Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief - Ted's Q&A

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Himalayan Vs. Dead Sea Salt for Sole

Posted by Dave (Winnipeg, Canada) on 03/14/2008

This is a question I see much about making "Sole" and drinking with water every morning. The recipe always calls for Himalayan Salt. Can this be done with dead sea salt?

Had enough of this Psoriasis.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dead sea salt or Himalayan sea salt works about the same. The key to make it work better is to add drops of H2O2 3% per 1/2 glass of water at about 5-10 drops. Usually a psoriasis can be helped further by adding a small amount of baking soda too. Mine was helped by just taking 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/4 teaspoon of sodium carbonate (washing soda) in 1/2 glass of water taken three times a day for a couple of day and it just disappeared too. Sea salt kills the pathogens by salinity but interestingly most sea salt are alkaline anyway.

As for me I don't use Dead sea salt and Himalayan sea salt that often and I just used a local Thai sea salt and it works fine too, but that's perhaps I added some 3% H2O2 to the mix, such as 10 drops per glass of water in a sea salt solution.
