COPD Natural Remedies: Improve Lung Function & Ease Symptoms - Ted's Q&A

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Ted's Remedies for Mother with COPD

Posted by Peggy (Missouri, USA) on 01/31/2015

Hi Ted,

First of all thank you for all your time and energy you put into helping so many people. I have used lots of the remedies from you and Earth Clinic over the years and I really appreciate it.

Second, my mother has COPD. She seems to be healthy otherwise. Her blood pressure is usually good, she not diabetic either. They just tested these things. Her breathing is so bad she ended up in the hospital for 8 days and now they have her in rehab for a few weeks. In the hospital they gave her high doses of steroids and antibiotics. Now the Nursing home/Rehab have weaned her off of those. While she was on the steroids she was doing really good. Now that she is off them she is really getting short of breath again. She is on oxygen all the time.

They only other thing about her is that her stomach swells up and she gets bloated sometimes after she eats.

Is there anything she can do for the COPD and shortness of breath as well as the stomach issue? She doesn't really want to have to stay on steroids all the time because we know they are not good for you all the time.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

COPD might be helped with glutathione or its precursors such as N Acetyl Cysteine 500 mg three or four times a day and taurine 1000 mg three times a day. Glycine 3000 mg with lysine 1000 mg three times a day to help repair the lungs as well as vitamin C and Q10. To help her breathe hyaluronic acid 4 or 5 times a day 100 mg with plenty of water. The stomach swelling is helped with B6 50 mg three time a day preferably before meals. She has some form of allergies caused by a fungus maybe borax 1/10 teaspoon in one liter of water may also reduce this fungus. So avoid cheese, chocolates, and especially wheat, wheat flour, bread, cakes, cookies, switch the grain to rice is a lot safer preferably brown rice. Ted

Replied by Roberta
Topeka, Ks

Ted, I also have COPD and have found Baking soda is great, but as you know you can only take so much and for limited amount of time as I understand it.

I also have breast cancer and doing to be alkaline for 30 days - 1 tsp in morning and one at night- the only salt that I have is sauerkraut which I juice in the morning, other than that I do the flax oil cottage cheese, veggie juice, and I am allowed some Ezekiel bread, brown rice and organic oats.

It is amazing how much better I breathe since using the baking soda. I refuse meds and oxygen and just use rescue inhaler if I feel it is needed, but they did want to prescribe all of the above? They say I am anomaly since I am still working and all and not on oxygen even though they said I need oxygen while walking- but really who wants to walk around with oxygen with tubes in your nose especially if you don't feel you need it.

I walk 20 minutes inside twice a day at least 3 -4 days a week. I have got short of breath but not so much so I have to stop. While on baking soda I rarely feel the shortness of breath - I am amazed at the difference. Is there anything like baking soda that I can do all the time?

On my cancer diet I do try not to do supplements, because we know what were getting when we eat and juice for nutrition- also my diet is definitely against antioxidants as I am on the Johanna Budwig protocol well as much as I can do on it anyway.

Is the oats and Ezekiel bread okay?

Replied by Gabbysue
Haltom City, Texas

I was wondering if anyone knows if the suggestions from Ted on this post can be taken/started all at once? I have advanced copd and I can not inhale h202. I want to try this remedy, but carefully. I am on oxygen now almost all of the time. My activity level is low as well as caring for my self. My o2 drops so often that I am afraid of it damaging my heart, if it hasn't already. It anyone knows of this remedy please let me know. Thanks Gabbysue

Replied by Kenneth

Check out Mark Sircus, doctor and author. You might want to check out baking soda. My wife has oxymeter reading 98 to 99 and is using his information.
