Natural Graves' Disease Treatment - Ted's Q&A

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Ted's Remedies

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 392 posts

Yes, a good way to get rid of Graves' Disease is to use the same protocol as the Lupus treatment that I mentioned on earthclinic. They work similarly. In addition the body's adrenal exhaustion may be at issue in Graves' Disease so try to take now and then a teaspoon of licorice extract. Since DHEA is an adrenal issue also, taking some of this may also help temporarily for the body to deal with adrenal exhaustion. This will allow the body to reset its hormonal system in balance.

Finally if you have a pathogen at issue, I suggest to take a couple of drops of 3% food grade H2O2 3-6 per glass of water. Don't use the drug store brand, as they have additives. Sometimes allergens that initiate a Grave's disease is coming from the skin. So spray lightly a weak solution 1-3% H2O2 over arms, feet and legs. At least it will remove the allergen source.

EC: Ted's remedies for Lupus are here:

Replied by Lisa
Atlanta, Ga.

I read that magnesium chloride flakes were good for this.

Replied by Mel
Toronto, Canada

I am 26yrs old and have been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism almost a year ago and now I look like a frog. I was wondering... Does bugleweed help with bulging eyes?

Replied by Beverlee
Groveland, Florida, Usa

Hi, I have been diagnosed with Graves Disease, over 6 years ago and I am still suffering from a few symptoms. Of course, when I was first diagnosed I was put on Tapozole and then surgery or the radioactive pill was recommend. Just to name a few of my symptoms, I did have the bulging eyes, lost a lot of weight, heart palpitations, tremors, sensitivity to heat, sweating and the list goes on. I also have goiters. I no longer have the bulging eyes and my weight is no longer an issue but I pretty much still have the other symptoms.

After researching the web and reading a few books, I decided to stop using the medication because it damages the liver and definitely not go with surgery and the quick fix pill. I was told with either option I would be on medication for the rest of my life.

I have yet to find a Dr (covered under my insurance) who will work with alternative methods. I know they are out there but because of financial situation I can't afford to pay out of pocket to visit these Drs. I know a person should never put a price tag on their health but unfortunately that is where I am right now. I'm still hopefully I may find a Dr under my insurance that will take my beliefs into account but until then I am still searching the web and have used this website many times and I'm so thankful it exists.

Since I don't have the guidance of a medical professional, I have been over whelmed on the direction I should take and which methods I should use to cure my disease. I know diet is extremely important and have been trying to adjust my eating habits. I did try to go vegetarian for a year but I think I was putting to much soy into my body and started eating meat and dairy again. I have cut back on the dairy but have a weakness for cheese. I also try not to eat red meat or pork and stick mostly with chicken or fish. I also think I shouldn't drink alcohol but unfortunately since I'm human I tend to have an occasional social drink once in a while. I have tried to eat organic whenever possible. I'm just now adding supplements to my diet. And because of this website, I have been drinking and taking apple cider vinegar pills.

Here is where I might get confused and have some questions. I do know I am iodine deficient and I've recently (4 days ago) started using liquid kelp. I plan on switching to a higher potent (milligrams instead of micrograms)capsule. Is there a difference in Bladderwrack and Kelp? I also want to add Bugleweed Motherwort Compound, Selenium and Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. I'm wondering if this is too much and don't want to over dose myself. Or if iodine is even good for someone who is hyper and not hypo?

I eventually want start doing what you recommended for the Lupus treatment but I'm sure I'll have many questions to ask once I cross that bridge. And finally (for now) I was wondering what the symptoms might be or how would I know if my body's adrenal exhaustion may be at issue or if I have a pathogen at issue?

I thank you so much for your time and please keep up the good work you do for Earth Clinic!

Replied by Bcnu147
Anacortes, Wa, United States

This is a quote from a book dated 1913 called, The Herb Bugleweed. I don't know if this is accurate or not but this is what it says, " Therapeutic Uses, Benefits and Claims of Bugleweed
Traditionally, this herb has been used to cure coughs and respiratory disorders. It is also thought of as a natural remedy for sleeplessness.

Bugleweed is a natural source of phytochemical compounds, including various tannins; lithospermic acid; lycopine; flavonoid glycosides; phenolic derivatives such as caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, ellagic acid and rosmarinic acid; essential oil; magnesium; and resin. Bugleweed's medicinal properties are said to be due to the presence of lithospermic acid, as well as the other organic acids in the plant's extract.

The Herb Bugleweed
(Lycopus virginicus)
Britton & Brown Illustrated Flora
2nd Edition (1913)
American bugleweed (Lycopus virginicus) and its European counterpart gypsywort (Lycopus europaeus) were widely used in folk medicine for and treating anxiety, tuberculosis and heart palpitations. Bugleweed extracts were also utilized by gypsies of old as a cosmetic as this herb is a major component for manufacturing black dye, hence the common name "gypsywort".
Extracts from this herb are thought to aid in normalizing heart rate, which is indicative of its potential as an alternative treatment for tachycardia.

Bugleweed is used as an alternative treatment to hormone therapy. Components of the plant may lower the levels of the thyroid-stimulating hormone and thyroxine. This action could be due to the inhibitory effect of the herbal drug on the binding of the antibodies to the thyroid gland.

