Ted's Remedies
Ted, could you tell me how to detox from Steven Johnston Syndrome? From what I've read on it,it is a toxic reaction. Thank you, Myra
Dear Myra:
This is a frequently happens in many tourist (mostly Caucasian) coming to Thailand when they take medications or go to swimming in dirty waters and then ended up having a toxic skin condition where it rapidly spreads and is unresponsive to standard antibiotic treatment and the usual cortisone medication. Such toxic skin has a lot to do with magnesium depletion. Magnesium deficiency is the cause where people get very toxic to a long list of medication, some of which includes medications that activate the SJS condition. These are the more well known ones:
Advil, Children's Advil, Children's Motrin, Children's Tylenol, Daypro, Diclofenac, Diflucan, Dilantin, Dolobid, Feldene, Ketek, Lamictal, Mobic, Motrin, Naprosyn, Neurontin, Relafen, Tegretol, Zithromax
My approach is to use between a 30 to 70% solution of magnesium chloride, preferably 50% to 60% solution and apply it to the skin. Should they do not work well enough, that means some sores remaining, a DMSO can be added, such as 5% to 10% DMSO to the magnesium to go deeper transdermally. The redness and sore skin should reduce quickly, but most of the pain and irritation should be reduced quickly in a matter of minutes while the redness of the skin will take a bit more time to reduced. In a few cases of SJS, I have seen conjunctivitis, which apparently do not respond to standard treatment, but responds very well to the magnesium chloride, should an eye conjunctivitis is apparent in SJS. For example a magnesium chloride eye drop solution is prepared at 5-10% concentration, may have some slight stinging, but may be neutralized somewhat by a small addition of baking soda 1% to the eye dropper solution, to prevent possible blindness due to conjunctivitis when this condition spread. The magnesium is anti inflammatory in nature and works well, where standard cortisone and antibiotics don't work, but it also sometimes work better when the standard treatment does work. Therefore, I have decided to use this remedy for most skin conditions where there is a large reactions that occur in the skin as the primary care. If magnesium doesn't work, I may be forced to use tannic acid solution such as 5% to apply to the skin to quickly stop the inflammation, often due to reactive proteins or endotoxins, and tannic acid basically denatures them. Another one I may resort to is to prepare a clay solution using the bentonite clays should the magnesium and tannic doesn't work. The reason is that there is a toxic chemical by products from taking certain conventional medicines and the skin reddens and begin peeling. I had that problem before with my friend and had to resort to taking internally 20 drops of magnesium chloride (50-60%), plus multiple baths of bentonite clay. The procedure is as follows:
Prepare a solution of bentonite clay such as 1-2 teaspoon per 250 cc water and slowly dissolve them. When there is a clay solution, be sure it is thick enough to apply to the skin where it leaves clay solution stuck to the skin. If not enough, then add more if necessary. The solution should be a liquid clays solution similar to that of hand lotion. It is then applied to the inflammed skin and then is dried using a fan or a hair blower set on cold, to blow dry them. Should weather be too cold, the hair blower may be set on warm is more then sufficient. Once bentonite clay is dried to grayish color, you proceed to wash it off. This is repeated at least 3-4 times and the skin inflammation is sucked off by the bentonite and the skin condition should improve, with possible dryness due to the clay. It is then moisturized thereafter, if necessary. Common medications makes the body produce a toxic chemical through the liver's own toxicity, causing an auto toxicity. To prevent this auto toxicity, the best supplement I can imagine is the magnesium. Should magnesium don't work, then taking small amount of bentonite may help, but for me very little help, but did stop the intestinal and stomach bleeding internally (besides the skin!). The one last supplement to remove them appears to be the royal jelly. The ones I used is a fresh royal jelly, one teaspoon, one dose usually does it. The problem about royal jelly is I have to keep them in the refrigerator and haven't had a chance to test whether the capsule form works better or not, because the amount of the royal jelly in capsules is a lot less, rendering them in effective, hence my use of fresh royal jelly taken at one teaspoon. Most who did do this approach were happy and relieved of the condition, but in a few cases did not stopped it completely, but there were significant reduction in the condition that they become manageable, while most were reportedly cured of it.
Much of our deficiency in magnesium makes our body toxic and causes the body to eject them through the skin, after being processed by the liver to produce a very toxic chemical after the liver has metabolized them and is rid of them mostly through the skin. This is how SJS generally works. Therefore the magnesium simply reverses these toxicity and normalizes liver from producing them at the same time, thus stopping the SJS. In conditions where this has NOT work, in curing completely the problem, it is very much due to LONG TERM SJS, where opportunistic infection is being introduced, whereby I have to look more at antiviral remedies or anti fungal remedies, rather then antibiotics.
I am sure this SJS can be very varied depending on which type of medication or exposure by environmental forces, but magnesium is the general remedy in such treatment and is quite good in most of this problems, both taken internally and applied topically.
Los Angeles, Ca
Hi Ted,
The mag chloride/ dmso solution seems to reduce the burning sensation. Also took magnesium internally through various sources. It is just a slight constant burn now, but requires frequent reapplication. But it didn't make the redness go down much except on arms.
The rash appeared all at once on my full upper body, 3 days after stopping the fansidar medication which is the root cause, and has spread to the whole body the next day.
I was worried to death yesterday that my skin would die off, and still am because on the one hand I barely feel any pain, but my continued symptoms don't match your treatment picture. Would there be significant pain if my skin necrotized/burned? I was planning to sit through it until this sulfa drug leaves my body (it has a half life of about 5 days).
Eastern Nc
Would Olive leaf Extract be recommended for treating SJS? I just heard about this a few minutes ago, and I was wondering if Olive leaf extract would have a positive effect on this ailment?