25% castor oil, and some lugols (if you want) to further the kill. If you can achieved a cure with just clove it would be wonderful, but I found it doesn't.

Is Pickles and Hot Peppers (for taste), Tomatoes, Carrot, Beet OK?/ as some of them have Sugars. I also eat some time popcorn Hot air popped (no oil) I do add Salt and Citric Acid for test.

Hot peppers have mixed results, while it decreases cancer of prostate, it increases tumors in the colon, pancreas, and especially the liver. Carrot and beets always ok. No salt, it actually fuel cancer growth, exception is if your blood test is low on chloride and you got low blood pressure.

You're missing out on some bromelain that will help digest some cancer. Bromelain breaks down the cancer proteins along the bloodstream and preventing at least, from metastasis, and help breakdown the cancer proteins.

if it gets worse, there are a couple of remedies that reduce blood sugar, N acetyl Cysteine 500 mg, Alpha Lipoic acid (preferably the R- form) 500-1500 mg, coriander, these consistently reduce blood sugar, and Acetyl Carnitine 500 mg. There is a Thai medication Yakeow, is taken such as 5 to 10 tablet it immediately reduces blood sugar very fast, but is not available in other countries, except Thailand, and perhaps Laos, Burma and Cambodia.

Sugar could cost you your life in cancer cases, All oils are eliminated, it causes sugar to go up. Including Budwig diet, but is exception if sugar is not the problem, and taken in small amounts, as flaxseed is oil too, and I rarely see success, perhaps it is wrong form, etc, but it's hard to use for me.


07/25/2011: Anonymous replies: "Dear Ted, I need Urgent Help in the problem happened over yesterday night. I was fine (70%) until 6 pm and than gradually gone down after 11pm i took dmso with some water and aloe vera juice slept and whole night no sleep lots of pain in my head, shoulder, etc. i woke up in 3 am and got hot shower after toilet and sat for quiet meditation while drinking tea with bitter powder and black tea. i got vomiting? and since i had again toilet and shower. lay down but no sleep.

lots of pain in my head than i took some cottage cheese and flaxseed oil. 1 hour later lysine and rite away got vomiting again. lots of pain. is it kill of symptom or something? no energy. i took 1 glass with ascorbic acid --no relief. but will take again as it does not gives me vomiting. whole head all around with neck pain.

just to add at evening supper i ate along with some beans and hot pepper-pickles with also cucumber pickled(first time) would that have some thing to do?? no oily food at all.

by the way i got beta glucan-- is it 1 spoon in 1 glass water?? or half spoon per day? how often dmso and iodine? should i stop something not mixing of? msm? lysine? green tea extract? do i continue? i know this is a brain tumor so dont know. help.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts


Budwig diets is good if blood sugar is under control, or general cancer is improving, but I don't see general improvement in Budwig diet. So please discontinue! I don't know why they keep promoting this.


It doesn't cause immediate relief, but you are doing correctly. Your immediate concern is to reduce blood sugar, N Acetyl Cysteine (without the aspartame) and alpha lipoc acid. Green tea extract, lysine, threonine are the ones I take, and it improves on the third day. Otherwise, diuretic will help get out some of the sugar. There are somethings will immediately reduce blood sugar such as bitter gourd, and some others.


07/25/2011: Anonymous replies: "Dear Ted, I thank you very much for quick reply. I have Dry Coriander (generally i eat with curry) is that OK? this week i also got Green Coriander But not alway i can get it where i live. so i will take now crushed green coriander.

However I think my bp is high whats Quick Remedy or Diet? Also How do i take Iodine and Dmso when it come to combine? or Apart? i have 99% DMSO and Lugols Iodine."

07/25/2011: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "I have Dry Coriander (generally i eat with curry) is that OK? this week i also got Green Coriander But not alway i can get it where i live. so i will take now crushed green coriander.

Any coriander, but it works best with fresh coriander generally.

However I think my bp is high whats Quick Remedy or Diet?

Preferably potassium citrate 1/4 teaspoon after meals, 3 times a day at least. It will reduce high blood pressure.

Also How do i take Iodine and Dmso when it come to combine? or Apart? i have 99% DMSO and Lugols Iodine.

DMSO and iodine combined works best. 50/50 mix and start with small drops first, such as 2 drops, before increasing slowly. Iodine itself may increase b.p. so go lightly on this at first. High blood pressure is caused by chloride retention generally found in Salt rich diets, especially preserved meats but also of chlorine, and chloride compounds in general, such as potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, and others. It is worse when we mixed chloride compounds such as salt and sugar. As the body tries to balance chloride compounds with alkaline substance, it causes sodium retention which leads to high blood pressure. So if we take an alkaline substance such as potassium citrate (1/4 teas), or potassium carbonate (1/8 teas) it leads to lower blood pressure. Even a little bit of chloride leads to high blood pressure.


