Natural Remedies for Lyme Disease - Herbal Treatments and More - Ted's Q&A

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Posted by Anonymous (Anonymous) on 07/03/2011

Ted, I know you get lots of requests for help and that is why I have only emailed you twice. We need help. My daughter Kristy is 35 years old and has been having some health challenges. The medical doctor diagnosed her as having lupus like symptoms. She complains mostly about a pain in her left side, under her rib cage and in her back on the left side. She has had hair falling out, swelling in hands and feet, sore throat, chills, rash, brown spots on her the palm of her hands, fatigue, and some other symptoms. One doctor refused to treat her because she did not want to take the medication prescribed. Most recently two weeks ago, they had her go direct to the ER to run tests. Thank God the tests all came back normal. Last week they ran another test and called her yesterday to say that the normal range for the test was around 40 and her number was over 3000. This refers to an ANA number. Today when I was at the health food store, one of the assistants was helping me and I mentioned some of what my daughter has been going through. She asked if she had ever been tested for Lyme's Disease. I checked and she has not. I checked several sites for symptoms of Lyme's Disease and she has had many of them. She also sees a naturopathic doctor and has an appointment next week. All I have seen on the web only talked about long-term antibiotic treatment. First, does this sound like Lyme's Disease is a possibility and what are some natural treatments if this is the case. Thank you for all that you do for so many. May you be truly blessed.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

First we treat for Inflammation before we do anything else, and it is alkaline that you may be interested in. There is no limit how much alkaline we need, but I used sodium citrate and potassium citrate, 2:1 and sodium bicarbonate and potassium carbonate mix. It is given 30 minutes or more after meals, 1/4 teaspoon three times a day. The person may need more, that you have to determine yourself. The thing that is needed is first thing in morning 1/8 (adult is 1/4) teaspoon of sea salt. The third thing is vitamin C (you find which is best), but my opinion is sodium ascorbate 500 mg three times a day. This will help healing and some aloe vera oil 5 drops internally. This will reduce the severity of symptoms. Magnesium is needed also I prefer magnesium citrate. Now I haven't seen your daughter, so this will only be general remedy. Once two or three weeks of alkaline, and salt and magnesium the I might get borax 1/10 teaspoon in 1 liter of water to drink and kill some of the bugs. This is the easiest and cheapest remedy I can think of.

