Ear Mite Remedies - Ted's Q&A

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Is Borax Safe for Cats?

Posted by NYC Andre on 10/09/2007

Hi Ted

Thanks for the additional information - I have followed your advice.

Update: at this point, half a month later, my cat is still wearing his collar and I clean his ears every other day; last weekend I gave him a shampoo with the special mix, blow drying him gently afterwards, without rinsing with water. Just because I figured there might be mites on his fur, plus he hadn't had much of a chance to clean himself, what with the collar. The mites definitely are not on a growth cycle anymore, and I intend to keep at it until there is no more waxy residue in his ears. I figure given the 3 week (?) hatching cycle of the mites it might take a month or two to clear.

I have two questions you or maybe others could answer if you 'd like to.

1. Much as I try to be thorough, there are areas deep into his ears that I cannot reach with Q tips. I understand that in order to be effective, the mix has to be able to contact the skin directly. So if I cannot clear waxy residues in areas that are unreachable, what can I do? Do veterinarians have more sophisticated tools or stronger medicine to get these last mite (mighty!) strongholds.

2. My cat occasionally licks his fur, which has been bathed with the Borax solution. Is this safe ? I read on the box that Borax is cangerous if taken internally.

Thanks a lot again nycandre"

Replied by Andre

OK - I think I got the answer to Borax tocicity - about as dangerous as soap or laundry detergent, not suggested to eat, but need to eat a lot of it to get sick

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Dear Andre: 1. Much as I try to be thorough, there are areas deep into his ears that I cannot reach with Q tips.

A 1% solution of H2O2 with some borax can be sprayed or used as ear drops. Just make sure it doesn't go beyond 1%. The solution used in humans are a 3% H2O2 for the ears, but I believe this might be too strong. A mites if it reaches the ears inside and deep enough, and if not taken care of can my dog to be deaf (mites block their listening).

2. My cat occasionally licks his fur, which has been bathed with the Borax solution. Is this safe ? I read on the box that Borax is cangerous if taken internally.

Borax is safe for mammals. It is only if they take in large amounts that it can be dangerous, e.g. a large amounts mixed with food. But when a solution of borax is on the animal, the amount is too weak to have an effect.

Right now I am experimenting with a more effective solution, which in my opinion causes the mites to dehydrate faster from both the peroxide and the magnesium.

The solution is about 15% Milk of Magnesia, saturated borax in a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution. It seems to have a positive effect in kill off. The problems of a long kill off period seems that mites (at least at my home) is that mites line up to get into my house and attack my dog. The milk of magnesia/borax/peroxide at least this is my favorite anti mite remedy for my dog at the moment.

The LD50 (toxic dose where 50% of the animals die) for borax is roughly 2000 mg/kg so its easy to remember that the toxicity of borax is about the same as salt.

Replied by Tisha R
5 posts

HI, everywhere on here I read that borax will kill your cat...please make me understand as if I use it as a cleaning product and or they lick it or walk on it then lick..I am super stressed now, so much confliction on this topic...thank you