Dog Mange Remedy

Posted by anonymous (anonymous) on 07/13/2011

Hello ted, I've read your posts and remedy for dermatopic mange, I have a 6 year old black male ship tau suffering for over a year, the vet gave me ivemetictain, not sure how to spell it, for me to put in his food. I did this for 4 months and he still suffers from mange. Can you please reply with exactly how to mix and what to buy for your topic remedy. I would greatly appreciate it. I love my bosco and it breaks my heart to see him suffer. And one more question. Once I put your solution on him, when do I remove it? Forever grateful for your help.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Hydrogen peroxide 1% and add borax until it no longer dissolves and dip or apply the solution to the dog. It is not rinsed. The hydrogen peroxide sold in drug store is 3% it will do, add to parts water to get 1% and get borax to it. There is another method, but I don't think it works that will, it is coconut oil applied to the dog left overnight.

Replied by Xstereostarrx
Pelion, South Carolina

No, coconut oil does not work, me and my pet were suffering from sarcoptic and all that did was make his mite bites taste like almond joys to him. I'm sooo trying the borax n h2o2.