Natural Remedies for Dermatitis: Soothing & Healing Solutions - Ted's Q&A

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Psoriasis Cures?

Posted by Bob (Marshalltown, Iowa) on 10/30/2006

Any of your contacts have help on skin disorders? have psorriasis, skin blotches. tried apple vinegar, honey.vitamin C, E, etc. was wondering about fish oil. sorry I couldn't contribute.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear Bob: While there are several simple ways to stop psoriasis it does come back now and then. Pure vinegar seems to work just fine, and so is 100% ethyl alcohol (the ones they put in alcoholic drinks). Vitamin E seems to help only on just skin repairs, but not on psoriasis.

As for me psoriasis seems to be helped a lot by lavender oil, camphor powder with a suitable carrier oil (grape oil), and to some extent vitamin C ester. Lately I have suspected these skin problem were of fungus in nature, so 2% copper chloride solution seems to help a lot, at least i don't have to be bothered with the number of times I apply it and seems to heal skin problems. In most cases a weekly application, but lately the fungus has been going stronger due to changes in the weather here.

Copper chloride will react with the skin proteins to initiate skin repairing it seems. So this may be a simpler solution than the use of copper peptide that is all the rave on hair growth formulations, but without the patent. More advanced formulation for fungus may require a trace chromium chloride, but this is still in the backlog of my experiments.

Hydrogen peroxide of 1%-1.5% solution seems to be helpful in certain cases of red spots and some cases of psoriasis, especially if it is large enough. Apply using cotton balls is best way. Do not exceed over 2% as this will leave your skin purple. The blood if it has way too much peroxide, will cause the skin to turn this color. Frequency of application and taking internally seems to be helpful. But I suspect a more lasting effect is the certain mineral deficiency behind it. Haven't as yet found a permanent cure for psioriasis, but I suspect that manganese and molybdenum might be helpful, at least it did reduce some incidence in skin irritations. If I don't take it, it certainly did come back!

Fish oil is somewhat limited certain skin bacterial infections, but not well placed on psioriasis, as it is more to do with fungus. However if the fungus is gone and skin repair is needed, flaxseed oil and primrose oil seems to work the best, especially when mixed with vitamin E.

Again if you suspect psoriasis is due to crawing insect creatures under the skin, a hydrogen peroxide 1% and saturated solution of borax does it everytime. The key is not to rinse it dry and let it evaporate and apply often enough. It seemed to work great for mange, but then it seems to work well in lyme and lupus related skin problem also.
