Natural Remedies for Vertigo & Meniere’s Disease | Holistic Relief - Ted's Q&A

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Ted's Remedies

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/16/2009 392 posts

Meniere's Disease:

This is the simplest possible cure for this condition. You should see a dramatic reduction in tinnitus, dizziness, vomiting in a matter of days. The cause is a virus, likely to be a herpes viruses. The condition attacks the area and when you first have it, you know when it started. The remedy to get most of the viruses killed is to take 1000 mg of vitamin C, followed by a 55 minute doses and take 1200 mg of lysine for a total of 6 doses on the first day. On the second day it's 1200 mg of lysine at 55 minute dose interval for a total of 4 doses. The third and fourth day is the same. To make sure it's completely gone, you try to take at least 1200 mg of lysine dose twice a day for the next 30 days, or longer. The point is, the very first week usually 90% is gone on the first week. The lysine is kept up at a fairly high level. For the more tougher cases, an aspirin 500 mg can be added along with the vitamin C on before starting on the daily doses of lysine. That means vitamin C 1000 mg plus aspirin 500 mg before starting the 6 doses of lysine on first day, 4 doses on second day, 4 doses on the third day, 4 doses on the fourth day. It's a four day remedy that usually kills most of the herpes out of the system. If it isn't out, the attacks will be far and between, instead of getting more frequent attacks with each coming year, until it becomes very debilitating. I managed to see a couple of cures, from this Meniere's disease. If there are tougher ones, there is alpha lipoic acid, zinc and alkalization to deal with it, as well as lemon bioflavonoid, piracetam, and the like. But it's likely to be lysine, vitamin C and aspirin in that order. I am presently investigating alpha lipoic acid in such use, but since herpes always goes away before I get a chance to start it, I haven't yet a chance to try it yet.

Thereafter the one month, I think a maintenace dose of just 1200 mg lysine should prevent most future attacks. If not increasing the dose to just twice a day should be sufficient.

Replied by Texas123
Fort Worth, Tx

Ted, Can you tell me if this remedy works for vertigo caused by shingles?

Also, I am a little confused on the directions. On the first day do you take one dose of vitamin C, then every 55 minutes just the lysine (5 times)? Then on the second day, no vitamin C and just lysine every 55 minutes until all the doses have been taken? and so on?

Replied by Littledove
In The Sticks, Nevada

Re: H2O2 in nebulizer - Ted can you please tell us some specifics on your nebulizer? I looked on eBay and I am not sure what type to buy. Thank you so much.

Replied by Rob
Manhattan, New York

the lysine didn't work for me...though I only tried one day of it...but I could tell there was no relief of symptoms.. The high dose of lysine was a little hard on the body. I have suffered from this ailment for close to 9 years...very little vertigo, but fullness in ears, & back of neck..some jaw & face stiffness. I believe Ted is right, that it is a virus, but could be one of many.

A well respected Chinese doctor said it was a cold virus that had settled..I have yet to find anything that has come close to a cure. Some relief from simple diet and essential oils rubbed around the caffeine, sugars, and alcohol.

Replied by Rob
Manhattan, New York

However, I did try Ted's Borax remedy. 1/4 tsp (20 Mule Brand) in a liter of water. I was rather hesitant, since there is a "contact physician immediately if ingested" warning on the side!.. I only drank a few ounces of the water mixture in the evening to see if there were any adverse reactions. (I thought this is crazy)

Last night I slept better than usual with open & free breathing...(I usually suffer from nocturnal asthma).. good dream recall. etc. I did drink a smoothy with Pycogenol and NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine) as well so it could be attributed to that. A little premature to know for sure..will follow up in a few weeks with more experience.

One thing for sure...this stuff really boosts laundry effectiveness. I had a sheet with what I thought after many washes, was permanent oil stains (from essential oils)...with Borax, it came out completely clean...I had to double check thinking I may have confused it with a newer sheet.

Replied by Rob
Manhattan, New York

I chose to error on the side of caution & not continue with the borax remedy. I only had the one liter of solution (with 1/4 tsp) & drank it over a few days.

(The 1st night was positive, due or not due to it, the following nights not as good as the 1st though I did notice better dream recall. Some have reported kidney pain, which is worrisome..though this could be a coincidence or ??contaminants? or reaction? As with many of us, chronic conditions are what brought us here & we will opt to try almost anything with a hint of a cure..(mine could be a fungus condition)

Instead I will look into the supplement Boron, which was made for ingestion and try to figure out the equivalent to the 1/4 tsp Mule Brand (made for external use). I would feel safer experimenting with that.

