Natural Cures for a Fatty Liver - Ted's Q&A

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Ted's Remedies

Posted by Rosemary (Az) on 05/14/2014

Hi Ted,

I have followed you for some time with never commenting. Just kind of doing some of your cures. I admire your work and am no curently looking at my health but, a friends health. My friend who has acid reflux disease has recently been diagnosed with potential fatty liver. Her initial test results in 2013 also showed concerns. They did a follow up a few weeks later and the test results dropped back into the normal range for whatever reason with nothing changed on her part. I only have access to one set of these test results which I will list below. This years test results showed concern and they will retest in 6 months. I also have these test results that I will share with you. I will not be able to entice her to take something labeled Hydrochloric Acid. Therefor, my question is if using lemon juice instead of hydrochloric acid does one use concentrated lemon juice from a bottle or natural lemon juice from the lemon? Also, does one still use 4 drops of lemon juice to the 250cc of water? Additionally, what are your recommended diet changes for fatty acid? I have recommended that she stop drinking diet soda. Your assistance with this reversal of fatty liver would be greatly appreciated.

Her test results of concern are as follows:


  • Hemoglobin 16.6 g/dl
  • Hematocrit 48.9%
  • MCV 99fl
  • MCH 33.7 pg
  • Glucose, Serum 103 mg/dl
  • ALT (SGPT) 35 IU/L
  • Cholesterol, Total 210 mg/dl
  • LDL Cholesterol 143 mg/dl
  • TSH 4.920 uIU/mL
  • TSH 3..20 uIU/mL
  • Thyroxine (T4) 7.4 ug/dl
  • T3 Uptake 26%
  • Free Thyroxine Index 1.9



  • Hemoglobin 16.5 g/dl
  • Hematocrit 47.5%
  • MCV 97 fL
  • MCH 33.7 pg
  • Glucose, Serum 107 mg/dL
  • ALT (SGPT) 47 IU/L
  • Cholesterol Total 203 mg/dL
  • HDL 39 mg/dL
  • LDL 139 mg/dL
  • TSH 5.130 uIU/mL
  • Thyroxine (T4) 7.9 ug/dL
  • T3 Uptake 23%
  • Free Thyroxine Index 1.8

Obviously, there is something going on with the thyroid as well but, her main concern seems to be the liver. Any help or advice you can share is greatly appreciated.

Sincerely, Rosemary

Replied by Rosemary

I guess it has been a while since I was actually on the site following Ted in/of Bangkok advice and did not realize that he had been snatched up by the authorities. It's criminal that they would take such a good person who is helping others and not really practicing medicine per se. Anyhow if anyone can answer my earlier post I would appreciate it. Thanks, Rosemary.

EC: Hi Rosemary,

Ted's back, though extremely busy, he does answer a few questions every month. We just emailed him your post.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

My experience with fatty liver is easily treated. It just take 2 months before they become normal again. Lecithin to be taken is 1 tablespoon twice a day, and maybe taurine 1/2 teaspoon twice a day in a glass of water. Taken between 1 to 2 months. Assuming is serious then 2 months and no alcohol and no fructose, the source usually is fruits and honey but also corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup and hidden in ketchups and drinks. If liver cirrhosis too, then selenium 400 mcg per day is safe dose. Ted

Replied by Rosemary
Az, US

Hi Ted,

Thank you for your reply, it is greatly appreciated. Nothing was said to my knowledge about liver cirrhosis. However, I am thinking the selenium 400 mcg per day certainly won't hurt. Thanks again, Rosemary

PS - So glad you are back.

Replied by Rosemary

Just wanted to add. Since I read Ted's answer to my question I am baffled at myself. I read through EC for solutions to my friends issue of the liver and thought I had concluded to the treatment of liver cleansing with the lemon/hydrochloric acid. Just goes to show that someone like me may want to confirm before running off and trying something we read. I was way off the mark. Thanks again to Ted for straightening that out. Sincerely, Rosemary

Replied by Rosemary
Az, US

Thanks again Ted for your reply. I finally got the goods that you suggested now to get started. I am wondering since cutting out sugar, sugar substitutes, artificial sweeteners, honey, syrup, molasses and fructose/fruits would xylitol be an acceptable sweetener during this process or am I just in denial? Thanks again.

