Natural Remedies for Prostate Cancer - Ted's Q&A

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Ted's Remedies

Posted by J. (USA) on 09/26/2014

Prostate Cancer

Dear Ted-I must be one of thousands who have to thank you from the bottom of my heart for pointing the way to dealing with this horrid disease. You certainly showed me the path to follow on behalf of my dearest husband and, as a result, his PSA has dropped a point and the last MRI scan showed little growth over the year on the newest tumour, classed as 3 + 3 on the Gleeson scale and falling into the active surveillance category. (3 others had been removed by HIFU 3 years ago at UCHL). The medical treatment advised was six months of zoladex followed by 7 weeks of intensive radiotherapy and my husband just could not sign up to this. It was put to us that the zoladex had side effects some of which could be permanent,cardio vascular damage, osteoporosis, kidney damage and so on indeed it seemed more of a threat than the very tiny new tumour and as quality of life is very important into your 70s, with regret we transferred for a second opinion to another hospital Poole General where the oncologist is very thorough and is of the opinion that it is best to wait and see if this one is going anywhere. I searched the net in desperation and then found a paper with your views and advice What to say? It all made good commonsense and whilst we wait we have tried to put it into practice.

In addition to a diet free of dairy and animal protein, purely veg, salad, fruit, soya, nuts, my husband has OxyE 3 times a day, boron, gemnemna sylvestre 3 times a day,, 4 grams of essence of reishi alternated with maitake faction D together with encapsulated vit C, Co Enzyme Q10 400mgs, melatonin 18mgs, mega b complex. We have been doing this now for nearly 3 months. A PSA taken in early May was 11.78 and is now just under 11.3 - we are ambitious to get this lower. He has never felt better, doubled his running and exercise routines. He is 78 but doesn't look more than 63 and is a very brave and wonderful man.

My question is - I have recently heard of artemensinin and would dearly like to add this to our weapons but realise it is complicated, tricky and not for the lay person. How much and when is my question? Would it be better to administer this orally completed separate from all the anti oxidants, magic mushrooms, etc., for say 5 days and then desist for another 5 days or can it be administered in conjunction? Also, dare I push my luck and ask one other question! In your opinion is Maitake faction D more effective than Essence of Reishi? I do send away for a good reputable product from a very good source.

I do hope you can spare a moment on this, but if you are far too busy with other more serious and terminally ill patients and sufferers I will understand!
With all good blessings and good wishes. J

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Maitake and nearly every beta glucan will prevent tumor growth. Cancer cell basically kill themselves once they uptake these even the brewers yeast is the same. Certain fruits is dangerous and honey mostly from fructose. They grow in a standard lab 2 hours after feeding cancer cell of fructose. The ones that dont within reasonable intake of fruits is green apples, raspberries, strawberries, carrot juice, lime juice and lemon juices. The vegetables thst are anti cancer no matter what kind of cancer are brocolli, spring onion, onion, garlic, and leeks. It is forbidden to eat anything from a cow primarily because of dioxin is highest among most livestock animals including its by products. Artemisinin is anti cancer taken in moderation but one very powerful is actually beta glucan being the most powerful. I actually have some patient of mine went from PSA 180 to 8 in 3 months by reducing the fruits except for few fruits I mentioned. Artemisinin can be taken once a day is enough. Reishi is good but reishi beta glucan is better. Aloe vera plant also have anticancer compound called emodin found in the white latex not too much as it will caused diarrhea. For me I like bloodroot extract without the alcohol. Prostate cancer is helped by cooked tomatoes for lycopene and onions. Ted"

K replies: "Dear Ted, Tks so much for this speedy and excellent response I am so very grateful - may I ask one more thing? Should I give Melatonin at night 12mgs at the same time as artemesinin or not? I had heard you were in trouble at your end be assured you have all our prayers and best wishes, we all need you! Regs J."

Ted replies: "Artemesinin can be taken at the same time with melatonin if you want.

Replied by J.

Dear Ted ? Tks so much for this speedy and excellent response I am so very grateful ? may I ask one more thing? Should I give Melatonin at night 12mgs at the same time as artemesinin or not? I had heard you were in trouble at your end be assured you have all our prayers and best wishes, we all need you!

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Artemesinin can be taken at the same time with melatonin if you want.

Replied by J.

Dear Ted - I am writing to seek your advice once more. Sadly my husband's PSA has risen a point from 11.2 to 12.5 and I feel I might be responsible for this as a couple of months ago I started making liposomac vit C using ascorbic acid and lecithin and using an ultrasonic machine. I resorted to this as we just could not afford buying the liposomac vit C on line as it was so expensive.

It did work quite well and he was taking 3 doses of this a day, that is about one tablespoonful at a time. He is in very good health, full of energy and fit, regularly running and working out and now only getting up to urinate about once or twice a night as opposed to 5 to 6 times. I am wondering if making the liposomac Vit C with ascorbic acid has been a mistake and that this might have produced a much too acid environment in the prostate.

Can I ask, if out of the goodness of your heart, you can advise me on this. Would it be better to use sodium ascorbate? Or should I for safety go back to buying commercial liposomac vit C?

I hope you are well and your clinic is thriving, With every good wish and regards.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

PSA in one the risk factors of cancer but does not necessarily predict cancer. I am not sure about the efficacy of homemade liposome vitamin C. What I do know is whenever you mix vitamin C with lecithin with or without ultrasound, vitamin C is absorbed. Unfortunately, acid is absorbed faster. You best neutralize with baking soda first before mixing with lecithin.

The other common mistake is IT MUST BE SOY LECITHIN GRANULATED, not egg lecithin. It is high fats in eggs and CAUSES cancer. The chemical make up of soy lecithin and egg lecithin is not the same. Slight chances in diet could cause it such as vitamin k, especially in K2 menaquinone. You can find in natto a Japanese delicacy. Vitamin K1 is found in broccoli. Low protein naturally low fat diet and one a week fasting should also help. Most patient also are low in zinc especially people prostate cancer.

Profiling is a description that uses multiple variables toward detection in criminal detection, but is rarely used in cancer detection and we are left with PSA, which is not correct. Neither is its treatment. So people with prostate cancer usually have high triglycerides, low in zinc, low in boron, high in fats, and high blood sugar 2 hours after meals exceeding 110 mg per dL should be more proper description. In mathematics we can make predictions using multiple linear regression of likelihood of prostate cancer in terms of probability. I dont see that happen anytime soon in hospitals but I used them in prediction already. Also holding your urine and not drinking water is one of risk factors for high PSA as it irritates the prostate and increases the blood sugar and cancer and infections requires high blood sugar. I see some people with high PSA with infections of prostate also, which was reduced by treating the inflammation.

