Natural Remedies and Supplements for Improving Vitiligo Symptoms - Ted's Q&A

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Ten-year-old Daughter

Posted by Janet (New Jersey) on 11/11/2007

My ten year old daughter has vitiligo. I take her for acupressure treatments and she is getting her second ion cleanse. I also have her taking herbal tea that was formulated by an herbalist. Are there any natural cures that you can recommend for this condition. I just discovered your website and love it. I hope you can help me with my daughter. Thank You.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Vitiligo is officially treated as a genetic issue. Although I tend to prefer a more pragmatic way to consider this as an autoimmunity bought on by a fungus condition, as generally a fungus eats up the pigmentation of the skin. Since a fungus, often result in the depigmentation of the skin, and perhaps the vitiligo might also be related to a fungus condition, that the body is unable to fight off due to a "genetic" problem.

Hence the remedy is two parts water, and one part of 3% H2O2 resulting in roughly 1% H2O2 solution and assuming the hands is the affected portion resulting in a vitiligo, I would get a towel wet with a 1% H2O2 solution and apply it once every 5 minutes for about 5 times to the area, twice a day. An autoimmunity can be initiated whenever the body becomes acidosis (the urine pH becomes below 6, while ideally it should be closer to 7). Hence I would take enough of the lemon and baking soda, such as 1 tablespoon (child's dose assuming weight is about 50 pounds) lemon juice, and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/4 glass of water taken twice a day, once in morning and once in evening. Another stronger antifungal remedy, that helps with me, in case the first remedy was not helpful is the a saturated borax in 1% hydrogen peroxide applied topically to the area, unrinse. It SHOULD be noted that you CANNOT exceed 1% concentration as it is too strong for most people. Some people don't know how much is a saturated borax solution is. Generally if the 1% hydrogen peroxide, and you add borax, usually 1 tablespoon in a cup of 1% H2O2, is a close approximation of a saturated borax. The remedy is often applied for about a month and takes about 2-3 weeks to notice some improvement. Although autoimmunity problems may also be reduced with taking vitamin D3 and vitamin K2, also, but these vitamins, for some reason are often hard to obtain from the market, but they do have some effect in dealing with autoimmunity if sufficient doses is taken, so in case of small child, I imagine the remedy is closer to about 1000-5000 i.u. of vitamin D3, taken for about a month's time, then it is discontinued. An old remedy my father uses of a depigmentation of skin was to apply garlic oil to the affected area, or just flesh clove of garlic applied. While it did seem to help when I was in U.S. I seem to suspect it was the lack of sun exposure and vitamin D that bought out this problem, but this might not officially be vitiligo, it was however related to autoimmunity, but my own observations was that it was the fungus that bought about the autoimmunity in the first place, and dealing with the fungus, will usually deal with the autoimmunity that bought about the depigmentation of the skin.

Replied by Christine
South Hadley, Ma

Hi Ted,

Thank you for your information on vitiligo. I also have widespread vitiligo patches on most of my body, and am wondering how it would work best to do the hydrogen peroxide/borax solution. Is it okay to soak a towel in the solution and leave it for a period of time, or should it just be applied repeatedly without leaving the towel on the skin? Is it safe to use hydrogen peroxide near eyes and genitals? Thank you.

Replied by Lou
Tyler, Tx

Green Juice on You Tube - there's a guy on you tube who is juicing the following: Kale, Celery, Red Peppers, Spinach, Green Apples, and Ginger. He claims it is helping his vitiligo. Worth a try! Another woman is slicing fresh ginger very thin and rubbing it on her skin's white patches while wearing a magnetic copper bracelet. Will it work? Who knows?

Replied by Preeti
Delhi, New Delhi, India

Hi, Ted, hope you are doing good. I have some vitiligo patch on my skin for last six year I have take all types of treatments but it doesn't works. Plz tell me the fastest and permanet cur for vitiligo. You said hydrogen peroxide and borox and lemon juce is best for get rid of this problem. Most of the Dr.s and people said avoid citric and oily things please help.
