Natural Remedies to Deep Vein Thrombosis (Blood Clots) - Ted's Q&A

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Stents and Prevention

Posted by Linda (Aurora, N.C.) on 10/26/2007

I have peripheral vascular disease and I've had a stent in my groin and 5 balloons done on my left leg behind the knee. I am on Plavix and an 81 mg. aspirin once a day because of stents placed in my heart. I have been having trouble lately with blood clots in my leg. I would appreciate any suggestions you have to offer.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Blood clots when they do occur can happen in any part of the body as a tiny blood clots do get circulated in the body. As a result, a friend of mind recently died (just yesterday on October 25, 2007) of a blood clot occurring in the vital part of the brain and it killed instantly what was merely a minor blood clotting problem he had in his leg. The blood clotting problem occurs under several conditions that causes the body into clotting whenever calcium levels are excessive, magnesium are low, level of antioxidant is low, free radical iron is high, certain dietary oils are low and the body is in acidosis being the major causes. A varicose veins in the leg can signify possibility of a potential blood clot to occur, but then so can traveling by planes leading to deep vein thrombosis. Calcium can be reduced to normal by alkalization and calcium is a factor in clotting. Magnesium is antagonistic to calcium and seen as helpful. If antioxidant status is low, the body goes into repair, leading to unnecessary blood clots. So raising vitamin C and vitamin E status helps. Dietary oils from Fish oils is helpful as it contains anticlotting substances.

Stress is one variable which can bring on blood clot because that was one of the many reason why my friend died, despite having a perfectly normal blood pressure, no obesity, no smoking, and the fact that the doctors gave him an excellent health. It signifies there is something very wrong about the present medical practice in which physical check ups are performed. A blood clot in the brain leads to memory loss, in vital parts, death. A blood clot occurring in the heart leads to heart attack or a stroke. It is critical the the blood circulates and do not stick to each other. It is one of the most important health points only second to alkalization, in my opinion anyway. Exercise is important. We tend to think of blood platelets stickiness or blood clots in very abstract terms, requiring complicated medicine, when in fact this term is actually much more simpler than you think. The stickiness can be controlled if the blood becomes more "soapy" or alkaline, or just more emulsifying, like from supplements such as taking one tablespoon of granulated lecithin. In basic chemistry we learn that alkaline materials are always soapy. We remove sticky oils using soap too. Soap is an alkaline substance, a surfactant, also used in laundering. So it is cleansing, look at it in another way why stickiness is reduced.

Aspirin would be somewhat "abstract" for you and this leads me to wonder why, but if you have a chance to feel the aspirin and why this reduces platelets stickiness can easily be demonstrate quite easily. By the way, I used aspirin dissolved in some water to kill harmful bacteria and viruses. So I do use them as an antiseptic solution, which works better than alcohol anyway, especially against the viruses. The aspirin has an effect in dissolving bacteria, viruses, and the sticky biofilms which causes blood platelet stickiness, as well as reducing the so called clotting time, by dissolving the fibrinogen, which leads to clot too. So if I were to wash my hands with aspirin and water, my hands will invariably will feel quite cleaner than alcohol or even soap. It will no longer be sticky. So that is a clue why aspirin works. Sticky foods, such as sugar, vegetable oils, fats, chocolates, for example causes stickiness of the blood, because they are sticky. There are some exceptions. A clove oil dissolve in a small amount of water will reduce stickiness of the hands if wash with that solution. It is the eugenol, that has antibiotic potential, that kills off the biofilms and kill of the bacteria and viruses which leads to stickiness of the hands.

I have some other ways that might be helpful looking at potential problems. A way to detect a blood clot before a blood clot occurs can be done at a home, which is not perfect, is to get a fresh blood (pinched from the finger using a sterilized lancet) and drop it onto a microscope slide, and use a microscope cover over it and wait the next day when the blood dries. If the blood dries unevenly, like tiny botches, then the blood is clotting becomes excessive. A more refined way of doing it is to examine a blood using a live blood analysis under a darkfield microscope, although of those service are not easy to find.

