Natural Remedies for Mycoplasma Infections - Ted's Q&A

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Ted's Remedies

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 392 posts

In some cases the cause is the parasites. But once they leave, the candida is still there before it can be contracted. Biochemical analysis indicates a yeast and mycoplasma pathogens. Mycoplasma are fungus like organism. They tend to accumulate heavy metals. A great majority of people who have candida also have very high heavy metals or get regular vaccinations. The urinary excretion indicates abnormally high tartaric acid, indicating a high level of fungus toxins, which causes the intoxication. An additional of parasites aid in the proliferation of such conditions and therefore in some cases parasites, such as mites, bedbites, bird parasites can trigger it.

They are generally resistant to all forms of antibiotics as it forms symbiosis with heavy metals, thus the antibiotic cannot touch them as it causes the antibiotic to be instantly oxidized. The only way to kill them is to kill the parasites, if it exists, or mycoplasma, which always exists, or other related forms of pathogens. The other which is most important is to remove the heavy metals.

The big issue is that when the removal of heavy metal commences, marked herx can be seen. EDTA don't seem to cause Herx that much. To kill these pathogens, it is necessary to do an H2O2+EDTA therapy. Remove the heavy metals and yet, oxidized them with H2O2. To reduce the toxic byproducts of these critter, take plenty of malic acid plus baking soda to neutralized organic acid toxins.

The taking of interval small doses of H2O2+EDTA every hour for 12 hours should result in some improvement. Acetyl Carnitine, N-Acetyl-Cysteine and sodium ascorbate taken in large doses, especially the Carninitine and sodium ascorbate (alkaline form vitamin C) seems most helpful. Candida is a condition caused by the body's immune system being suppressed as a result of chemical toxins (fluoride, chlorine, alloxan in white flour, monosodium glutamate, ethylene dibromide from chemtrails), vaccination(methyl mercury, living mycoplasma) , and special mycoplasma which are designed to suppressed the immune system.

The most effective antidote for the suppressed immune system is to eliminate or detoxify the cause. The use of malic acid (usually found in apple cider vinegar or taken separately) will not eliminate them but will reduce the toxicity. Sodium thiosulfate will detox many toxic chemicals, borax will detox the fluoride.

Sugar is the obvious issue to control, but alloxan found in the white flour is the real cause.

The extensive use of antibiotics will make the condition of candida much worse because it reduces heavy metal excretion, which is a food source for the yeast like organism and also killing the beneficial bacteria at the same time. I suspect a regular dose of sodium perborate (200 mg) might be best in counteracting the parasite issues or perhaps a sodium perborate bath. This is just my opinion.

I can't cover the cures for candida at the moment because I am a bit busy now. But I am sure that the information I gave you above should give you some clues as to the treatment. Just remember: the real cause is your immune system is suppressed, either by commercial such as fungicide which causes a permanent suppression of immune system or by an organism (parasites or pathogens). Best way is to avoid, detox, and regenerate your immune system organs by homeopathy.

Replied by Chris
London, , England

Hi Ted, my name is Chris, I am 20 years old and live in the UK, I have been ill since 2009 with Inflammatory bowel disease and mycoplasma. I no longer have a colon due to surgeons removing it back in 2011 because of Ulcerative Colitis even though I am now sure I have crohn's rather than colitis, I believe mycobacterium avium paraturbeculosis subspecies to be the cause of the crohn's. I also have chronic fatigue syndrome which I believe is caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae, I was recently tested positive for mycoplasma pneumoniae. I am lost on how to get well, I constantly feel ill and flu-like I am losing my hair, have a lot of skin rashes/problems have a lot of bowel problems, I am currently taking azithromycin 250mg a day for the past week, it seems to be making me worse. I am also on a whole lot of supplements including ambrotose, niacinamide 500mg, energy revitilization system, NTfactor, Vitamin c ascorbate and more, I also stick to a strict NO dairy, gluten, preservative, sugar (apart from one banana a day) diet. I feel my body is slowly getting worse and I can't live like this, I am lost on what to do. I have read about your borax treatment and am not sure exactly how to take it, do I take 1/8 of a teaspoon mixed with 1 litre of water all at once, or can I store it and have it throughout the day? I have a J-pouch instead of a colon so will I absorb less of the vitamins and need more than most people? Which supplements and at what doses would you recommend I take. Do I carry on with the azithromycin? I can't rid myself of these persistant infections, please can you help me? I am desperate. Thanks chris