Replied by D
Amsterdam, Holland

Hi I tried Ted's lysine suggestion. I have suffered vertigo for over 2 years. I had shingles when i was 15 (now 38) and again it showed up about 6 weeks ago, after an outbreak of chicken pox at my son's school. I think this virus is in my system and is affecting me so I took Ted's remedy for 6x 1000mg lysine day 1 and 4 times 1000mg lysine for the next 4 days. I was so sick. I thought I was dying. I had a pounding headache, it woke me up at night, my vision seemed darkened, I was extra dizzy. It was horrible. When I stopped with the lysine the headache went my dizzyness calmed down. I had a rest from the lysine for 2 days then took it again. Just one pill 1000mg, again headache. I think this can be dangerous. Just a warning.

Replied by Laurie
Belleville, Ont

Hello Ted You've always been so helpful in the past.

Could you please clarify the directions for the vitamin c and lysine solution??? I too am a little confused about the directions.

On the first day do you take one dose of 1000 mg vitamin C, then every 55 minutes just the lysine (5 times)?
Or do I take the 1000 mg vitamin C , Plus 1200mg lysine every 55 mins for a total of 6 doeses the first day
On the second day, no vitamin C and just lysine every 55 minutes for a total of 4 doses
3rd/4th days : The same as the 2nd day

I did find lysine today...but it only comes in a 500mg dosage. In your opinon would I take 1000mg or 1500mg instead of the 1200mg ????

OR have you come across a better solution you might share with us ????

Thank you for any clarification you provide

Replied by Cameron
Weaverville, North Carolina

This is an updated modification to an earlier e-mail that I had sent to Earth Clinic. As Ted is from Thailand, there is a slight problem with his English mode of expression. A very careful reading will clarify his instructions. To benefit all, I have slightly modified his text, so as to clarify his instructions. If there are any doubts, please ask Ted to verify these modifications. Hope this is helpful. In good health. Cameron

12/16/2009: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand writes: "Meniere's Disease:
This is the simplest possible cure for this condition. You should see a dramatic reduction in tinnitus, dizziness, vomiting in a matter of days. The cause is a virus, likely to be a herpes viruses. The condition attacks the area and when you first have it, you know when it started. The remedy to get most of the viruses killed is to take 1000 mg of vitamin C, followed in 55 minute, by a doses of1200 mg of lysine for a total of 6 doses on the first day. On the second day its 1200 mg of lysine at 55 minute dose interval for a total of 4 doses. The third and fourth day is the same. To make sure it's completely gone, you try to take at least 1200 mg of lysine dose twice a day for the next 30 days, or longer. The point is, the very first week usually 90% is gone. The lysine is kept up at a fairly high level. For the tougher cases, a 500 mg aspirin can be added along with the vitamin C, before starting on the daily doses of lysine. That means vitamin C 1000 mg plus 500 mg aspirin, before starting the 6 doses of lysine on first day, 4 doses on second day, 4 doses on the third day, 4 doses on the fourth day. It's a four day remedy that usually kills most of the herpes out of the system. If it isn't out, the attacks will be far and between, instead of getting more frequent attacks with each coming year, until it becomes very debilitating. I managed to see a couple of cures, from this Meniere's disease. If there are tougher ones, there is alpha lipoic acid, zinc and alkalization to deal with it, as well as lemon bioflavonoid, piracetam, and the like. But it's likely to be lysine, vitamin C and aspirin in that order. I am presently investigating alpha lipoic acid in such use, but since herpes always goes away before I get a chance to start the new test treatment, I haven't had a chance to try it yet.

After the above one month treatment, I think a daily maintenance dose of just 1200 mg lysine should prevent most future attacks. If not increasing the dose to just twice a day should be sufficient.

Replied by Lou
Tyler, Tx

This is very weird. I had the severe neck pain, the blurred vision and dizziness. I went to the ER twice and no diagnosis. They checked me for a brain tumor and carbon monoxide poisoning. (I had gone to a cookout where they were cooking with charcoal near the house. ) We went to a frozen yogurt place (because I felt something cold would make me feel better). They had a new flavor--coconut! So, I got the coconut and put some fresh coconut on top. I ate it and my neck pain is gone as well as the dizziness for now. Could it have been something fungal in my thyroid? Or in my head? I am hyopthyroid, by the way.

Replied by Sharon
Wesley Chapel, Florida

I have taken lysine to prevent cold sores for 30 years now. I did some research and found that I could take 1000 mg each of lysine and vit c every hour during severe attacks and it worked fast. I even found my severely sore throat subsiding within minutes of taking the first dose. By the next day, my sore throat was gone, and I was sure I had strep coming on because of the knives in the throat feeling. If you were feeling dizziness, it could be because of the subsiding of the fluid in your ears, causing a temporary condition of dizziness. One time, I had waited to get the lysine until l had a full attack of sore throat and a bad cold, and took a whole bottle of lysine and vit c just to get some relief, and needed another bottle to rid myself of it in a couple days with lots of rest. I certainly felt weak and dizzy then, but it was only due to the illness. cheers.