Replied by Rosemary

Dear Ted from Bangkok, It has been a little over a months since my friend and I started your protocol for fatty liver. I decided to join her as I did a lot of research/reading up on Lecithin and Taurin. She has lost approx. 13 lbs and I have lost 11.1 lbs. I decided to join her because we pretty much eat the same things but, she eats or use to eat a lot more fruit than I do/did. Therefor, I was thinking I might have the same issue and wanted to hedge my bets. Also, I have a history of arterial blockage that I would like to clean up. The aspirin that the docs put me on does not leave me with warm fuzzy feelings and last year there was signs of new blockage. I personally will be retested at the end of this month. Is my question to you is in using Lecithin and Taurin for arterial blockage the correct approach? And if so is there a certain way and time that I should be taking it? Additionally, we are both taking sunflower lecithin because, I have hypothyroid for which soy is not beneficial. Thanks for any help/recommendations you can offer. My best wishes to you and yours.

Replied by Bee
New York, US

Hi, I don't think I have fatty liver but I was using Lecithin for gall stones and Taurine for hbp..... feeling gallbladder is not cured though...

I didn't lose any weight so I am bummed about haven't had blood work in awhile so I have no idea if anything changed for me..

Replied by Rosemary

To Bee from New York, US. Sorry you haven't noticed any difference from taking the lecithin and taurine. I do not know how long you took it. As for the weight loss if you will read above where Ted responded to my initial concern about my friends fatty liver he not only suggested the lecithin and taurine he also, suggested selenium (even though there is no cirrhosis) and that she eliminate all sugars; which we did. " alcohol and no fructose, the source usually is fruits and honey but also corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup and hidden in ketchups and drinks." We have another month to go for the protocol but, I think something is working. It's not like we are experiencing rapid weight loss though which concerns me as I have read that lecithin when cleaning fat from the liver could cause rapid weight loss. However, slow and steady weight loss seems to be preferred for the long term and keeping it off as we will be continuing to keep sugars at bay. I've not read about lecithin and taurine for gall bladder but, maybe I will look into that one just because. Hope this is of some assistance.

Replied by Rosemary
Az, US

To Bee from New York, US. Have you seen this post under Teds Remedies? It is very long but, I will re-post some of it here.

Ted from Bangkok, Thailand: "So, I must start with the basics first. Gallstones are really caused by a magnesium deficiency. In fact, at LEAST 95% of the U.S. population is magnesium deficient. Magnesium comes from food sources like fresh green vegetables. I have a strong suspicion that gallstones are also formed by lecithin deficiency as well as magnesium: potassium: phosphorous: boron being imbalanced. In practice, magnesium and boron supplementation will balance the necessary problems and bring to balance the blood calcium - which is quite high in U.S. Finland, by the way, had the same problems as in U.S. until they got wise and made a law by adding magnesium to their food and/or water supply. They now do not have high rates of heart attack as in U.S. but they have one of the lowest in the world (lower than Japan). My suspicion is that gallstones are also going in the same direction. Let's go back to magnesium....

I personally supplement myself with 2000 milligrams of magnesium chloride (other forms do not do well except of course magnesium bicarbonate, ...". I hope this is benefit to you.

Replied by Bee
New York, US

Hi, thanks for the feed back... well the Taurine is actually helping lower my blood pressure .. Maybe I just don't take the lecithin enough.. was only doing one tablespoon at breakfast or a bit more and that was it..

Also drinking lemons and I don't usually have high fructose corn syrup or anything like that .. Been very careful in reading labels although I do cheat every so often.. I do eat fruit though but mostly watermelon and not about to give that up ..

well I am almost out of Lecithin and still no weight loss.............but I have other issues going on.. It could be the medication I take for hbp which I am weaning off of that has contributed to not being able to lose weight..but then again people say its all in my head and not true.. I don't know..

Thank You