Replied by Anon

Hi, you need to go to the latest questions to address ted or email him direct. I hope you will regain health soon. I am not an expert on crohn's but I have a friend your age with it. I have read that you should eat gluten free. Also often people with crohn's are deficient in vitamins A and D as well as others but these 2 play a massive role in immunity. I would recommend taking a reasonable dose of a good quality cod liver oil. You could get tests done to check what you are deficient in. I hope you get better soon- you can heal from this

Replied by Chris
London, England

Hi, thank you for your reply, I sent the same message on the contact us section of earth clinic if that's what I am supposed to do for Ted to read it? I have had my vitamin levels checked and they are fine, I also take cod liver oil daily and stick to a gluten free diet which works well for my bowels, my major problems is my CFS, I feel so ill everyday to the extent where I barely leave the house, the list of symptoms seems to be endless wether it be swelling in the hands, ingrown hairs throughout the body or simply a fever, I cannot cope anymore, I am not sure how to take the borax do I drink it or bathe in it?

Replied by Rsw
Uniontown, Oh

Hi Chris, Please see this site for a probable solution to your problem.

Many people have found much relief from this condition with LDN. Please join the Yahoo LDN site, mentioned on the LDN site. It has over 10, 000 members who are very willing to answer your questions. Many members are from the UK and can tell you how to get LDN. It is very effective with autoimmune disorders, MS, Crohn's, many bowel disorders..... The list just goes on and on because it modulates the immune system and let's your body heal itself. It has no side effects and is FDA approved at a much higher dose than the 1- 4.5 mg that is taken at the low dose. Best wishes! Your life is about to get better!

EC: LDN is the acronym for Low Dose Naltrexone.

Replied by Timh
Louisville, Ky, Usa
2042 posts

Chris: just a few words of encouragement because it oftentimes makes a difference. You do seem to be very compromised and have already suffered the loss of the Colon but you are getting good info here from good folks. You are also too young to not win this battle. Keep reading all the "remedies" and "ailments" sections at top page. Take notes and keep a diary so you can increase your chances of regaining health.

Keep posting your questions and results will also help. Wishing you the best.

Replied by Chris
London, England

Thank you all for your replies

@RSW Hi RSW, I have been looking into LDN and am definitley considering it, I recently read that TNI BioTech aquired the patent to LDN which is worrying that big pharma now owns it, prices will go up and it will be harder to get ahold of, espcially here in the UK. I am going to see a homeopath for the first time next tuesday and hoping he can prescribe this for me.

@Timh Hi Tim, thanks for your words of encouragment, it means a lot. Sometimes I honestly feel I will never be well again, I am really lost, I am really interested in colloidal silver and hydrogen peroxide IV therapy but have no idea how I would be able to get that done over here in England. I was really hoping Ted could help me out with a treatment programme to get rid of these persistant infectionsm espcially the Mycoplasma Pneumoniae.

Replied by Timh
Louisville, Ky, Usa
2042 posts

Chris: good to hear back from you and thanks for your gratitude. After having battled chronic illness for many yrs, I couldn't help posting some encouragement to you as the sooner you begin treatment protocols the better. I was always too little too late, and simply progressed to near death, got sustainable for a few yrs, then got near death again. Just do everything you can to stay out of the trenches.

As for infections, the good thing about the Colloidal Silver is you can make your own. The UK can't stop you from making your own Colloidal Silver. There are many manufacturers of C.S. Generators.

I purchased from AtlasNova and am mostly satisfied with their products & service. I have long suspected the same Mycoplasma you mentioned but have no definite diagnosis; never-the-less I also purchased a Nebulizer and use Colloidal Silver inhalations treatments. Deep breaths of C.S. must kill the Mycoplasma on contact. Remember to restrict Arginine rich foods like nuts and chocolate.

Replied by Bill
San Fernando, Philippines

Hi Chris... Here is what Ted recommends for Mycoplasma Pneumoniae:

The important supplements for mycoplasma in general, whether they are tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, or other subspecies are sodium molybdate, hydrogen peroxide, bromelain, unripe papaya, and at least sodium bicarbonate...


