Ted's Remedies
Wow amazing what can happen when you follow your intuition. My daughter has on 2 occassions has had episodes of a very painful back, on inspection the first time we noticed a round scab that looked like a cigarette burn, when questioned how she got it she thought she had hit her back on a bolt at a playground as that's when her back began to hurt but there was no bruising and the scab looked pussy. I was suspcious of some sort of viral thing so put some grapeseed extact on it and gave her warm baths and masages for her back ache. Today 7 months later coming home from school she has been complaining of back ache again,and another round scab has appeared but lower to the first one, she also expressed while dancing today her legs seem to go the wrong way and were wobbly.Slightly panic stricion but trying to think clear I realised that she has some sort of viral thing in her spine, I rubbed it with an immune blend of oils and rather than see my MD who would run a gamet of tests, all likely detrimental to her health, I google for hope of insight and confirmation of my intuition and your web site comes up and the article about the gentlemen with the viral infection attacking around his c6 c7 spine. I am confident now with your information and more consultation with some alternate health practioners I can confidently assist my daughter to rid herself of this little nasty. Thank-you, having this resource online has saved me much anxiety and given me alternatives to that mad machine could modern medicine. Leisa
PS. The remedies you suggested for the gentlemen, with doses adjusted accordingly, are they appropriate for a 9 year old child?