07/26/2011: Anonymous replies: "Dear Ted, Thank You very much. In yesterdays (2days) my headache seemed to be from my High Pulse rate and or High BP and Yesterday after evening i got some fresh limes and i squeezed 2 in bowl and 1/2 teaspoons (as your recommendation on earth clinics for bp) i used it in 30 minutes pain gone 50% and another 1 hour i took more and at night more 3 times and morning no pounding headache--

However I also want to share my experience that i did took prior to that day in morning and previous nights ACV and BS and did not Help much TO REDUCE PAIN (I took 2 time-3 times) SO QUESTION IS WHAT IS IN FRESH LIME WHICH DID THE TRICKS?? OR WHY ACV/BS DONT WORK IN THIS CASE? OR NEEDED MORE? i also now took it 2 times LIME/BS in TOday and feels OK?

i think i found the reason why my pulse/bp was high was because up to now i always had diet with veggies and sea salt and coupled with iodine (few times) i ate store prepared pickles (lots of chlorides) and jalapino hot pepper (first time) for taste.

in mixing dmso with iodine (lugols) how much water should one take? is it 1 cup water + 2 drops? Try to increase in a week?

I always have lots of problem at work and i didn't have energy but question, if i stop dr. budweig diet where do i get protein from food as i am only now juicing, and veggies no grains-- or should i add grains? what kind of?

what about protein powder from soy beans? does any source i get my protein so i can at least work without damaging? or NOT? or Soy beans added (cooked) with food? I know when i read beans i always see carbohydrates in ingredients and SOY is no exception."

07/26/2011: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "Lime and B/S is a remedy specific to cancer, especially leukemia. It did the trick because it contains citric acid, but ACV works if it is added to it also, but is not the main remedy for cancer. The main remedy is the lime or lemon because of citric acid, and some vitamin C. It also contains some potassium in there too. That's why I try to promote lime/BS or lemon/BS in cancer remedy more. I actually cured a couple of cases of leukemia with just lime/BS, but then I got lucky, perhaps it was not a severe case.

i think i found the reason why my pulse/bp was high was because up to now i always had diet with veggies and sea salt and coupled with iodine (few times) i ate store prepared pickles (lots of chlorides) and jalapino hot pepper (first time) for taste.

Yes no chlorides of any kinds, and jalapeno is NOT recommended in cancer cases. It causes inflammation, and that is damaging to the immune system.

in mixing dmso with iodine (lugols) how much water should one take? is it 1 cup water + 2 drops? Try to increase in a week?

DMSO 5 to 10 drops and iodine initially 2 drops in 1/2 glass to 1 glass of water before bedtime. Is a good starting dose.

I always have lots of problem at work and i didn't have energy but question, if i stop dr. budweig diet where do i get protein from food as i am only now juicing, and veggies no grains-- or should i add grains? what kind of?

Budwig diets are not known to be a good protein diet. A good source is whey protein, NO SUGAR, NO SUCRALOSE, no flavoring, and no heat processed (or cold process). Another good source of protein is colostrum. I have had no consistent success with Budwig diet, and I don't see any except in dogs which by default, their blood sugar are normal, and that's only for certain cancer. The success of Budwig diet I attributed to detox program and part of the flax and cottage cheese, creates the short chain fatty acid, such as butyric acid. And butyric acid is one of the few substances that converts cancer cells to normal cells, but is not consistent as taking butryric acid. The problem is, it is not available in supplement you can buy from a drug store, and you need more than butyric acid, such as propionic acid, etc.

what about protein powder from soy beans? does any source i get my protein so i can at least work without damaging? or NOT? or Soy beans added (cooked) with food?

Soybean protein is fine for cancer cases, although I would prefer whey protein. But again, no sugar and additives. There may be GMO in soybeans, in the U.S. So you have to check labels.


Replied by Anonymous

DEAR TED, should i start Adding and take LIME (green) or LEMON (yellow) juice with bs?? how many times with Peel Tea?

if lemon peel has d-limonene then what about lime-the green one? (asian-indian-chinese lemons) does it have same thing? lemon in usa is big yellow color one and lime is green one--if so then what about *most citrus fruits peels*, like oranges, grape fruits? if so than can it be destroyed by heat? what about using dry skins teas for all of them? will it retain ingredients?

in budweig diet or for any other reason do you recommend colon cleansing? if so best easy way? without getting too drained from energy??

whey powder is made from yogurt, is that right? if so what about eating whey from yogurt (non dry) or making buttermilk in distilled water for protein? as opposed to finding non process? isnt that also probiotics? does that help? and How much or times is not too much?

