Best Natural Remedies for Dry Eyes: Relief & Eye Health Tips - Ted's Q&A

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Natural Remedy Available?

Posted by EJ (Middelboro, MA) on 11/11/2007

Does anyone have a natural remedy for dry eyes? I've tried flax seed oil to no avail. Can't wear contacts anymore due to dryness and am staring at a pc screen all day which seems to be making matters worse. Can't quit my job, so need a remedy. Any success stories out there for this? thanks

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear EJ: There are many causes of dry eyes. The one remedy that seems to helped my friend, and she gets really dry eyes everytime the fan hits her eye is the vitamin A and sometimes vitamin E is also taken.

It takes about 2-3 days to notice the improvement. The issue seems to be the antioxidant and lack of vitamin A, that they eyes seem to need more than usual.

The other antioxidant is the sodium ascorbate vitamin C. However, generally it is the vitamin A. A flaxseed oil sometimes worked, but not as well, if we compared to vitamin A or even evening primrose oil.

However in case there is the lack of lubrication from tear glands, from drying of eyes, the one problem with dry eyes is usually the lack of blinking that many nearsighted people seem to possess, which leads to dry eyes too. Acidosis can also lead to lack of tear gland production through the constriction of capillary. If dryness of eyes are noted, than 2 tablespoons of lemon juice plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water at least is taken either two or three times a day for about a week. The body once attaining sufficient alkalinity should cause the body to not only generate somewhat more tear glands, but also causes the skin to perspire easier, if not, more moisture for the skin in general. It should be noted that taking the lemon and baking soda sometimes lead to some people drinking more water as it causes the body to lubricate more from more perspire and perhaps tear gland working more easier through less constriction of capillaries from acidosis.

Certain free radical generated from using computer monitors usually calls for more antioxidant, generally being vitamin C, vitamin E, but also certain vitamin B2 Riboflavin, 200 mg/day in some cases too, since those are needed by the eyes too as it protects the eyes from blood shot and bright lights.


P.S One interesting case I have experienced concerns a 77 year woman who had a 10+ year problem with dry eyes where she had to use artificial eye drops, for a long time.

However, since she had a developing cataract problem, a L-Carnsoine 1000 mg was given to reduce the calcification and glycation problems related to aging, which also resulted in frequent muscular pain.

However, certain pleasant surprise happened that I didn't expect it to occur that soon, in that tears were back to normal, and she no longer needed the artificial tear drops. The reason was that glandulars system stops working because they are most sensitivie to glycation, which is a reaction between sugars and protein to form cross-linked protein, which causes the glandular system, such as a tear duct gland to be partially atrophied or somewhat semi-functional. While during that period the she also took some magnesium citrate, sodium bicarbonate and a small borax too. But most of the improvement from dry eyes were mostly from the L-Carnosine. Interestingly, the L-Carnosine also helped with other glandular system as a result of aging and glycation too, but L-Carnosine remains the dark horse of alternative medicine which should give much more importance in my future remedy.

The reason I refrained from mentioning earlier in the use of other remedies was simply that there is no L-Carnosine sold here locally and ordering them from other places were not possible. I simply had to test its result before I even post them first.
