Stress Remedies - Ted's Q&A

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Ted's Remedies

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 392 posts

Remedy-wise, I tend to approach dealing with stress from a biochemical aspect through the use of supplements and aromatherapy.

Stress is not only psychological but biochemical. Of course dealing on psychological levels require only common sense, such as avoiding stress.

Since stress affects the adrenal systems, certain supplements can be used whenever there is stress such as DHEA 12.5 mg (for woman) and 25 mg for men. However, I approach it whenever there is stress and those can help. Other remedies that I have found to reduce stress which helps support adrenal issues that control stress are vitamin B5, panthenol, usually between 300to 1000 mg. In a rat study in dealing with stress by putting rats to swim in a cold water after removal of adrenal glands, the rats could not cope this and its ability to survive was reduced by half the time of the normal rats. So if the rats without adrenal glands can survive in swimming in cold water for 30 minutes a normal rat can survive under the same condition for 1hour. So if the vitamin B5 supplements were given, their ability to survive even with removal of the glands were about that of a normal rats. Therefore, I found that vitamin B5, if I take anywhere for 300 to1000 mg would help cope with stress better. Vitamin B complex are also supportive in dealing with stress as well, but it is the B5 that helped the most.

As to other ones that I have seen to worked well is the amino acid supplements, which I have found whenever people get stressed easily an imbalance of amino acid is implied and I have noticed after taking the amino acid supplements, usually just 1000 to 2000mg (at least from the soy protein supplements) the stress was clearly reduced within an hour.

In certain events where supplements were not obtainable, two aromatherapy oils I found were quite helpful in reducing stress, one is lavender and the other narcissus oils. While lavender oil's effect on stress is relatively mild, narcissus oil are stronger. The use is relatively simple, put a couple of drops on a cotton balls and just use it to smell it. The aromatherapy goes to the nose, and reaches the brain altering the brains biochemical process to allow the brain to relax. It is well known that the shortest distance between a essential oil reaching the brain to effect reduction of stress is actually the nose and the nose neural system is closes to the brains' hypothalamus which is the seat of human emotion. The effect of the essential oil's effect on allergies and inflammation is clearly seen whenever lavender oil is applied to the skin after a bee sting or possibly from some skin allergies. An analogy can be seen that if the hypothalamus is inflammatory, the effects of such oils will result in reduction in irritations,nervously and even perhaps stress.

My experience in discovering narcissus oil's benefits were at the time I had a severe depression from really no reason at all and was suffering for weeks. At the time I was trying to prepare a mixture of the oils to cause people to quit smoking easier. An accidental spill caused me to realized the effect of depression just went away within seconds of smelling the narcissus oils and it never came back for quite some time. Therefore certain aromatherapy oils which is described as "narcotic" which does not mean addictive, but means it has a strong sedative effect can result in reductions of stress, anxiety, sleeplessness, and other problems, all without the use of dangerous side effect ridden anti-depressants.

The ones that I have seen stress to worked the best for older people who are in the 50s and above is seen to be either a well balanced protein or amino acid supplements, where the later effect is much more quicker as well as the DHEA supplements. Apparently as people get older, the body's ability to produce DHEA is reduced, and the lack of body's DHEA can in some instance the person's face become more round and moon face whenever the body's DHEA is lacking and this can sometimes be used as a weight loss supplements, for people whose DHEA levels were already going down, which often occurs after the age of about 40 and above.

There are other essential oils or aromatherapy that can also reduce stress that can also be used where its smell have a sedative effect.

Certain adaptogens, where adrenal exhaustion occurs might also result in stress and licorice extract have properties mimicking cortisone can also be used but I think its effect are milder than either narcissus oils, DHEA or amino acid supplements.

In many of my private emails of people with suicidal tendencies, the common remedies to deal with those people is actually the use of narcissus oils, niacinamide B3 (I found that when I took more than the usual dose, which was about 300 mg), sodium thiosulfate 10% drops added to a drinking water anywhere between 3-6 drops (too much can have a laxative effect, but it helps detoxify). It should be noted that people with suicidal tendencies and depression have low HDL cholesterol and eating yellow yolk eggs where the yolk is still liquid, either in the form of partially boiled eggs (the white eggs should be removed), or eggs sunny side up, will raise the HDL fairly quickly while the LDL, which is the bad cholesterol, can reduced or at least stay the same. Most LDL in my opinion comes from high temperature cooking of vegetable oils, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and the worse one partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. Vegetable oils actually cannot withstand high temperature cooking and can break down in to not only free fatty acids (a free radical) or forming a cancer causing acylamide with sugar and starch potatoes, for example. Therefore to reduce stress, toxic chemicals and pollutants can also lead to higher free radicals where the body's inability to cope with toxins can also result in irritations leading to stress. Detoxification in some instances through getting normal bowel movements, raising urinary pH to at least a neutral pH of 7, instead of a "burnout" highly acidic urine pH of 5.5 can help. Acidosis can quickly cause stress and therefore two alkalizing remedies can be used to reduce stress rather quickly in some instances such as 2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar plus 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water taken 3 times a day, or one whole freshly squeezed lime (about 8 teaspoon or 2 tablespoon) plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2glass of water taken twice a day.

Alkalinity I have noted to reduce stress within the hour or two, although its effect on depression is somewhat limited and amino acid supplements and egg yolk remedy are more effective in dealing with that kind of a problem. However, amino acid supplements,narcissus oil, B5, niacinamide B3, and sodium thiosulfate 10% drops seems to be more effective on dealing with stress, generally speaking.