I got Beta Glucan, Havent started, should i take with all of this? if so 1 time as you advised or wait?"

07/27/2011: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "should i start Adding and take LIME (green) or LEMON (yellow) juice with bs?? how many times with Peel Tea?

Lime is preferable. Three times should be sufficient.

if lemon peel has d-limonene then what about lime-the green one? (asian-indian-chinese lemons) does it have same thing? lemon in usa is big yellow color one and lime is green one--if so then what about *most citrus fruits peels*, like oranges, grape fruits? if so than can it be destroyed by heat? what about using dry skins teas for all of them? will it retain ingredients?

D limonene is generally heat resistant, but I wouldn't overdo it, it will be ok in tea, but not hotter. Most d limonene is found in peels of lemon and oranges.

whey powder is made from yogurt, is that right? if so what about eating whey from yogurt (non dry) or making buttermilk in distilled water for protein? as opposed to finding non process? isnt that also probiotics? does that help? and How much or times is not too much?

Best to take whey, no yogurt. Most commercial yogurt has sugar.

I got Beta Glucan, Havent started, should i take with all of this? if so 1 time as you advised or wait?

Beta Glucan can be started anytime.

One more thing, the lemon odor is d-limonene, mostly found in the peel of lemon but some in juice. The d-limonene has powerful anticancer properties, which I use frequently too, in pure form (d-limonene) because of that. But lemon juice is easier to find.


07/28/2011: Anonymous replies: "Hi, Ted, Thank You for your advice. I am waiting for my DMSO and msm, Iodine which i did order. Meanwhile question i have is, when I take Blackstrap Molasses with (2 teaspoon) Baking soda (2 TIMES), and some time at night ACV and BS (1 to 2teaspoon)- i feel i am more dehydrated or thirsty? is it normal?

Also lately I find More Tiredness and Sweating when i do little chores? get easily tired. I also started feeling More Sensitive to Salt--meaning I taste more salt when i eat regularly cooked food with normal Salt Added. Little salt is more salty taste in mouth -- Could be same goes for Sugar too??

Replied by Citygirl27
Richardson, Tx, Usa

I am not Ted, but I keep hearing great things about Essiac tea for various hard to treat cancers. I encourage you to investigate Essiac tea both here on EC and elsewhere on the internet, and obtain some as soon as you can.

Replied by Joy
Battleground, Wash

You might like to read the book: Obesity, Cancer, Depression: Their Common Aause & Natural Cure. I read this book and found myself not afraid of cancer after the explanations and treatments for it where described by this doctor in simple terms.

Replied by Caregiver2013

Dear Ted, I would like to get your remedy on brain tumor-anaplastic oligo grade 3 (recurrence after radiation and chemo drug) for 28 yrs old, man currently taking chemo drug orally. Appreciate if you also send daily dosages for each supplements. Thanks in advance and Kind Regards, Caregiver2013

Replied by Nicole
San Fernando, La Union, Philippines

Hello, I do have a aunt inwhich she is having a brain tumor(middle). Maybe its because of her breast. She used to have a surgery in her breast last 2 years ago and now she's now suffering from brain tumor. He condition now is not that good. Her doctor recommended her to have the radiation therapy process but she insisted not to do it because of the side effect. She's now in a "child" way behaviour. I mean, she's not so good now in speaking(slow) and not can even walk alone. Her condition is like no remedy at all. She used to be take some herbal medicine. But we're looking forward, to a great development this next few days or in the near future. She's not weak but she can't eat alone. I'm hoping that you'll help me to suggest some remedies of her illness right now. Thanks you and Godbless.

Replied by Polly
London , England

I have posted before about the Blood Type Diet THIS CAN SAVE LIVES it's on Face Book etc. And is by Dr Peter D'Adamo who is a scientist who has tested all foods against all the blood types. It explains why some of us get ill with certain foods that others find healthy. E.G., I used to have eczema and arthritis but since reading the B.T, encyclopedia and not eating the deadly nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, aubergines, all coloured peppers and ground pepper) are bad for my type A I have been jumping about with no pain or eczema. Interestingly Type O are GOOD with tomatoes but not potatoes.

Don't just take my word for it if you go on Face Book there are amazing stories from people who are cured of loads of horrible illnesses.
