Trouble Swallowing After Hysterectomy
Since my surgery in Nov 2008,(hysterectomy) I have had difficulty swallowing even my saliva. Sometimes I will get an overabundance of it and it becomes white and foamy. It comes and goes, I will be totally fine one minute then then next I can't swallow anything. It is very frustrating and exhausting. I have to sleep propped up at night and when I am really having trouble when I go to sleep I wake up constantly gasping for air.
My throat does not hurt. Every now and then I will burp but not often. I have had chest pains, waves of heat, and moments where my tongue feels thick. My blood pressure has been running low 96/65. I feel as if I am having a heart attack or stroke. My heart has been checked out with EKG and all that and is fine. About 1 month after surgery my tongue and inside my lips got extremely red underneath and was very painful, that hasn't happened since. Any ideas of what would help as I am not getting much help at all from the docs just lots of bills.
Dear Tami:
I personally don't believe in removal of of any internal organs because long term condition from those are simply very hard to treat, compared to using supplements to reverse the organ damage are far more easier to deal with, at least for me anyway. They are usually there for a reason and organ dysfunctiion is often a simple infection, electrolyte imbalance and pH issue.
In any case, should the situation require immediate attention once the organ was removed, and based on symptoms and blood pressure, this appears to be one of an electrolyte and pH imbalance still, even after hysterectomy, but more severe so as hormone imbalances come into play.
Quite often I assume the urine pH and saliva pH, to be acid. However, when the tongue is red it is very acid and hence the tongue redness. It is also a virtual ideal environment for bacterial growth or fungal growth, which is not helpful again. The tongue redness can swell if we eat lemons or keep anything sour so long, the tongue just become red. Even more longer and more acid, it swells and there is difficulty swelling. Basically the tongue is being digested by its own juices of extreme acidity of the mouth. The cause is one of intracellular fluid imbalance and potassium bicarbonate or potassium citrate is the prime supplements to quicky raise the fluid pH in the mouth/esophagus area by alkalization to restore to normal pH so that the tongue doesn't have to foruced itself any longer in saliva acid bath. A good normal saliva pH is 7.3 which I am in extreme doubt that the saliva pH is anywhere close to that. The average saliva pH for people with this condition I have estimated to be much closer to a pH of 5.5 or below, a level which I think is a very unsafe level. It's tolerable, but sick if the saliva pH is between pH 5.6- 6.0. But at levels between 5.0-5.5 the throat area and the tongue simply can't handle any more acidity. Assuming I start with potassium citrate (technical name is tripotassium citrate) or potassium bicarbonate as a starting dose. This remedy is an alkaline form of potassium. I don't generally use potassium chloride, unless a person has low chlorides. The chlorides I used comes from mostly sea salts which will quickly raise the blood pressure to normal levels quickly.
However there is another overlook fact of a weak form of septicemia, which is responsible for low blood pressure. These forms tend to produce low blood pressure from the excess production of nitrites. A foamy saliva is a condition where candida or other fungus like organism exist. They usually do whenever pH of saliva is below 5. A good pH paper that measures pH between 5- 8 is the one I usually use if people want to measure themselves. Mine is 5.6 -7.2. So obviously it is more accurate, it's often off the scale with these people. So I have another one that is wider in measuring the levels such as 0-14. However, it's not required, unless people have a level of skepticism to assume that their saliva pH is normal, which is hardly the case. The pH is useful in general application to monitor, much like a thermometer to keep the saliva pH is normal, much like a thermometer to measure fever. However, monitoring a pH helps in preparing the proper dose and frequency, so it makes for a more precise determination of dose. It should be noted that if a person takes the potassium the saliva pH is raised very quickly in less than 5 minutes to normal levels, assuming normal dose of potassium citrate or potassium bicarbonate. I don't generally use other forms of potassium because they do not buffer the pH to alkaline levels.
The normal dose I used, which tends to be on the low side, but for a person with an extreme condition is 1/2 teaspoon of potassium citrate in one cup of warm water, drank very slowly over the course of 5 minutes. It's usually taken 3 times a day. Thereafter after taking it for a couple of days (or a week) the dosage is lowered to two times a day. The dose may also be lowered after only a couple of days to 1/4 teaspoon too.
However, since septicemia, at least a weak form exist, sea salt and clove is taken first before the potassium and the septcemia may have also induced that of a candida (foamy saliva) for example went deep enough in the the system to cause this problem.
The blood pressure seems to be the real issue to restore to normal otherwise the brain can't function on low blood pressure very long. A quick remedy is 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in 1 cup of water, often one single dose, and sometimes may need another one the next day. But it doesn't require regular dose. It's often one dose or two dose and your done. Exceptions occur if the conditions were helped but the positive effects didnt extrend beyond a day or two.
A good real sea salt is gray non white color ones are generally the best which will restore some of the low blood pressure imbalances in a matter of minutes. The other remedy, if possible which kills some of the organism that may cause organ damages such as the cardiovascular system, is the clove oil. The dose is anywhere from one to three drop and can be mixed one cup of warm water well stirred. This should quickly restore the weakness and low blood pressure fairly quickly, usually within minutes also.
