Achieving Thyroid Balance with Natural Remedies and Nutrition - Ted's Q&A

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Why Do We Get Low Thyroid and Hashimotos?

Posted by Donella (Reno, Nevada, USA) on 08/04/2008

Hi Ted, I love your articles and wish I had studied along those lines to understand it all. However, I can still benefit from your ACV/Baking Soda remedy. It has made the difference in just a few hours. I was feeling very confused as to how to treat my degestive problems.
I have another issue. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos 17 yrs ago after I gave birth to my daughter. Then a yr ago I registered negative on the thyroid antigen test for Hashimotos at which time they lowered my synthroid from 100mcg down to 75mcg.

My question in the fist place is why do we get low thyroid or hashimotos? Should I be addressing this issue to change it or just keep accepting it as the outcome of life to take synthroid forever. I am 56 and in pretty good health although had precancer of the cervix 11 yrs ago. (I panicked opted for hysterectomy). I feel really good and healthy try to exercise regularly but also get digestive problems.

Thank you for reading this.

Replied by Joyce
Joelton, Tn

Hi Donella, I'm not Ted but I can tell you that nutrition has a lot to do with low thyroid problems. A deficiency of the B complex vitamins particularly will cause a sluggish thyroid and a deficiency of iodine will cause both a sluggish thyroid as well as a goiter. If you still have the problem, get a good stress tablet and take l at mealtimes & bedtime for a few weeks, but go get your thyroid tests run at the end of l month because you might have kick started your thyroid gland and need to continue the stress tablet vitamins and drop off or at least decrease the synthroid dosage.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Dear Donella:

While the simplest problem to digestion (and I constantly update my remedies!), is baking soda and ACV, as a person gets older the ability for the body to maintain alkalinity and sodium potassium imbalance issue is also another major problem also. More advanced remedies require addition of potassium once the alkalinity issues in the event the simpler remedy don't work. Therefore a smaller addition of potassium citrate really helps too, but this applies to people on meats and omnivorous diet, not vegetarian and fruit diet.

Generally speaking, Hashimoto's disease and low thyroid (hypothyroid) often goes together, that's because it is the Hashimoto that is causing thyroiditis, suppressing the thyroid function leading to hypothyroidism through a condition called thyroditis - an inflammation of the thyroid. While most convential medicine is silent as to whether autoimmune disease is fungal or viral in nature, my own experience and the remedy for Hashimoto's disease deals with the cause, or at least makes more sense at least for me, by trying to normalize thyroid function instead of going for hormone replacement which worsens the condition in the long run.

The cause of Hashimoto's disease based on my experience is often triggered by fungus exposure by living in a moldy house for a long period of time. This often triggers a series of disease within the entire family (living in that area for decades), one can have polycystic kidney disease, another can get polycystic ovarian syndrome, another can lead to hirsutism, and yet another can get Hashimoto's disease.

The trigger has often been the fungus. Most autoimmunity disease that I have encountered has been the fungus that leads to autoimmunity. It's effect is similar when a fungus infection causing us to scratch so much until the skin begins to bleed to remove the itchiness. Imagine a white blood cells detecting this irritation and this leads to "autoimmunity".

My encounters with a few people with Hashimoto that I find a major problem, is that there are strings of other disease too, not just hypothyroidism, PCOS, adrenal exhaustion, chronic fatigue, etc.

Therefore, it is without surprise that one of the remedy intended as an antifungal remedy responds well such as the borax remedy (against autoimmunity, normal hormonal function) using 1/4 teaspoon of borax (maybe lower in woman at 1/8 teaspoon) in one liter of drinking water, taken usually 5 days out of a week to reduce autoimmunity. Selenium is a well known antifungal and in some cases of Hashimoto, depression is indicated. In this event taking selenium supplements, usually selenium yeast or selenomethionine helps. This is also true of another antifungal mineral such as chromium, which by the way lowers the blood sugar that leads to improvement in Hashimoto.

There is a debate on the issue of whether iodine is of any help some original research claims it is unrelated. There is however a mistake, since most research considers various minerals independent of each other, when in fact they are related. For example, taking more bromine induces less iodine, taking more chlorinated products leads to iodine lowering effect. In order to settle this iodine controversy, one indicator is whether the person with Hashimoto has weakness or chronic fatigue in the first place, low metabolism, obesity are some indicators that usually tells a kelp is needed. Some people might disagree saying kelp doesn't help because it is high in iodine. But what is so interesting about kelp is that it is also very high in bromine. A bromine and iodine, is a strange beast, because they oppose each other, but what is interesting is it allow the body to balance the iodine itself with the bromine/iodine mixed found naturally in kelp. In fact I did use the kelp to successfully noticed improvement with Hashimoto. Whether it has a lowering iodine effect or higher iodine effect is not known, but I do know that kelp normalizes iodine because of its naturally occuring iodine opposing bromine found at the same time. Much of the reseach sadly ignores relationship between elements and the avoiding of looking at natural products preferring to use the pure iodine and iodine compounds, ignoring the other elements which causes the body to normalize iodine by itself as well as ignoring whether Hashimoto that a person is presently having has any hypothyroid function, but more clearly whether weakness, lack of energy, or chronic fatigue is a more important factor. Whether there is high appetite and problems of obesity as well as symptomatic red skin stripes that appears on the skin. Because it is that symptom that I used zinc gluconate 25-100 mg to control appetite in those very cases. But where depression is indicated along with Hashimoto, a fairly large dose selenium is needed, but always starting with the normal 200 mcg selenium supplements often in the form of selenium yeast. Interestingly if the response for depression improvement is a clear improvement, but the effect is not too long, lasting only 2-6 hours, more selenium is often needed to extend the effects of depression, such as 1000 mcg is the common dose I have used. The effect of selenium on the thyroid is to reduce peroxidase which prevents normal thyroid function, but for me it is the anti fungal properties from past exposure to fungus which occurs in moldy houses or after birth of a child seems to be one of the problem.

