Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies - Ted's Q&A

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Aspirin and Vitamin C Cure

Posted by MK (Anon) on 07/31/2012

Hi Ted, I tried the aspirin and vitamin "c" cure for herpes. took a blood test. Still positive. Any ideas?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Yes, that is a weak remedy. I might try a stronger one, with BHT 500 mg, twice a day, lysine 1000 every hour for 4 hours once a day, and vitamin C 500 mg five times a day, for a month. You can also take the lysine twice a day, for four hours twice a day, with threonine, 500 mg at same time taken with lysine. There is a more powerful remedy than that, but I believe starting with the weakest one and gradually increasing strength is the safest way to go. Lithium is also antiviral and is taken at 5 mg a day before sleep and so is Lugols, but that's another remedy.