I used a combination of single dose sea salt and clove oil. The blood pressure should go above the systolic 100 level and restore some weakness. I consider a systolic level below 100 to be not safe. The weakness and blackouts are apparently if the systolic is below 100. While diastolic in your case appears to be within reason but the sea salt may raise some also, but requires more time to take an effect.
It is quite common that is is often difficult to get potassium citrate and potassium bicarbonate. But these are the best ones I have used. In event potassium cannot be found, then I would just use baking soda, such as sodium bicarbonate, at 1/2 teaspoon drank slowly over the course of 5 minutes, taken twice or three times a day. It helps to alkalize quickly the tongue, but it take longer for an effect to take hold, usually about one week, but it does work also.
A middle road remedy is preferred, should supply issue is resolved (e.g. getting the right supplements!), so my favorite remedy is just 1/2 teaspoon of sodium citrate, plus 1/2 teaspoon of potassium citrate in 1/2 to 1 glass water taken initially three in one day. On second day the dose is thereby reduce to just 1/4 teaspoon of each. In a supply shortage situation I may juggle the remedies such as using sodium carbonate, potassium carboante with potassium chloride, and other things, but this goes beyond this email inquiry.
What is left out after the tongue normalizes that is needed to normalize the swallowing once the foamy saliva is out and red tongue is reduced, especially the swelling of the esophagus, which makes swallowing difficult is the vitamin E 200 mg. This can be taken immediately to help raise the blood pressure, but IS NOT SWALLOWED. It is only chewed. Since a high blood pressure is desired, 200 mg chewing on two capsules of Vitamin E or just one 400 mg of one capsule of vitamin E will help. In the long run this will strenghten the muscles and help swallowing but also noticeably reduce heart issues attributed to low blood pressure. This is why it's not detectable in standard medical tests. They merely measure beats of heart and its electrical firing which is normal even though a person can feel it, which comes from low blood pressure and muscular weaknesses associated with septicemia, from candida issues, possibly. Further readings you may consult,
They mentioned that these similar candida like condition did induced septicemia and low blood pressure (from high nitrites and typical symptoms of septicemia). It is just to show that candida did induce a cardiovascular issues and I believe the present diagnostic device used to check seems insufficient to find hidden issues related to heart problems.
Magnesium is the final supplements that will further balance out the calcium imbalance, which tends to help get the balance of muscular contraction and muscle release back into balance. The magnesium choride I used is 500 mg taken once a day, I have as yet to test magnesium citrate, but I too sometimes have supply problems. LOL.
Finally a candida condition blood sugar maybe unstable, and hence chromium supplements is taken at 1000-1500 mcg, of chromium polynicotinate Foods that one must avoid is aspartic acid, aspartame, glutamic acid, glutamine, MSG, sugar free chewing gums, diet Coke, diet Pepsi, Pepsi Max, Cheese, excessive use of vegetable oils in cooking, cheese, white eggs, asparagus, potatoes, peanuts, are the common ones I would try to avoid. They are virtual fertilizers for candida growth especially most acid forming foods from sugar, milk products, gluten and wheat.
Omak, WA
Hi Ted, Thanks for responding so quickly to my last email. I have just received the results back from a CT scan of my throat and sinus. Apparently I have sinus disease, a lipoma on the right side of my throat, and a non specific low density entity on my thryoid. Is there any remedies that I can start taking? Right now I am doing what you said with the baking soda (tried to get potassium bicarbonate apparently it is prescription only) and water. I am taking a drop of clove oil before, it is really hard for me to get down as the swallowing difficulty is so bad. I am also taking 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper along with magnesium. My blood pressure as of yesterday is 121/85. I really don't eat any of those foods that you said to avoid. I don't drink coffee, alcohol, sodas, or dairy. I really watch my intake of sugar as well. I do like a nice piece of chocolate on occasion!! I get my vitamins down w/orange juice and I do have a glass of grape juice (no sugar added) througout the day. I have experienced extreme anxiety as well. ( I am usually a very calm person) The last six months has been about just surviving each day. I want to be healthy any ideas you have are greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much, Tami
If it's not possible to get potassium bicarbonate, potassium carbonate, potasium citrate, then some drug stores may have potassium chloride instead. In which case a modified remedy might be 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate plus 1/4 teaspoon of potassium chloride in 1/2 glass of warm water twice a day. Potassium chloride maybe sold in some drug stores where people who take too much water pill end up with a potassium deficiency and maybe easier to get them. If not sometimes potassium maybe hidden in some commercial products as in certain forms of Alka Seltzer, assuming of course they didn't add the aspartame. Vitamin E also helps with the swallowing. The sinus problem is due to acid saliva. Measure the saliva with a pH paper. It's very likely to be below 6 and if the baking soda and potassium is taken for about two weeks at the very least, the pH to the area should normalize to about 7.2 or 7.3 and the fungus (which is the common cause of it all) can no longer lodge itself and dies off. The other issue that's helpful to reduce sinus is in a cup of warm water 1/4 teaspoon of simple sea salt is taken at two dose in only one day. Take this the second and the third day, and no need to take any more. A mainteancne dose of 1/4 teaspoon of drinking water one liter is all that is needed. This should eliminate the sinus problem that leads to the swallowing issues, because fungus and candida tend to expand their colonies and sinus are connected to the throat that leads to the esophagus area.