Replied by Ker
Hong Kong

Hi Ted, Thank you for your great tips. I have suffered four years now with poor hearing on my left ear along with tinnitus and slight dizziness that never seem to go away. It all happened when one day I was struck by herpes shingle on my left side of my face. At first my complete left side of face was numb, at that point I thought it was permanent. After taking prescription from my doctor and together with acupuncture on my face, I slowly regained my feeling and now the sensitivity on my face is 100 percent regained. However my loss of hearing on my left ear, tinnitus, and slight dizziness has not gone away. Do you think your remedie for my situation is still worth a try? Or is it too late for me to do anything? I truly appreciate your response and is almost dying to find a cure. I am still living each day with dizziness.

Best regards, Ker

Replied by Cynde
Smyrna Tn Usa

Ted's Remedy for Vertigo was right on point for me! I suffered for years with debilitating attacks that would happen without warning. Debilitating is not an exaggeration. I would become dizzy and within moments I would be vomiting profusely. My body would urgently empty my bowels. You can imagine how difficult it was to successfully sit on a toilet, vomit into a trash can all with my eyes squished shut in an attempt to block out the spin. Once I could safely get off the toilet I would lay on the bathroom floor and vomit until dry heaves came. Then my daughter would help me as I crawled to the car and be driven to the ER. There I would receive IV meds, Valium and phenergen, until the episode passed. Then I would continue meds at home for several days, living in a fog. Horrible. Nearly one year ago I followed Ted's recommendation. I took 1000mg of vitamin C ( Dr. Mercola's brand) and 1500 mg of lysine. 6x's in 55min increments the first day, 4x's the remaining days for 7 days. For the next 30 days I took 1000mg vitamin C and 1500mg lysine 2x per day. Now I take 1000mg vitamin C and 1500 lysine daily. I have not had a vertigo episode since. Thank you Ted!! Six months into the lysine treatments I started visits with a chiropractor. I truly believe the combination of Ted's remedy and ongoing quality chiropractic care have maintained my vertigo free life! Blessings

Replied by Rick
Richmond, Ca

I'm a little confused about the lysine/Vitamin C treatment - can someone clarify?

I think I understand that I am to take Vitamin c and then 55 minutes later, take the lysine. But then do I continue every 55 minutes for at least 6 doses?

Also, I was only able to find 500 mg of lysine, so I can either take 1000 mg or 1500 mg - which is preferable?

Replied by Rick
Richmond, Ca

Thank you so much for the clarification. I have one more question to clarify. Sorry this isn't clear to me. Do I take the Vitamin C every day as well or only on the first day? If I take it for the four days of treatment, do I continue afterwards, always 55 minutes before the Lysine? I started today, but I messed up because I didn't understand. I took the Vitamin C and Lysine at the same time. BUT, I am already feeling relief. I've had Meniere's for 16 years and recently it got worse - the tinnitus became a roaring in my head and my hearing diminished. I felt like I was sick. I kept telling the doctors there was some infection and they looked at me like I was crazy. Then recently my lymph nodes became swollen. It is definitely and infection of some sort. I think it may be shingles because I had shingles around the time that this started. I am so hopeful that I've finally found the cure! Thank you so much!!!

Replied by Rick
Richmond, Ca

I'm taking the Lysine now and not having any problems. Some people may have reactions. Your story is a good caution, but don't let people be afraid to try this. I'm on my 2nd day and feel so much better. I had terrible pressure in my ears and was losing my hearing. The pressure in one ear is much better and my hearing has improved.

Replied by Rick
Richmond, Ca

I am so grateful for this cure. I am in my 3rd day and I feel amazing! I've had Meniere's for 16 years and recently, it got worse, I started with a loud roaring in my head and my hearing got worse. The pressure was in both ears and I felt congested. Doctors could not help me. They wanted to go the standard route with Meniere's and were talking about Gentamicin and/or surgery. Now, on my 3rd day of Vitamin C and Lysine, my head feels so different. I can hear sounds like the wind and birds. I can hear voices and listen to music. I am confident that in my case, the problem in my ears was shingles/herpes. This was the cure for me. Thank you so much Ted and everyone else who helped clarify the instructions for me. I am so, so grateful.

Replied by Ellie

I am also confused on the doses. I started today, but think I did it wrong. I took Vit C once and then the lysine every 55 minutes, 6 times. But should I have taken the Vit C each time as well? Then, as I read more, I wasn't sure if I should have only did the Vit C the first day. Can you help?
