HIV and AIDS Natural Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Ted's Remedies

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 392 posts

It is not legal to sell these herbs (Immuno QR) which is why the formula was given at this website as the makers of herbal medicine is prevented from selling them by the authorities. However many herbs you can find them locally. Some that are not found that are also antiviral includes, clove oil, oregano, thyme oil, and most importantly tea tree oil. Pine oil is a possibility. Lavender also have some antiviral property and you can always apply on the skin as it is absorbed transdermally.

Additional herbs/supplements:

First, take lots of selenium supplements, or Brazil nuts as they contain selenium.

Secondly, take N-Acetyl-Cysteine in the order of 2000 mg. per day. It has been shown that AIDS patient can extend their life at least 2 more years with this supplement.

Third make a solution of Apple cider mix in about 25% of H2O2. Take 2 tablespoon mixed with water - say 1/2 glass for example. Increase the dosage if you have no problems taking large dose, but do it every 2 hours until the symptoms are gone.

Fourthly, take the recommended dose of Germanium Sesquioxide.

Fifth, eat fresh olive leaf (fresh) as your salads as part of your diet. Olive leaf is strongly antiviral and perhaps the most strongest antiviral properties known.

These are the basics of an emergency relief for AIDS. If you have aloe vera oil then take about 1-2 tablespoon with each meal or mix them in your salads.

Finally, when you take baths, try soaking your body in vinegar (mixed them with some H2O2 3%, but don't use them pure. Mixed them with water. Find appropriate dilutions yourself say 25% in water for example.

An interesting information is that people with AIDS have a dead viral AIDS protein in their urine which is sometimes used in certain places as vaccines against the virus.

AIDS virus have a cloaking protein which I think can be exposed or dissolved with use of vinegar (major component is malic acid and acetic acid). But vinegar alone is not enough as you should mix them with H2O2. Apple seeds and apricot seeds contains many antiviral chemicals including, laetrile, etc.

Oxygen therapy is valuable when you have AIDS and this will also buy you enough time. Maximum H2O2 dose concentration in water is about 0.5% do not exceed beyond this when using peroxide therapy.

To get this regimen to be successful it is necessary to continue even when virus no longer exists and continue them for at least 6 months.

Some people reported that very weak HCl plus EDTA and vinegar is of some benefit, but this is for your information only. EDTA for some reason have an ability to dissolve AIDS proteins also. The use of tetrosilver tetraoxide given intravenously have been reported to be cured of AIDS also - in one dose!

Take lots of dark cocoa drink to soothe your condition. Cocoa, spinach, parsley are very high in potassium oxalates which are strongly antiviral or colloidal silver with a couple of drops of H2O2, and allow 3 days for reaction. Take a lot of it. There is a documented cure on tetrosilver tetraoxide with one single IV drip in killing of the AIDS.

Ozone, hyperbaric and H2O2.

Go here:

You can buy lots of time with MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) and N-acetylcysteine. Also vitamin D3, or D4 at 50,000 I.U. per day. It prevents atrophy of the body and raises the immune syste, Of course I am not telling you to take it. I am just telling you what it does.

Some patents on tetrasilver tetroxide. Colloidal silver with 0.5% H2O2 is a great alternative.

Studies showed that genetically modified foods (processed foods, soy milk, corn products) are deadly for people with virus conditions. So avoid G.M. and margarine and eat lots of real raw butter as it contains some immune enhancing effects against your

Take a lot of brazil nuts, if you cannot find selenium supplements. Kelp, limu, aloe vera oil, are very helpful.

United States Patent 5,676,977
Antelman October 14, 1997
Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide
molecular crystal devices


The diamagnetic semiconducting molecular crystaltetrasilver tetroxide (Ag.sub.4 O.sub.4) is utilized for destroying the AIDS virus, destroying AIDS synergistic pathogens and immunity suppressing moieties (ISM) in humans. A single intravenous injection of the devices is all that is required for efficacy at levels of about 40 PPM of human blood. The device molecular crystal contains two mono and two trivalent silver ions capable of "firing" electrons capable of electrocuting the AIDS virus, pathogens and ISM. When administered into the bloodstream, the device electrons will be triggered by pathogens, a proliferating virus and ISM, and when fired will simultaneously trigger a redox chelation mechanism resulting in divalent silver moieties which chelate and bind active sites of the entities destroying them. The devices are completely non-toxic. However, they put stress on the liver causing hepatomegaly, but there is no loss of liver function.

