Spinal Virus Remedies - Ted's Q&A

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Meningitis, Lingering

Posted by Kyle on 05/31/2007

Hi Ted, my cousin's mom has had spinal meningitis since she was very young. It comes and goes but lately its been making her weak. My question is are there any cures or remedies that can completely get rid of it once and for all?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear Kyle: Usually meningitis are viruses that reside or exists along the nerves and the brain. So they can stay in your body the entire life and comes and goes. The reason why they can exist almost forever is most nutrients, antibiotics, and supplements simply cannot penetrate through the blood brain barrier. However, there are certain supplements that I have noticed to work well in entering and killing the virus that exists there, by dissolving the viral coating that protects the viruses. The best one that I have a personal experience with it after some trial and error is the BHT, which might be sold in supplements form, the common dose is about about 1500 -2000 mg. taken for a couple of days (only 3-4 days) can kill them for a very long time. A complete kill in my opinion is possible but it requires longer term use and more complicated addition of other supplements. In practice people are just happy that if at least they don't get in the way for a while, they would be just happier than a more complicated remedy. The other runner up for meningitis remedy are the N Acetyl Cysteine 500 mg./day, but taken for a longer time period. And another one that might be useful is the Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg or 200 mg/day. While they won't work as well as the first one it does help somewhat by increasing antioxidant and antiviral properties of these two supplements. The meningitis that exist along the spinal column can be indirectly weakened by applying lavender oil along the spinal column, done every 15 minutes interval for at least 20 times. This should at least reduced it. However, I have used more powerful aromatherapy oils as it was severely weaking my body so bad I had to resort to 5% solution of clove oil in ethyl alcohol (same kind of alcohol found in beverages), or possibly vodka or whiskey, applied along the area where viruses is suspected to reside, and apply in the same manner. Unfortunately for most people, clove oil may be too strong, but mine was an unknown virus which was quite powerful enough that I can barely lift my fingers, or even open my eyes. It caused such extreme weakness that such formula was used, clove oil can cause burning sensation, but that was better than the drain on energy where the viruses existed along the spinal column, but those for mine manifests itself as a form of chronic fatigue of viral kind that existed along the spinal column also, but not meningitis. If clove oil cannot be found, than a substitute, but not necessarily a good one, is to apply the vick vaporub along the spinal column, it is a bit messier with the vaseline and staining, but may help as eucalyptus and menthol in the vicks has a weak antiviral properties also.