Fungus (along with smoke and pollution ) is a common trigger of Hashimoto such that, certain foods are needed to be avoided that has mycotoxins, especially bread, sugar.and fruits. Even eating a small portions of meat, bread, sugar or fruits individually and independently will cause hypothyroid. Even having a "normal" blood sugar is not even normal for Hashimoto, in event where obesity and low energy level is the problem. In this event, more chromium such as 1000 mcg to 1500 mcg is taken to reduce the blood sugar from 100 to 80 often improves the condition. Technically speaking sugar triggers fungus growth, and blood sugar has to be 80 to be considered "normal" in my own experience. So the normal blood sugar is not normal for people with many other disease, some may be higher or lower, but more often it is lower than the gold standard of 100.

A thyroiditis can be triggered by inflammation but such inflammation can also occur with diets lower in omega 3 fish oil. A body with low omega 3: to high omega 6 can lead to thyroiditis and taking more omega 3 fish oil has helped. However the major remedy for Hashimoto appears to be (that has good result) is the kelp (usually 5-10 or more kelp 250 mg - but may lead to acne in tradeoff with more energy level - acne is flushing effects of cystitis found in organs - so it helps).

A glandular or even a brain inflammation (acid brain) can also be reduced, if sleep apnea, or non responsiveness of other remedies mentioned here that a carbicarb remedy is needed. The carbicarb remedy raises immunity by causing the brain metabolism into healing instead of metabolism mode, but interestingly alkalinity is anti-fungal itself, as fungus usually cannot grow in an acid medium. It is this reason why people with Hashimoto in my opinion avoids fungus mycobacterium foods such as potatoes, peanuts, peanut butter, plants grown underground (except for carrots), and other fungus rich foods. The only viral cause of Hashimoto that I have noticed is red stripes found in some people and it goes white when a lot of zinc gluconate 50 mg is taken for example to reduce appetite, more so than directly treat them, was reduced. The viral origin appears to be opportunistic from thyroidal problem.

Alkalizing remedies using baking soda, apple cider vinegar still forms the basis of reduction of thyroiditis by alkalization. A simple baking soda is the 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 or 1 glass of water taken twice a day, or a more conservative 2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar plus 1/2 teaspoon baking soda in 1 glass of water taken twice a day helps a little since the dose here is rather mild. Some positive effects should be noticed on the second or the third week.

I am certain the issue of Hashimoto I can discussed in length, but these are the important highlights for dealing with Hashimoto, at least from my own experience and there might me several points I might missed here or that may be important such as avoiding common food intolerance found in peppermint toothpaste, acid forming food, bread, white flour, and other acid forming foods. B complex aslo helps and some woman with Hashimoto also has problem ovaries, cervix, adrenal issues also. Therefore Hashimoto cannot be looked in isolation when chronic fatigue, obesity, blood sugar problem, food intolerance are there. They must also be considered too.


Replied by Lou
Tyler, Tx

Ted--that was all great information. Thank you so much!!! I'm going to try some of your remedies. You have helped so many people.

I'm a little confused, though, about the Kelp supplements. How much per day? Or was that per week? It seems like a lot of Kelp!

When I have time to do the remedies you suggest, I feel great (almost normal) again. One day, I felt just like before all this autoimmune stuff started. I think I was doing your borax in water and the lemon/lime b. S. Alkalization in water. But, around the same time I was also making apple cider in the crock pot with ginger, cinnamon stick, and nutmeg, I believe. A keloid scar dissolved!

Also, I never know which supplements are safe to take together and I don't eat many meals--just breakfast and a late lunch. We eat something light in the evening. I would like to space out the supplements at different times, but most require you take them with a meal. If we eat at a restaurant, I typically don't have what I want to take with me. How long after meals can you take supplements safely? Is there a good reference about which supplements are safe to take together?

Also, I was reading on some sites about essential oils cures for adrenal insufficiency (which I suspect I have). What is your opinion on curing adrenal insufficiency with these essential oils? Is it safe???

I know you're busy. Whenever you have time, it would be nice to know. Thanks.