Inventors: Antelman; Marvin S. (Rehovot, IL)
Assignee: Antelman Technologies Ltd. (Providence, RI)
Appl. No.: 658955
Filed: May 31, 1996

Current U.S. Class: 424/618; 514/495
Intern'l Class: A61K 033/38
Field of Search: 424/618 514/495
References Cited [Referenced By]
U.S. Patent Documents
4415565 Nov., 1983 Wysor 424/618.
4915955 Apr., 1990 Gomori 424/616.
4952411 Aug., 1990 Fox, Jr. et al. 424/618.
5073382 Dec., 1991 Antelman 424/604.
5078902 Jan., 1992 Antelman 424/618.
5089275 Feb., 1992 Antelman 424/602.
5211855 May., 1993 Antelman 424/618.
5223149 Jun., 1993 Antelman 424/618.
5336499 Aug., 1994 Antelman 424/405.
5571520 Nov., 1996 Antelman 424/618.

Other References
"Is The AIDS Virus A Science Fiction?" by Peter H.
Duesberg and Bryan J. Ellison, Policy Review, Summer
1990, pp. 40-51.

Primary Examiner: Hulina; Amy Attorney, Agent or Firm: Salter & Michaelson
Parent Case Text

This application is a continuation-in-part of patent application Ser. No. 08/310,859 filed Sep. 22, 1994, now abandoned Claims

What is claimed is:

1. A method of treating AIDS-afflicted humans comprising injecting a multitude of tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystals into the bloodstream of the human subject.

2. A method for increasing white blood cell counts in AIDS-afflicted humans comprising injecting a multitude of tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystals into the bloodstream of the human subject.

3. Methods of treating AIDS-affilicted humans according to claims 1-2 where the concentration of said molecular crystals is approximately 40 PPM of the total blood weight of the human subject. Description


The present invention relates to the employment of molecular crystals as anti-AIDS devices, but more particularly to the molecular crystal semiconductor tetrasilver tetroxide Ag.sub.4 O.sub.4 which has two monovalent and two trivalent silver ions per molecule, and which through this structural configuration enables intermolecular electron transfer capable of killing viruses and binding them to the resulting silver entity so that a single intravenous injection will completely obliterate acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. Furthermore, said devices are capable of killing pathogens and purging the bloodstream of immune suppressing moieties (ISM) whether or not created by the AIDS virus (HIV); so as to restore the immune system.

The present invention is based on concepts previously elucidated in applicant's U.S. Pat. No. 5,336,499 which discloses the destruction and inhibition of bacteria, algae and the AIDS virus in nutrient life supporting systems by using said silver oxide devices. Example 3 of said patent discloses that 18 PPM of said crystal devices could totally suppress the AIDS virus (page 6, line 5). Subsequent to the filing of the aforementioned patent, further testing revealed complete 100% destruction of the AIDS virus in vitro at 20 PPM, and the fact that said devices were harmless when ingested and inhaled, being non-toxic.

Encouraged by these evaluations and successes, applicant obtained permission to evaluate the crystals in vitro against murine acquired immune deficiency syndrome (MAIDS). Only one facility in the State of Israel is licensed for these evaluations, namely, the Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot, Israel, which is affiliated with the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School where said evaluations were done.

The initial evaluations entailed experimenting with various silver moieties cited in applicant's aforementioned patent, concentrations, non-reactive buffers and modes of administration. After about 18 months of judicious efforts and initial failures, success was finally achieved in destroying the MAIDS virus in C57BL mice with a single intravenous injection. The results of this test program comprise Example 5 of U.S. Pat. No. 5,336,499. After success with mice, the inventor was able to test the efficacy of said devices on two select etiological groups of terminal AIDS patients in a clinic in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Central America.