Therefore, a simple home remedy to normalize the serum calcium level thus reducing some blood clots, is the 2 tablespoon of lemon juice (or lime, being higher in vitamin C), plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water, taken twice a day. The lemon or lime is high in vitamin C, but in alkaline form has a very powerful antioxidant, where measured using the ORP meter, can easily reach -200 millivolts. Such antioxidant is almost the same as the antioxidant water the machine is being touted as Kangen water, although some Kangen water, from Japan is not available in U.S. But the problem lies in the fact that these water, the alkalinity is sometimes too high such as up to pH of 11-12, which is not suited for drinking, and a lower pH is needed, between 7-8. A lemon and an alkaline substance can actually be made to be like a more powerful alkalinity as Kangen water, almost just the same, if only the pH was about equal, practically speaking, the ORP (oxidation reduction potential) would be about equal. One unmentioned fact is Kangen water separates the sodium and chlorine from the salt (NaCl) to get Sodium Hydroxide and HCl. Here is the secret chemical equation through the electrolysis not mentioned anywhere except here. In an electrolysis a Kangen water separates on two sides of the poles of electric for use becomes like this and a separated for use:

H2O + NaCl -> NaOH + HCl

This is why the acid water of the Kangen water is so acid, and this is why the alkaline water of Kangen Water was so alkaline. It is no surprise therefore that a weak solution of sodium hydroxide can easily dissolve a small amount of sesame seed oil in some demonstrations. This is not to say Kangen water is not healthy, it is to some extent, but that's another story. Alkalinity in general, the more alkaline the more it is "soapy", the solution becomes and this reduces the "stickiness" of the blood platelets. That's the secret. Hence, if a sodium carbonate (a very tiny amount) or potassium carbonate (also tiny amount) were added to it to the lemon formula, the level of stickiness of the blood platelets well be reduced after consumption within about 30-60 minutes but its pH would invariably be too high.

I therefore prefer a more middle ground within a biologically safer pH of 7.3-7.5, which is the approximate pH of the lemon and baking soda remedy, since the blood's pH is about 7.35 anyway. So to get a more powerful effect, I probably won't try to make it any more "alkaline", but will take it more frequently. Although I generally prefer three times a day, such as morning, early afternoon and early evening. There are problems because people work in the early afternoon. Therefore, the schedule of taking the remedy if three times are needed, to at least get the pH closer to 7, or at least 6.7 or above, or not possible with two times a day. At other times there are people who claims alkalinity drinks causes them to be drowsy. In that case a different schedule can be done, such as taking it after work and before sleep, would do quite fine.

Besides the lemon and baking soda, I would take other supplements such as some fish oils, as it is anti clotting, perhaps once a day, some vitamin E 200 I.U., once every other day. One of the causes of excessive blood clotting can be due to excessive free metal iron, from the use of iron cookware (iron cookware should not be used), or problems with menstruation (period comes late), for example. To reduce excessive free metal iron, tannin rich diets (such as pomegranate and green tea), and EDTA supplements, will help reduce the iron. The tannins are aggressive in attaching to free metal iron, and EDTA can also do that to some extent. If the free metal iron is reduced, the clotting is reduced. In another case reduction of antioxidants can lead to clotting too, sodium ascorbate vitamin C 250 mg is an alkaline form of vitamin C, which raises the body's antioxidant status, will reduce the clotting as it is an antioxidant too. This is a common remedy I used for varicose vein (along with vitamin E) and deep vein thrombosis, which may lead to blood clots.

In summary, I would alkalize enough to get urinary pH to 7 to reduce excessive calcium levels, reduce calcium intake as calcium leads to clotting, magnesium helps relax the muscle reducing circulatory problems and is antagonistic to calcium, avoid iron sources, such as iron cookware, take some fish oils to reduce clotting, and take antioxidants such as vitamin E and sodium ascorbate vitamin C to prevent excessive clotting. Certain other things I haven't mentioned here are grape juice and aspirin, which I assume most people to know they also reduce blood platelet stickiness, as well as avoiding common vegetable oils for cooking and sugar which leads stickiness of the blood platelets. If circulatory difficulties caused the clot, improving the circulation and some vitamin B complex can help the circulation in the extremities. One interesting remedy is that if the oxygen is lacking the blood becomes black and may clot. So another remedy is to increase the level of oxygen, which is also relates to circulatory difficulties. Hence, 3-6 drops (I will start with 3) of H2O2 3% in a glass of water plus 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, taken in the morning.