Replied by Granny On The Go
Waco, Tx

If you are interested in using Colloidal Silver, it is very easy to make your own for under a hundred dollars.

I order .9999 pure silver from Amazon, here in the states, they have it listed for as little ad $20. That doesn't buy a lot, but you would be able to see how to use it to treat yourself for a small investment.

I found some copper wire from an old lamp project and cut off a couple of pieces of it about 8 inches long each. I purchased 4 "alligator" clips at the local hardware store and fastened them to each end of the wires. I already had a 6 volt lantern battery on hand so that is what I used.

I had some distilled water and a glass quart jar on hand, also a coffee filter.

I warmed a quart of the distilled water in a pan (not in the microwave), made hooks on the end of the wire and hooked them on the edge of the jar. Then I connected the wires with the alligator clips on them about an inch apart on the rim of the jar, and then connected the other alligator clips to my battery.

I have an older gas range, and I sat the jar near the pilot light to keep the water warm. When the water had turned a light yellow I removed the alligator clips and poured the Colloidal Silver solution through a coffee filter in a funnel. Viola!

I started slowly with taking the Colloidal Silver, fearing Jarish Herheimer Syndrome. I didn't want the die-off to overwhelm my system. I started with a teaspoon of Silver twice a day, but didn't get any results until after I was taking a couple of tablespoons a day.

I have, just this day, ordered a meter with my second order of .9999 silver so that I can actually tell how strong the Colloidal Silver is. The meter costs about $15 but It will help me get my solutions to be about the same each time I make some.

There are a large number of YouTube videos on the internet showing you how to make your own Colloidal Silver. Just ignore the one that tell you to add salt or use the microwave at any stage of the operation.

I bought 3 small bottles of Colloidal Silver at about the rate of $20-$25 per bottle, but soon realized I could never afford to buy enough to help me very much. I also feel that I make the same thing that the machines costing several hundred dollars do, only without the added cost of the pricey machine.

I am pretty sure that a rotary, diversified diet would be of some help with your illness. It would allow you to find out what is causing the problem. I have a friend that had ulcerative colitis and decided to try quitting coffee, she isn't completely well, but is remarkably better.

My best wishes to you for a healing. People who are naturally healthy have little sympathy for the chronically ill, even if they are doctors or are in other health related fields. In those cases, you may be able to find a specialist that is of help, but sometimes you just have to be your own doctor, you are the only one that knows what it is like inside your life!

Replied by Shelly
Chicago, Il

This question is for Ted. What do you do to get rid of the heavy metals? And.. ALL heavy metals, at that? If candida is the real issue, then chelating should be dealt with FIRST, no? I suspect I may have candida overgrowth AND a parasite of some sort... Perhaps heavy metals, too. Oh, and thyrodi probs as I have weakness, night sweats, and loss of hair. Initially 10 months ago, I got infected, but am still clueless as to what. I have burning pee, nausea that comes and goes, chronic fatigue, and now my joints are starting to hurt a little. I'm only 27! What the heck. I always ate organic everything, including personal care products. Could hormonal imbalance/stress cause mycotoxins? Or candida? Are they the same?

Replied by Eve Z.

I suffered from Crohn's disease until an orthomolecular practitioner did hair and saliva tests on me. She found that my bowel was saturated with mercury, most likely from my amalgam fillings. I had them removed and went on a rigorous heavy metal detox. Two years later, I was totally free of Crohn's or any bowel issues.I've been tested by medical practioners to confirm this. Today, 16 years later, I'm still without any bowel issues. My health issue today is that I have had a chronic cough since I was in hospital for Crohn's and am wondering whether if could be mycoplasma. I work with children.

Replied by Timh
2042 posts


Mycoplasma is increasingly common chronic infection w/ very little in the way of awareness in the medical treatment establishment w/ better awareness in research or education community.

There are different genera of the myco's that have particular affinity to certain areas of the body like the lungs (pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis), joints (RA), and liver (elevated LDL), but overall, from what I know of it, they are all quite invasive as the immune system is very inefficient and eradicating them.

For professional identification The Institute for Molecular Medicine is a good source.

As for home remedy, Borax is quite effective against all myco's, but nebulizing Colloidal Silver or H2O2 may be necessary. The use of natural antibiotics like herbals (along w/ C.S. or H2O2) or the more powerful MMS may be needed.