The AIDS patients comprised the etiological subgroups, Candidiasis and Wasting syndrome. Current indicator diseases for diagnosing AIDS which have been expanded
by the CDC, fall into the following five major categories with the approximate percent distribution among AIDS patients:

1. P. carinii pneumonia 51%
2. Wasting syndrome 19%
3. Candidiasis 13%
4. Kaposi's sarcoma 11%
5. Dementia 6%

This invention concerns itself with the treatment and cure of candidiasis and wasting syndrome AIDS patients with Tetrasil*. These two groups account for approximately one third of AIDS cases.

*Trademark of Holipharm Corporation (of Israel) for Ag.sub.4 O.sub.4

Stedman's Medical Dictionary (Williams & Wilken's 26th Ed., 1995) defines wasting syndrome "as a condition of 10% weight loss in conjunction with diarrhea or fever
. . . Associated with AIDS (p. 1744)."


The main object of the invention is to provide for a molecular scale device of a single tetrasilver tetroxide crystalline molecule capable of restoring the immunity of AIDS afflicted humans of the two AIDS etiological subgroups, candidiasis and wasting
syndrome. Another object of the invention is to provide for immunity restoration in said AIDS afflicted humans through a single injection.

Another object of this invention is to destroy ISM in humans manifesting AIDS diseases of said AIDS etiological subgroups irrespective as to whether said ISM was HIV induced, since it is known that humans may manifest AIDS and still be HIV negative, and thus restore the immune system in said humans.

Another object of this invention is to destroy the AIDS virus when present in the systems of said AIDS afflicted humans.


This invention relates to a molecular scale device not only capable of destroying the AIDS virus, but of purging the human bloodstream of pathogens and restoring immunity to AIDS patients of the candidiasis and wasting syndrome categories. Said molecular device consists of a single crystal of tetrasilver tetroxide (Ag.sub.4 O.sub.4). The crystal lattice of this molecule has a unique structure since it is a diamagnetic semiconducting crystal containing two mono and two trivalent silver ions, which in effect are capable of "firing" electrons under certain conditions which will destroy AIDS viruses, other pathogens and immune suppressing moieties (ISM), not only through the electrocution mode, but also by a binding process which occurs simultaneously with electron firing, namely, binding and chelation of divalent silver, i.e., the resulting product of the electron transfer redox that occur when the monovalent silver ions are oxidized and the trivalent ions are reduced in the crystal. The binding/chelation effect occurs at active sites of the AIDS virus, pathogens and ISM. Because of the extremely minute size of a single molecule of this crystal, several million of these devices may be employed in concert to destroy a virus colony to purge a life support system of ISM and pathogens with the consumption of only parts per trillion of the crystal devices. Thus an optimum of 40 PPM of the devices by weight of human blood was found to be sufficient to completely obliterate AIDS. This concentration is slightly over double of the optimum concentration recommended in applicant's aforementioned U.S. patent for the destruction of the human AIDS virus in vitro.

Other details concerning the structure of the crystal and its mechanism against pathogens, the AIDS virus and ISM would analogously hold here, and have already
been further elucidated in said patent. The actual destruction of pathogens, ISM and the AIDS virus is effectuated by injection of a suspension of these devices in distilled or deionized water with a non-reacting electrolyte directly, i.e. intravenously, into the bloodstream. A single injection is all that is required under these conditions. Accordingly,
humans injected in this manner, upon being inspected after three weeks or more had elapsed and compared with similar humans that had been given placebos, were
completely cured of AIDS. The control group still manifested AIDS. Accordingly, the tetrasilver tetroxide device performed in concert with and in full conformity with the ultimate objects of this invention. Furthermore, three out of four wasting syndrome terminal patients and four out of the five candidiasis terminal patients were still alive in 1995 after a year and a half had elapsed from their initial injection. By that time all the AIDS patients had been released from the clinic and allowed to return home. Other objects and features of the present invention shall become apparent to those skilled in the art when the present invention is considered in view of the accompanying examples. It should, of course, be recognized that the accompanying examples illustrate preferred embodiments of the present invention and are not intended as a means of defining the limits and scope of the present invention.

