HIV and AIDS Natural Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Is There a Cure for HIV or AIDS?

Posted by James (Panama) on 11/04/2009

Hi, I have used ACV for a problem I was having with heartburn and, it helped trmendously. I also felt more energetic while using ACV.

I have some questions for Ted. Ted, I was wondering, In your opinion, do you really believe there is a cure for HIV/AIDS and, if so, what do you believe that cure is? Does anyone know how Irvin (Magic) Johnson was cured of his HIV?

I see on the Earth Clinic website that hydrogen peroxide and ACV seem to be the most common "cures" mentioned. Any input you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

AIDS and HIV are a bit different from swine flu in that the virus tends to hide in the neurals, spinal column where most antivirals cannot get access to kill them. In theory, I hear a lot of people with AIDS getting cured, but for some reason or another these group of people simply don't bother to post information after they do get cured, maybe from embarassment or other social reasons. The news I did heard about was drinking hydrogen peroxide 0.5% throughout the months, with some help with selenium supplements. Most viruses, in my observation are killed rather easily if they do not hide in the nervous system. The ones that do hide are difficult to kill, which includes genital herpes (i flush them out using Thai herbal medicine) then once they are flushed out, I used topical application. However since most people don't have the Thai herbs, the only other supplements that can go through this blood brain barrier, thereby killing the AIDS being hidden is the BHT, Iodine and vitamin C. Killing most viruses is rather easy, if they don't hide. Therefore one possible remedy to try for just one day is two hourly dose of 500 mg of vitamin C, two hourly dose lugol's iodine 2 drops in 1/2 cup of water, and an hourly dose for 500 mg dissolved in a cup of water, for a total of 6 doses. On the second day we might continue with this again and then stop and see whether AIDS has gone into remission. As for long term supplement I think taking 1/8 teaspoon of humic acid twice a day should reduce the remaining AIDS. It would be nice to get BHT, but most people do not have access, which is 500 mg a day. The BHT, Iodine and the vitamin C, will get the viruses that are hidden in the nervous system and goes through the blood brain barrier. There are others, and but I don't seem to have at all for people with AIDS and asking me for the cure or remedy. So if someone happens to want to try the remedy mentioned is one possible one, and the time to see effect or improvement is only a day our two.

Replied by James

OK, if BHT, Iodine and Vitamin C are taken, there is a possibility of killing the HIV virus. Is that what you're telling me? I would also like to know if this is the correct way to take this mixture....Take 500mg o Vitamn C once an hour for 2 hours, one dose of LUGOL'S iodine, 2 drops in a cup of water once an hour for two hours, then 500mg of vitamin C, dissolved in a cup of water once an hour for 4 hours? Am I understanding this correctly? Do you have any idea how Irvin Johnson was cured?

What about the 500mg Aspirin cure for the person with chlamydia, will that work for other infections as well?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

In general I will use aspirin as an antibiotic, even if it's not chlamydia, as it will digest most small bacteria and fungus, whenever whatever the bacteria is resistant against antibiotics or a person have issues about antibiotics and no problems taking aspirin. I will at least give it a try as asprin just dissolve them, chemically by digesting them, which is likely to effect the small fry bacteria rather than the large mammalian cells thousands of times larger. It may not be successful with very large organisms, however, such as parasites. In which case a borax remedy, black hull walnuts, and others are more fitting. I would give it a try. However, when killing a bacteria, it is best to take 1/4 teaspoon (larger people with no bloodpressure problem can take 1/2 teaspoon) of sea salt first in a cup of water, then is followed by vitamin C and the hourly 500 mg dose of aspirin, for just only 4 doses. It's only a one day cure. Usually it's not required to do beyond one day. If it works, it will usually work within one day. The maximum time if it does work may require up to two days. Which is a lot faster cure than taking antibiotics for weeks or months and is very damaging to the body. Not every infections will work with aspirin, such as the hemorrhagic ebola virus. In which case I am very likely to use humic acid and fulvic acid, which is like a vaccum cleaner in trapping any kinds of virus, but not necessarily bacteria. A zinc gluconate 50 mg or zinc acetate is taken twice daily perhaps for only one or two day also. That is at least the general approach. The infection if it's on the skin, I think a local antiseptic is fine, such as betadine or lugol's solution, but for internal bacteria in the blood, it requires a different approach. Mine is aspirin for most bacteria, except staphyloccocus, which requires also a large dose of magnesium citrate, perhaps 250 mg taken three or four times a day for only three days, at the most, on an empty stomach, preferably after meal 1 or 2 hours. So aspirin may NOT have good success for all sorts of bacteria. Zinc and local antiseptics and magnesium, as well as other supplements may also be needed to kill the infections too.

