Effective Natural Remedies for Psoriasis Relief - Ted's Q&A

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Laos Boy with Psoriasis

Posted by Jaques (Brighton, England) on 01/14/2009

Ted, my son is married to a Laos woman whose nephew has really bad psoriasis on his leg, in the small village where he lives there are only dirt roads, so he has to be careful where he plays, he is 8 yrs old and his parents had been given medication from a chinese doctor but have no money to continue buying this. I know ACV can work for this condition but hes only 8 and also i dont think it can be obtained in Laos, even in Vientiane, the capital, i remember you said you cant get it in Thailand and that you used lemon - have you any suggestions what this boy's parents could use that could be bought locally and cheaply, they would be so grateful, thank you. Jaques

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

A plain distilled White vinegar applied to the legs would usually do fine. It's applied to the area with a small towel (face towel) soaked in white distilled vinegar for 30 minutes. It's done in for a couple of days and should be gone. In Southeast Asian country, the psoriasis is often a fungus condition. The other thing is just to eat more fish to the diet. It appears to be also low on omega 3 diet. Laos do have white distilled vinegar and fish. I would love to see baking soda, taken internally, such as 1/4 teaspoon usually in 1/3 glass of water for children. Alkalization increases the immune system. There are other remedies, but this is the easiest to obtain. If a white distilled vinegar is not found (I doubt that) a lemon juice is a suitable substitute, applied to the area too, but may sting.


Replied by Jaques
Brighton, England

Thank you so much Ted, i will email this information to my son who will go to the boys home soon and hopefully they will take your advice and try this for the young boy.....

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

If things aren't working out, most drug stores in Thailand, and maybe Laos have a bottle of Milk of Magnesia (where labeled magnesium hydroxide only) has really helped with psoriasis too. The milk of magnesia is applied to the area of the skin externally several times a day over a wide area.

