Natural Remedies for Osteoarthritis: Joint Pain Relief - Ted's Q&A

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Easing Neck Pain, Osteoarthritis

Posted by Anonymous (Anonymous) on 05/16/2011

Hi Ted, I am very interested in your column, but please help me with this problem, as to how much I have to take, I have kidney cyct on both side and also parotid tumor under the right ear, they do not bother me, but I would like to know if I can take your formula. Beside I also have many pain on my both shoulders and both arms and neck. my doctor said I have degenerative neck because of my old age 64. the pain sometimes is unbearable, the negging pain is 24/7 and is really terrible. I am under the care of chiropractic and also massage therapy. I have not been to the any rheumatologist yet. please help me. thank you very much. I also have a friend she has a growth on her adrenal gland and also in the liver. do you think methyln blue can help, Thank you very much for your help.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

If you have a bone problem and there is pain. Take doxycycline it will take about 3 to 4 days to significantly helped with your bone condition. It is caused by mycobacterium eating up your bones and hence degenerative. The doxycycline is the only thing that will help both the tumor and the pain. It takes on average 9 months of doxycycline therapy that's 1 x 2 on the first day, and one a day thereafter. Let's take care of the pain first. DMSO and lugol's applied to the area of pain will help some of the problems, but less then doxycycline.