Bugleweed herb is commonly used as a natural treatment for some symptoms of Grave's disease, such as palpitations and convulsions. The herbal activity is sufficient for mild cases of the disease and is considered safe for long term administration.

Bugleweed is traditionally used to stop iodine conversion in the thyroid gland and can be used as a natural treatment for hyperthyroidism and related diseases. Bugleweed extracts mainly affect the vascular tissues, as well as the sympathetic nervous system.
The leaves of bugleweed may also be used as a natural cure for wounds and abrasions."

Replied by Sam
Knoxville, Tennessee

I was diagnosed with Grave's disease in 2008. It is a long battle, using natural cures. Originally, all of my symptoms vanished through my use of Co Q-10, L-Lysine, Selenium and Lugol's Iodine smeared onto my thyroid by a dropper. From 2009 to 2012, there were no symptoms (fast heart rate, bulging eyes/neck, nervousness were all kept in check by seemingly being normal). One key signal for me that all was not right was the runs (diarrhea). Recently, I thought about it and bounced off questions and answers about hyperthyroidism with a friend. My solution to fixing the problem was Kelp (Iodine tablets), since most pharmacies will not give you Lugol's Iodine without a prescription.

1. Kelp tablets (150 mcg, brand name is NOW). One a day. I snap it in half with my fingers and swallow both halves.

2. Homemade banana pancakes to act as a sealant or to harden by bowel movements. It was either the pancakes or Lipton tea.

Finally, finally, finally! The Grave's disease is where it belongs as the name implies, in the grave. Watch your vitamin intake, sometimes vitamins can be a big jolt to the body. It's better to eat foods that contain the vitamins than to take the outright pill, unless your suffering from a specific disease that requires immediate vitamin attention. But even with Grave's disease only one pill is needed, an iodine tablet. If there are any changes in my thyroid, I'll post it up on Earthclinic first. Everything is good to go. I sleep like a baby every night, minus the waking up every two-hours to cry.

Replied by Steph
Vashon, Wa - Washington

Sea Kelp. I too have severe Graves and have started taking kelp. Amazing how much better I feel. Went off the Methimazole completely. Numbers from blood work were high, but I feel so much better. Just started taking a popular juice supplement today said to build the immune system. I will keep you all posted. I have decided to try the natural approach as I feel the doctors and medicine have only made me sicker. I never had a problem with my eyes untill I went on the medicine. Coincidence... I doubt it. Thanks everyone for sharing your stories this disease is lonely and scary and it helps to read others experiences. Good health to us all!

Replied by Loraine
Orlando, Fl

Hi Steph.... Can you advice what type of sea kelp you used? I am hypothyroid and had purchased a bottle of kelp to use. I couldn't though because when I read the bottle, it clearly stated that the product was considered to be carcinogenic in California. Needless to say I dumped it. I really wanted to try the kelp though so your input would be appreciated. Thank you


Hi Lorraine. I have been taking Puritans Pride brand sea kelp. I break up a 250mg tablet and only take about half to 3/4 throughout the day. I have a friend who knows alot about supplements and said this is the best brand. Everything I've read says its good for hypothyroidism. I am hyper so taking kelp is rather unconventional. All I know is I feel better than I have since I was diagnosed a year and a half ago. If you do try it start small cut in quarters and take your first dose at night when your home to be sure how it affects you. Kelp isn't like any other supplement you will feel your first dose.

Replied by Loraine
Orlando, Fl

Thank you Steph. Will definitely try.

Replied by Paloma

I read a few postings and was very surprised that some people advising to take kelp for an overactive thyroid (Hyperthyroidism) treatment. I am sorry, but that is complete misinformation. Kelp should profoundly NOT be taken in case of hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). Graves' disease is when your thyroid is producing too much thyroid hormone. Kelp will increase your thyroid activity.

Kelp supose to be taken only by individuals that suffer from hypothyroidism, to boost their thyroid function.

Bugleweed is an herbal remedy to treat your overactive thyroid, DO NOT take kelp if you suffer from Graves disease.

Replied by Shawn
Stanhope, Ia

I was diagnosed with graves disease 3 years ago after I lost a great deal of weight quickly. I was given all the terrible options of the medicines and of course radiation... I told my dr I didnt like any of the options but decided on the medicine instead. Then went home and researched natural cures.

My conclusion, bugleweed and lemon balm. I returned to my dr after 30 days (which I was supposed to be seeing how I was doing on medication which I did not take at all) My dr said he had never seen such a great improvement in anyone's numbers in such a short time, his conclusion was to have me stay on the previously subscribed dosage. I then dropped the bomb that I had not taken his medicine but instead chose to try natural medicine. He just looked at me and said that he couldn't recommend that to his patients. I just told him to at least tell his other patients of my experience and let them decide for themselves. I have not had to have regular blood drawn to check my numbers for 2 years and continue to stay in remission from Graves Disease. Please at least try this before drastic measures. Good luck. Oh I continue to take small doses of each just for good measure!!

Replied by Lori
Weatherford, Tx

I have been diagnosed with graves disease. I'm currently Taking methimozole but worried about the side effects. I read the posts about lemon balm and bugleweed. How much of each should I take?

Replied by Remi
Sparks, Md. Usa

Has anyone tried Ted's Cure for Graves Disease?