Five patients afflicted with AIDS of the candidiasis etiological category were segregated for Tetrasil treatment. The rationale for selecting them was based on facts presented in an article by Peter H. Duesberg and Brian J. Ellison entitled "Is The AIDS Virus A Science Fiction?" (Policy Review, Summer 1990 pp. 40-51). Only the factual presentations of the article were utilized and the hypothesis of the authors was ignored. The facts presented in the article related to the method of selecting AIDS patients based on the five aforementioned etiological subgroups targeted by the CDC, and the evidence presented, that there is AIDS without HIV as well as with it so that an anti viral agent in most instances will not necessarily restore the immunity system.

Evaluations with Tetrasil were conducted on AIDS patients at Lucha Contra el Sida, Comayaguela, Honduras. The patients two weeks prior to inoculation were removed from their AZT, AIDS therapy. Tetrasil was administered at approximately 40 PPM of blood volume per patient as a suspension in a proprietary buffer solution (pH=6.5), supplied by Holipharm Corporation.

The results of evaluations with candidiasis are tabulated in Table I under its disease category. All patients evaluated were terminal. Some, however, were in moderate (m) condition and others in poor (p) as designated in the Table. The I and F designations refer to initial and final values as shown. WBC indicates white cell blood count. The H column, following CD 8, indicates whether hepatomegaly occurred. This was an unfortunate consequence of the treatment which resulted in enlarged livers in all patients except the second one. Despite hepatomegaly, there was no interference with liver function.

The onset of hepatomegaly was not spontaneous and varied from patient to patient, being in the range of 4-16 days.

It should also be noted that shortly after injection of Tetrasil there were indications of fever (symbolized by T in the Ag.sub.4 O.sub.4 column), sometimes accompanied by fatigue (F). The body temperature was invariably C. ( F.). This was indicative of restoration of the immune response of the body, since normally the body will destroy pathogens when the immune system is functional by raising the temperature. The patient who died; first responded favorably to Diflucan, which previously gave no response. He was cured of his candidiasis, but unfortunately succumbed to his previous body damage. All the other candidiasis syndrome people who previously did not respond to the indicated medications subsequently responded after the Tetrasil treatment. Further evidence of the recovery of the AIDS patients manifested itself 30 days after the initial injection when white blood cell counts were taken. They are shown in Table I under the WBC column, which gives the initial and final WBC. All candidiasis patients showed a dramatic increase in their white blood cell counts, indicative of the restoration of their immunity systems.


The above protocol of Example 1 was repeated with AIDS patients exhibiting wasting syndrome. The results of their treatment are tabulated in Table I under the disease category of said syndrome. It should be noted that two of the four wasting syndrome patients showed improved white blood counts. The female patient, whose condition improved from poor and terminal to be among the living, showed a decrease in the WBC. However, she showed an increase in body temperature which was indicative of immune response. The test results indicate that one cannot rely on a single factor to indicate the demise of AIDS. The usual HIV marker CD 4 initial and final are irrelevant. ISM suppression appears to be more critical than the destruction of HIV. AIDS was suppressed, any permanent damage that had been done to the patients in the course of their succumbing to AIDS was not obviously cured or corrected by said crystal device treatment, rather said injury persisted and the patient was improved with respect to AIDS but still suffered from said permanent injury or impairment previously inflicted.

As this invention may be embodied in several forms without departing from the spirit or essential characteristics thereof, the present embodiments are therefore illustrative and not restrictive, since the scope of the invention is defined by the appended claims rather than by the description preceding them, and all changes that fall within the metes and bounds of the claims or that form their functional as well as conjointly cooperative equivalents, are therefore intended to be embraced by these claims.

Replied by Sunshine
Buffalo, Ny, Usa

Doesn't excess selenium levels cause halitosis, brittle hair/nails, and a few other (yes, minor, if it cures or treats hiv) symptoms? Can people who are diagnosed with hypertension take vinegar? I have been diagnosed with hypertension (atenolol, hydrochlorothiazide) for over 12 years and I notice that whenever I take vinegar, diluted (other products, like COCONUT exacerbates my symptom) my pulse races. Ironically, I read that my blood type should avoid consuming vinegar, coconut and some other foods. Ironically, I CAN bathe with vinegar, but NOT ingest it..... strange, I guess.
