Natural Remedies for Parasites: Effective Treatments for Better Health - Ted's Q&A

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Cloves Kill Fungus, Parasites, and Bugs?

Posted by Bea (Cleveland, OH) on 12/03/2006

Hi Ted, I've been reading thru Earth Clinic for a few days now and I love it. I am glad I discovered it. I have a question. I am trying to do a parasite cleaning by taking clove and wormwood with black walnut in tincture form. I also have acid reflux symptoms and I used to have stomach pain until a few days ago. I know the clove kills the parasite eggs, but would it kill fungus and bugs also? If I have fungus or a bug, should I try licorice tincture instead of clove? Thanks.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear Bea: Clove is well known to have fungicide capabilities too. Please review this patent and you will know:

Black walnut hulls are most well known for larger parasites and quite powerful, but a tincture form is best taken only in drops also. Wormwood (or artemisia) is also well known for parasites.

In my opinion the parasites for acid reflux is often the fungus and sometimes the helicobacter pylori.

Whatever the problems getting spices from local supermarket, of clove, thyme, oregano and cinnamon. The four musketeers would help kill them. To use this properly add them along with your food - you must use all four of the spices together.

Acid reflux occurs at fermentation whenever the food is in the stomach. To reduce fermentation the four musketeers should stop that.

To allow the food to be digested quickly enough without spending too much time fermenting in the stomach, taking at LEAST 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to 1/2 glass of water twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening before bedtime would help. Howeve,r the optimum dose I estimate, whenever you are sick rather than the maintenance dose mentioned lies closer to 1 teaspoon - 2 teaspoon of baking twice a day on an empty stomach.

If your condition is a fungus issue causing the acid reflux a medium size pinch of borax added to drinking water should help kill it.

Replied by Ray
Geneva, Fl

Ted, Can you recommend a good doctor that checks for parasites or Wrong diagnosis of lupus In Fla? Ray
