Natural Cures for Throat Issues - Ted's Q&A

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Remedy Follow Up

Posted by J on 07/13/2007

I am writing to tell you now I am on my second week of taking ACV B.S.. I take it twice a day,I am finding some relief. With the tightening in my throat I am now using the milk of magnesia half a teaspoon of B.S.which you suggested I have tried it for four days now . It is giving me some relief also. Please let me know if I can use this mouth wash three times a day and also if it is alright to continue until the tightening and pain in the throat stop. Thank you so very much.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

My approach to dealing with postherpetic neuralgia is rather straightforward. I don't really directly kill them, but I used supplements that deals with deficiency which also kills the herpes zoster virus, which in turn kills them, such as the use of zinc gluconate 50 mg x 3 times a day for a couple of days. Tea tree oil after long term use will be painful. Lavender oil makes more sense.

The use of sour cream with fish will no doubt cause the body to extreme acidity which will support the shingles growth and increase the pain. I would much prefer to use magnesium citrate 250 mg for 5 days out of a week and zinc gluconate (at least more frequently), plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda twice a day in 1/2 glass of water twice a day, as a more effective way in dealing with the shingles problem. The lime juice 2 tablespoon plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water taken twice a day can also have the same alkalizing effect which I believe may be more effective.

Killing the viruses outright will cause them to come back again and again if the body is already deficient in zinc, magnesium and the body is lacking in sufficient acidity. The cause of why the viruses grow in the first place is that our body's fluids is currently is providing a fertile grounds for such shingles to grow in the first place. Antioxidants such as vitamin E and vitamin C sodium ascorbate 1000 mg x 3 per day (or rosehips are most helpful). If for a topical solution I would consider lavender oil, and alternate with 5% or 10% magnesium chloride plus 1-2% zinc chloride solution, if at all possible. One other possibility on the topical application that I found useful and easy to find is the use of Milk of Magnesia plus some zinc oxide (if you can find it) applied ot the skin area where shingles are to be found can also be one other alternative to using tea tree oil. All I can say is I think a 5% magnesium chloride and perhaps a milk of magnesia is rather soothing whenever I have that problem, although I don't use them exclusively, zinc oxide is also synergist if you can manage to get them. Ted

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

If it is used as a mouthwash, they can be used as many times as it is necessary. I may use as many as 6-12 times a day needed to kill the unknown staph or strep throat. Of course, for me, just sipping (small sips about 5 cc) at 5-10 minute interval for about 10 times of a sodium/potassium bicarbonate (50:50) one tablespoon in 1/2 glass of water usually cures my sore throat.