Replied by James
La Chorrera, Panama

OK, I have three kids, ages 13, 10 and 7...two girls and my son is the middle child. Can I use the aspirin for infections that they have or, is there something else I should use because of their ages?

Replied by Healthseeker
Johannesburg, South Africa

Hi everyone, I would like to know if anybody has used Ted's remedy suggested here that involves taking Lugol's iodine, Vitamin C and BHT for up to 2 days for HIV.

I am interested to know their experiences or side effects so I'm prepared and know what to expect. I intend starting next week and this is what I will do: I will add 2 drops of Lugol's iodine in half a cup(125ml) of distilled water, and 500mg Vit C and drink every 2 hours and take 500mg BHT in a cup of water (250ml) every hour for 6 hours. I will do this for two days and then stop but continue to take 500mg daily and 1000mg Chanca Piedra twice daily (Bill's advise).

I have read BHT remedies but they mostly from people with liver ailments so I am not sure which of the information is relevant to me. Thank you

Replied by Healthseeker
Johannesburg, South Africa

Hi Everyone, After reading about other people's experiences with different remedies I realised it is advisable not to flood your system with too much different supplements all at once but rather to introduce them indiviually at lower doses so that you can be able to keep track of any adverse reactions. I started taking 1000mg Chanca Piedra morning and night 3 days ago, no noticable difference so far, tommorrow morning I will introduce 350mg BHT on an empty stomach as recommended for Hep C remedy and on Friday I will start with 2 drops of Lugol's Iodine. I am already taking 1000mg of buffered Vitamin C daily, 3 tablespoons of VCO, and alkalize twice with ACV and BS and 3 times with BS and water only. I am also taking these liver support supplements, Milk Thistle 900mgX2, ALA 250mg X2, Selenium 200mcgX3. Any suggestions and recommendations to improve on this are welcome as is limited information on this topic.

Replied by Ed2010
Oakville, Canada

To Health Seeker, Do you expect a miraculous change just by taking 1g of chanca piedra for 3 days. No way? You should at least take 1/4 teaspoon for 2 months don't take milk thistle when you take chanca piedra. The taste of chanca piedra is slightly bitter and root taste as in beetroot.

Replied by Healthseeker
Johannesburg, South Africa

Thanks for your response Ed2010, to clarify I do not expect any dramatic improvement in just 3 days of taking CP, I was refering to the reaction from my body e.g. itch, breakouts or even increased urination. About not using Milk Thistle when taking CP can you explain more, I'm taking Milk Thistle for liver support and CP to stop the virus from reproducing I thought these actions are both neccessary and somewhat complementary? I should also add that the CP I'm taking is in capsule form so when increasing the dosage it will be by 500mg. Again, I appreciate your response and I am aware that this could be a long journey, I just want to be prepared, do things right and hope for the best outcome.

Replied by Ed2010
Oakville, Canada

Hi Healthseeker, The reason I said don't take chanca piedra and milk thistle is both are liver strengthener and liver stimulant.

IMO, chanca piedra is very potent but it will take sometime for your body to see improvement. I take Half Teaspoon of chanca piedra in a glass of water once a day occasionaly for general health benefit .

There are variety liver strengthening herbs that grows in different regions.

Chanca Piedra - South Asia, South America

Milk Thistle - Europe

Dandelion - North America

When I tried Milk Thistle, I was not comfortable. But dandelion tea is very good, the next day I see increased bile flow of liver. (Stools become darker and soft).

Every persons body works differently for different herbs.

I would say, When you are treating yourself. trust your EGO and make a fair judgement.

good health. thanks
